The Navy Is Naming A Ship After LGBTQ Pioneer Harvey Milk

The Navy is set to name a ship after the pioneering LGBTQ activist Harvey Milk, who was killed while in office in 1978. The Navy is planning to name one of its new oil tankers after the pioneering gay rights activist who served his country as a diving officer during the Korean War, Milk had to hide his sexuality when he served because openly gay people were officially banned from serving in the U.S. armed forces - a rule that lasted until 2011.

Demi Lovato gets personal at the Democratic convention

Comic Sarah Silverman joined Sen. Al Franken Monday night to urge Democratic National Convention delegates to unite - then stirred up Bernie Sanders die-hards with some choice words: "To the Bernie or bust people, you're being ridiculous." As a Sanders supporter herself, Silverman said she would now vote for Hillary Clinton "with gusto" as she continues to be "inspired and moved to action by the ideals set forth by Bernie, who will never stop fighting for us."

Republicans Use Hillary Clinton to Unite Divided GOP

On the night Donald Trump officially became the nominee of the party of Abraham Lincoln , the GOP's top leaders laid out their case for his election: Have you seen Hillary Clinton? The Democratic nominee on Tuesday night, perhaps even more than Trump, was again the star of the convention even as the night was tentatively themed "Make America Work Again" and focused on the economy. Few speakers addressed the topic of jobs, using their time on the podium to litigate a host of other issues against Clinton.

Clinton: ‘Party of Lincoln’ becoming ‘Party of Trump’

Hillary Clinton, standing inside the same chamber that helped shape Abraham Lincoln into the father of the Republican Party, argued Wednesday that Donald Trump was perverting what his party once stood for. Clinton, flanked by American flags and standing beneath a portrait of George Washington, said Trump is dividing the United States and is a far cry from Lincoln, who argued against slavery in the same chamber in 1858, famously telling the assembled lawmakers that "a house divided against itself cannot stand."

the Curious Case of Maureen Dowd: Shot: Fbi Director James Comey…

FBI Director James Comey stood before the nation and issued a list of Hillary Clinton's astounding wrongdoings Tuesday as regards America's national security - and then said he was not recommending prosecution because, in essence, what Mrs. Clinton did was "extremely careless" but not criminal . As he spoke, I recalled F. Scott Fitzgerald's peerless description in "The Great Gatsby" of a feckless wealthy couple: "They were careless people, Tom and Daisy-they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into .

The Greatest Show on Earth: Our National Political Conventionsby Lee…

Conventions matter - to the presidential nominees, to every candidate, national and local, running in 2016, to the party faithful, and to the public seeking the right leadership. A national convention is a combination of things - it's a political rally, a Fourth of July celebration, an evangelical tent meeting.

‘Trump Still Working on his Political Ideology’

Jeff Morris and Joyce Peppin represent both ends of the political spectrum in the United States of America - Democrat and Republican parties respectively. In an interactive session on the US presidential elections held at Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry , Federation House in June 2016, American leaders Jeff Morris and Joyce Peppin spoke extensively about the US elections 2016 and shared their views and insights on the most anticipated elections in the world.

Iraqi officials: 83 people killed in 2 bombings in Baghdad

Sheriff's officials in Tennessee say deputies found a large butcher knife with what appeared to be blood on it in an apartment where a mother killed her four children by cutting their throats. Sheriff's deputies found a large butcher knife with what appeared to be blood on it in an apartment where a Tennessee mother killed her four children by cutting their throats, court documents say.

Syria’s new US-backed force stumbles in first test

This file photo released Tuesday June 28, 2016 by the New Syrian Army, an anti-government rebel group, which has been authenticated based on its contents and other AP reporting, shows U.S.-backed Syrian rebels of the... Sheriff's officials in Tennessee say deputies found a large butcher knife with what appeared to be blood on it in an apartment where a mother killed her four children by cutting their throats. Sheriff's deputies found a large butcher knife with what appeared to be blood on it in an apartment where a Tennessee mother killed her four children by cutting their throats, court documents say.

PICTURED: Doctor Who’s new assistant Pearl Mackie is seen for first …

Taylor and Tom's VERY Swift romance: Now smitten singer whisks Hiddleston to the UK on her private jet to spend 24 hours with his mother Kindergarten teacher, 35, is shot dead at her parents' house 'by her mother-in-law while her young sons were waiting in the car outside' New York man who spent 20 years in prison for a murder he says he didn't commit asks judge to leave the case OPEN and that he should be fully exonerated Michael Jackson said he feared Prince would die prematurely and that the Purple Rain singer had been 'mean, nasty and rude' in a string of rants about his 'rival' What a disaster movie! Independence Day movie sequel bombs as critics mock Liam Hemsworth for trying to be 'Tom Cruise in Top Gun' and 'shockingly inept, hilariously dumb' alien invasion plot 'He's a druggie': Johnny Manziel's father says his son needs help as player's attorney accidentally sends text ... (more)

Abbey Clancy flaunts her impeccably taut stomach and tanned legs in …

Taylor and Tom's VERY Swift romance: Now smitten singer whisks Hiddleston to the UK on her private jet to spend 24 hours with his mother Kindergarten teacher, 35, is shot dead at her parents' house 'by her mother-in-law while her young sons were waiting in the car outside' New York man who spent 20 years in prison for a murder he says he didn't commit asks judge to leave the case OPEN and that he should be fully exonerated Michael Jackson said he feared Prince would die prematurely and that the Purple Rain singer had been 'mean, nasty and rude' in a string of rants about his 'rival' What a disaster movie! Independence Day movie sequel bombs as critics mock Liam Hemsworth for trying to be 'Tom Cruise in Top Gun' and 'shockingly inept, hilariously dumb' alien invasion plot 'He's a druggie': Johnny Manziel's father says his son needs help as player's attorney accidentally sends text ... (more)

Hanging with Homer! Ricki-Lee Coulter and her younger sister Emily…

Taylor and Tom's VERY Swift romance: Now smitten singer whisks Hiddleston to the UK on her private jet to spend 24 hours with his mother Kindergarten teacher, 35, is shot dead at her parents' house 'by her mother-in-law while her young sons were waiting in the car outside' New York man who spent 20 years in prison for a murder he says he didn't commit asks judge to leave the case OPEN and that he should be fully exonerated Michael Jackson said he feared Prince would die prematurely and that the Purple Rain singer had been 'mean, nasty and rude' in a string of rants about his 'rival' What a disaster movie! Independence Day movie sequel bombs as critics mock Liam Hemsworth for trying to be 'Tom Cruise in Top Gun' and 'shockingly inept, hilariously dumb' alien invasion plot 'He's a druggie': Johnny Manziel's father says his son needs help as player's attorney accidentally sends text ... (more)

Maggie Gyllenhaal shows off her long legs in seductive fishnets…

Taylor and Tom's VERY Swift romance: Now smitten singer whisks Hiddleston to the UK on her private jet to spend 24 hours with his mother Kindergarten teacher, 35, is shot dead at her parents' house 'by her mother-in-law while her young sons were waiting in the car outside' New York man who spent 20 years in prison for a murder he says he didn't commit asks judge to leave the case OPEN and that he should be fully exonerated Michael Jackson said he feared Prince would die prematurely and that the Purple Rain singer had been 'mean, nasty and rude' in a string of rants about his 'rival' What a disaster movie! Independence Day movie sequel bombs as critics mock Liam Hemsworth for trying to be 'Tom Cruise in Top Gun' and 'shockingly inept, hilariously dumb' alien invasion plot 'Akyra's life was short and shining': Youngest victim of Orlando massacre, 18, is remembered as a stellar student and ... (more)