Ohio’s Gov. Kasich Supports Alexander-Murray Health-Care Compromise

A deal on health care from Republican Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington has limited support among senators of both parties. Statehouse correspondent Karen Kasler asked Gov. John Kasich about that deal, which looks very similar to one he worked on with Democratic Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper .

Colorado’s governor bets legislators can fix spending law

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper is betting state lawmakers can fix a mistake in an intricate spending law without jeopardizing hard-won compromises that spared rural hospitals drastic budget cuts and provided $1.9 billion for transportation. Hickenlooper called a special session to restore the ability of Denver's Regional Transportation District and other so-called special districts to collect standard state sales taxes on recreational marijuana.

Hickenlooper praises bipartisan caucus, skeptics remain wary

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on Friday heralded the greatest achievement yet of a new political group trying to break the gridlock between Republicans and Democrats in Congress. "You guys make the laws," Hickenlooper told congressmen standing nearby, as he spoke behind the U.S. Capitol building.

Kasich Considering Teaming Up With Democrat For 2020 Run

Former Gov. John Kasich of Ohio is open to the possibility of running with Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper for the presidency in 2020, according to a Friday report from Axios. Both Kasich and Hickenlooper have a history of speaking at conferences on their views on health care, and they plan to expand their speaking portfolios to include their views on immigration and job creation, two issues that President Donald Trump campaigned on during the course of the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats launch new group aimed at Republican strongholds

A jury is expected to be seated soon in Taylor Swift's civil trial involving a groping allegation against a former DJ. ATLANTA - Dissatisfied with Democratic fortunes in the era of President Donald Trump, a group of prominent Democrats is forming an organization outside the formal party structure with the goal of winning again in Republican-dominated middle America.

Diesel drivers who are “rolling coal” in Colorado: Tune up or pay up

Gov. John Hickenlooper this week said he'll gladly sign into law a bill lawmakers passed that lets police hit offenders with $100 fines. Colorado is riding hard on diesel truck drivers who "roll coal," the politically charged display of power on the roads that has doused other vehicles, such as environmentally friendly Priuses, and pedestrians, including supporters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, with sooty black smoke.

Introducing Doug Robinson, Mitt Romney Nephew Running for Colorado Governor

Doug Robinson , the latest hopeful to announce for the 2018 Colorado governor's race, is the nephew of Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts and the 2012 Republican candidate for president. But Robinson is optimistic that his experience in the technology industry, his passion for issues such as education and his status as a political outsider will help him top the better-known candidates with whom he's competing.

Senate rejects Clifton woman’s place on civil rights commission

In a move rarely seen, Republicans in the Colorado Senate, on a party-line vote, rejected the reappointment of Clifton resident Heidi Hess, a Democrat, to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission. The rejection of a governor's appointment came as a surprise for most, since such things rarely occur regardless of what party controls the governor's office.

Hickenlooper blasts House approval for American Health Care Act

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper blasted the U.S. House of Representative's passage of the American Health Care Act on Thursday, saying that the bill, "threatens to end health insurance coverage for hundreds of thousands of hard working Coloradans." Hickenlooper's lieutenant governor, former health care executive Donna Lynne, said the AHCA scrambles the state's health safety net.

The top-10 issues facing Colorado lawmakers in the 2017 session

The 2016 election returned a split legislature that will face the same questions this year with the addition of a new complication - a new Donald Trump administration promising big changes. Republican and Democratic legislative leaders are easing toward agreements to earmark money for road construction and overhaul legal remedies for construction defects, but significant details remain unresolved.

New Legislative Session Brings $500 Million Deficit, Uncertainty

New Legislative Session Brings $500 Million Deficit, Uncertainty With one eye on a $500 million state budget gap and the other on Washington, Gov. John Hickenlooper and a split Colorado Legislature enter the 2017 lawmaking session with little expectation of fiscal reform and plenty of uncertainty over transportation, the state's Medicaid bills, affordable housing and illegal pot sales. Jury Convicts Man Accused Of Concealing Victim In A Barrel A Nebraska man accused of killing another man and hiding his body in a barrel has been found guilty of first-degree murder.

Crisanta Duran, Colorado House Democratic leader, set to address DNC Thursday

Colorado House Democratic leader Crisanta Duran will tell the story of Colorado, women and Latinos at the Democratic National Convention between 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. Thursday. And although she received only a week's notice to prepare the biggest speech of her political career so far, Duran's past aligns well with the campaign of presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.

The Latest: Colorado disappointed with New Mexico lawsuit

In this Aug. 14, 2015, file photo, water flows through a series of sediment retention ponds built to reduce heavy metal and chemical contaminants from the Gold King Mine wastewater accident, in the spillway downstream from the mine, outside Silverton, Colo. New Mexico is suing the state of Colorado, saying its neighbor to the north should be held responsible for the contamination caused by the 2015 Gold King Mine spill as well as decades of toxic drainage from mines near the headwaters of the Animas River.