A Promising Backup to the Honeybee Is Shut Down

The almond industry contributes an estimated $21 billion annually to California's economy and it is completely dependent on honeybees for its existence. For eight years the Wonderful Company, the world's largest almond grower, had been funding a large research project to breed another commercial pollinator - Osmia lignaria, aka the blue orchard bee, or BOB - to help the beleaguered honeybee in their vast orchards.

Three cups of coffee each day slashes risk of liver cancer

The son former NFL star Rae Carruth tried to kill: Disabled teen who was pulled from his dying mother's womb after she was gunned down turns 18... as his father enters his final year in prison for plotting her brutal murder Beekeeper who posed with 20,000 bees on her belly in viral maternity shoot suffers a stillbirth and shares heartbreaking photos of her baby in specially-made onesie PIERS MORGAN: What does Trump have in common with the detestable dictator Mugabe? They BOTH believe in elephant trophy hunting.

Forget Donna Brazile & Hillary: the Single-Payer Army Can Lead the Way

Only a few days ago, the Old Guard, elitist leaders of the Democratic National Committee , began showing their teeth to the thousands of Berniecrats they once signaled might fill cavities in a rotting party . Add thousands more Bernie Sanders diehards in dozens of grassroots movements-Our Revolution to BerniePDX-or the thousands joining party affiliates such as the Working Families Party and the Democratic Socialists of America.

USDA Invests in Research on Next Generation of Agricultural Technology

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture today announced 17 grants for research on the next generation of agricultural technologies and systems to meet the growing demand for food, fuel, and fiber. The grants are funded through NIFA's Agriculture and Food Research Initiative , authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill.

Believe it or not, the bees are doing just fine

You've probably heard the bad news, by now, that bees were recently added to the endangered species list for the first time. But if you're part of the 60 percent of people who share stories without actually reading them , you might have missed an important detail: namely, that the newly-endangered bees are a handful of relatively obscure species who live only in Hawaii.

Bar area and entrance to Morton’s The Steakhouse in the new Saratoga…

The state's decision to do nothing about a controversial pesticide linked to a global honeybee die-off has some environmentalists like Bill Cooke buzzing mad. A report on the honeybee health crisis, issued last week by two state agencies after about a year of work, concluded that research remains "unclear" on the impact of a class of pesticides called neonicotinoids on massive honeybee die-offs known as colony collapse disorder.