There was one group noticeably absent from CPAC, the biggest conservative conference of the year

The "Stand With Rand" shirts were out, and the "Make America Great Again" were in among the younger crowd at this year's Conservative Political Action Conference. Libertarians, who normally make up the loudest and most vocal faction at the annual nationwide gathering of conservatives, had a noticeably diminished presence at the 2017 political confab.

The Latest: Opposition leader backs US tack on IS, Iran

Syrian media say... Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan is embracing the town halls that many of his Republican counterparts in Congress have avoided as people lash out at President Donald Trump's early actions. Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan is embracing the town halls that many of his Republican counterparts in Congress have avoided as people lash out at President Donald Trump's early actions.

The Latest: Malaysia to check airport for toxic chemical

According to police Friday, forensics stated that the banned chemical weapon VX nerve agent was used to kill Kim Jong Nam, t... . A police officer guards the main gate of the forensic department at Kuala Lumpur Hospital in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017.

Angry voters flood town halls of GOP lawmakers – Sun, 12 Feb 2017 PST

People react to Rep. Jason Chaffetz as he speaks during a town hall meeting at Brighton High School on Thursday, Feb. 9, 2017, in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Hundreds of people lined up early for the town hall with Chaffetz on Thursday evening, many holding signs criticizing the congressman's push to repeal the newly-named Bears Ears National Monument in southern Utah.

GOP lawmakers face angry, worried constituents at town halls

The voter identified himself as a cancer survivor, and he had something to say to Republican Rep. Justin Amash: "I am scared to death that I will not have health insurance in the future." The comment earned 61-year-old retiree Paul Bonis a standing ovation from the crowd packed into a school auditorium in Amash's Michigan district Thursday night.

Obamacare Advocates Set Their Sights On Republican Senators Out West

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill have rallied behind the case that the Affordable Care Act needs to be amended and not repealed, using the prospects of coverage disappearing as a cudgel against Republicans, including newly installed Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price. But the real action has been in the districts, where constituents and activists alike have overwhelmed phone lines and town halls demanding that Republicans put the brakes on their repeal efforts.

Anti-Trump crowds rule at Republicans’ town halls

COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS, Utah-A crowd of about a thousand people, dominated by opponents of President Donald Trump's agenda, packed a raucous town-hall event here in the latest example of increased activism targeting Republican members of Congress. Five-term Rep. Jason Chaffetz won his most recent race by nearly 50 points, but returned to his home district to find himself confronted by a sign-waving, heckling and booing chorus.

Rep. Amash: Trump’s ‘fear mongering’ is ‘irresponsible and dangerous’

A West Michigan congressman with a history of questioning President Donald Trump used strong language in tweets criticizing Trump's response to an unfavorable court ruling this weekend. The court decisions, which came just two weeks into Trump's presidency, struck down a controversial travel ban that has spawned protests across the country since Trump signed the executive order on Jan. 27. U.S. District Judge James Robart on Friday, Feb. 3, issued a temporary restraining order that prevents enforcement of the president's order banning refugee arrivals for 120 days, visitors from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days and Syrian citizens indefinitely.

Donald Who?:

Why the GOP Congress Will Stop Trump from Going Too Far : The coming resistance from Republican lawmakers who hate Trump, fear executive overreach--or both. Consider the many ways in which the substantial ambitions of GOP legislators could bring them into conflict with the Trump administration.