Colorado university settling lawsuit with student falsely accused of rape

This week we're seeing what may be the next step in a hopeful trend on American university campuses when it comes to the whole "rape culture" saga. At Colorado State University-Pueblo, a student football player was dropped from the team and suspended after being accused of rape last year.

Polis Could Make History with Colorado Gubernatorial Bid

If Jared Polis wins the race for governor of Colorado, he would become the first openly gay person to win a gubernatorial race in the United States -- but breaking through the pink ceiling isn't a distinction that's a priority for his campaign. During an interview with the Washington Blade last week, the five-term member of the U.S. House identified renewable energy and education as marquee issues for his candidacy, downplaying the significance of achieving a potential first.

U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Masterpiece Cakeshop Gay Discrimination Case

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether Denver's Masterpiece Cakeshop discriminated against a gay couple , Charlie Craig and David Mullins, by refusing to make them a wedding cake just over a year after the case was rejected by the Colorado Supreme Court . Attorneys for Masterpiece owner Jack Phillips argue that a Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruling in favor of Craig and Mullins violated his rights as an artist not to create works that violate his personal beliefs, and they may find a find that Neil Gorsuch , a Coloradan who ruled in favor of religious freedom in an important case prior to being appointed to the Supreme Court, has sympathy for this view.

Colorado Considers Ban On Preteens Owning Cell Phones

A campaign in Colorado seeks to stop kids under 13 years of age from spending too much time on smartphones by banning retailers from selling smartphones for use by children. "Eventually kids are going to get phones and join the world, and I think we all know that, but little children, there's just no good that comes from that," Tim Farnum, a Denver-area anesthesiologist told The Coloradoan .

Hickenlooper blasts House approval for American Health Care Act

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper blasted the U.S. House of Representative's passage of the American Health Care Act on Thursday, saying that the bill, "threatens to end health insurance coverage for hundreds of thousands of hard working Coloradans." Hickenlooper's lieutenant governor, former health care executive Donna Lynne, said the AHCA scrambles the state's health safety net.

Fight likely in review of parks

The Interior Department is to review large-scale national monuments in Colorado and Utah under an executive order that Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said gives new voice to rural Americans. "Finally, rural America has a voice again," Zinke said Wednesday as President Donald J. Trump announced the executive order to study the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument in Colorado and Grand Staircase-Escalante and Bears Ears national monuments in Utah.

Gardner facing political karma on vote to replace Obamacare

There is some political karma in the fact that Republican Sen. Cory Gardner, who accused his predecessor Mark Udall of casting the deciding vote on the Affordable Care Act, will be a key decider of whether the GOP's plan to replace it passes. Colorado's newest senator is positioned to demand much - if the question breaks on party lines - in this Republican-led effort to reform both Obamacare and Medicaid.

Study highlights contributions made by Colo. immigrants

Colorado has more than half a million foreign-born residents who contribute billions of dollars to the economy, according to a new study to be released today on the impact immigrants have on the state. The New American Economy, a national bipartisan group of elected officials and business leaders, is trying to show just what impacts immigrants - here legally or not - have on the nation.

Colorado GOP launches campaign against insurance exchange

Supporters of the Affordable Care Act who are also opponents of Colorado's GOP-led plan to undo Colorado's state-run insurance exchange gather for a rally organized by the national Save My Care Bus Tour, on the state Capitol steps in Denver, Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2017. A bill being heard in the Senate Finance Committee would abolish the state-run health insurance exchange.

Meet Neil Gorsuch: a fly-fishing Scalia fan

Donald Trump, who has made some pretty out-of-the-box choices since he became president of the United States, decided to go establishment for his first Supreme Court pick. Judge Neil Gorsuch is a laid back, fly-fishing, fourth-generation Coloradan who also happens to have an Ivy League education, a brilliant legal mind and an established judicial record.

Colorado considers ending longtime switchblade knife ban

A Massachusetts man who authorities say assaulted a Muslim airline employee at New York's Kennedy Airport is facing hate crime charges Colorado lawmakers are moving forward with a bill to repeal the state's ban on switchblade knives enacted in 1963 Vice President Mike Pence tells crowd gathered in Washington for the annual March for Life rally that ending taxpayer-funded abortion is an important priority of President Donald Trump Vice President Mike Pence addresses a crowd gathered in Washington for the March for Life rally, held annually in Washington by abortion opponents The University of Wisconsin-Madison chancellor's response to a student trying to set up a pro-white group on campus further alienates minorities as they struggle for a better campus experience, student leaders said... The University of Wisconsin-Madison chancellor's response to a student trying to set up a pro-white ... (more)

Big names in Colorado politics line up for governor’s race

The Denver Post reports prospective candidates include U.S. Rep. Ed Perlmutter and former U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar on the Democratic side. State Treasurer Walker Stapleton and District Attorney George Brauchler are exploring bids on the Republican side.

Guest Column: Energy sabotage costs Colorado jobs.and Democrats blue collar support

Election postmortems often mention how blue-collar Democrats abandoned their party in big numbers, tipping the race toward President-Elect Donald Trump. But only rarely do writers link these politically damaging defections to the party's job-killing energy attitudes, though to me the connection is crystal clear.

Measuring, protecting and supporting the outdoor industry

Coloradans already know, intuitively, what a big role the outdoor recreation industry plays in driving the economy. Less appreciated in Washington, however, is how consumer spending in that sector of the economy supports, or could support, the conservation of public lands and wild animals.

Small Businesses Eye Ballot Measures On Election Day

While all eyes are on the Election Day matchup between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, small business owners across the country look on at various Election Day ballot initiatives that threaten their companies, employees, and communities. In four states - Arizona, Colorado, Maine, and Washington - voters face ballot initiatives asking whether they want to dramatically raise their states' minimum wage to $12 in the former three and $13.50 in the latter.

Judge: No sharing selfies with marked California ballots

Springs, speaks with members of the media before a hearing at the Alfred A. Arraj Courthouse, where Hill challenged a law that bans the taking of selfie photos by voters showing a comp... . A Federal Protective Service officer enters the Alfred A. Arraj Courthouse past signs placed by those protesting against the ban to take selfie photos by voters showing a completed ballot, in Denver, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016... .

Early voting update: Black vote declining with 24.4 million ballots cast

A dip in African-American turnout has knocked Democratic early voting numbers off their 2012 pace in key battleground states like North Carolina. The trend is also evident in early vote data from other swing states that could play key roles in deciding the election, including Florida and Georgia.