Massachusetts Tries Gun Control The Old-Fashioned Way: Higher Taxes

A gun bill in Massachusetts is looking to expand gun restrictions in the state through additional taxes on lawful gun owners. The legislation , sponsored by Democratic state Sen. Cynthia Creem, is one of many she said she has filed every state senate session in order to "to make it harder and harder" to obtain a gun, she told Wicked Local Newsbank .

House rolls back rule restricting gun sales to severely mentally ill

The Republican-led House voted Thursday to repeal an Obama-era Social Security Administration regulation to keep people with severe mental illnesses from buying guns. "The Social Security Administration not only overstepped its mission with this regulation, it discriminated against certain Americans with disabilities who receive Social Security benefits.

In Kansas, gun-rights supporters face pushback from campuses

With university communities pushing back and a political shift in the Legislature, gun-rights advocates who've enjoyed a string of victories in Kansas are facing a new test of their clout. A state Senate committee will have a hearing Thursday on a bill that would give universities, colleges and public hospitals and clinics a permanent exemption from a 2013 law that allowed gun owners to carry concealed weapons into more public buildings.

This Shooting Is The Single Most Important Reason To Pass The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

If you heard a scream of frustration emanating from the headquarters of Everytown for Gun Safety or whatever cushy mansion or penthouse Michael Bloomberg is in, here's what is probably the reason: Their nonsense case against the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act took another hit because of what happened on I-10 last week. Here's the brief rundown, in case you didn't already know: An Arizona State Trooper, Edward Andersson, had been ambushed and shot, and the trooper's assailant was straddling him mixed martial arts-style while banging his head against the asphalt of the interstate highway.

Gun sales expected to drop with Trump in charge, dealers at L.V. show say

Jon Scott is the director of sales for B&T and offers his thoughts on guns and the new presidential administration during the Shot Show at the Sands Expo on Wednesday, Jan. 18, 2017. On the heels of a record year of firearm sales in the United States, gun dealers at this week's Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade show in Las Vegas credited a combined fear of gun restrictions by President Barack Obama and growing public participation in shooting for sport as reason for the sales explosion.

GOP Rep Introduces Bill Protecting Gun Rights of Military Families

On January 5, Representative Blake Farenthold introduced legislation that protects the gun rights of military families by allowing the spouses of deployed military personnel to buy guns "in the state where they live due to military orders." This legislation is needed in light of the Gun Control Act of 1968, which bars law-abiding citizens from purchasing handguns outside their state of residence.

For gun buyers, ‘panic’ ebbs with Trump victory

Gun owners and enthusiasts are breathing a collective "sigh of relief" after the election of Donald J. Trump, one York County gun shop owner said. For gun buyers, 'panic' ebbs with Trump victory Gun owners and enthusiasts are breathing a collective "sigh of relief" after the election of Donald J. Trump, one York County gun shop owner said.

Experts debate gun control in New York State

For the second installment of the "You Defend It Debate Series," representatives from the largest organizations in New York advocating for and against stricter gun laws squared off in Old University Union. The event, held Tuesday, was hosted by the Binghamton University Speech and Debate Team along with Defend It Inc., a local debate organization.

ATF doubles down on marijuana gun ban, adds more explicit warning to firearm purchase form

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has long had an existing ban on gun sales to anyone who uses marijuana . The ban was upheld in a controversial 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in August; A medical marijuana patient in Nevada said the ban violated the Second Amendment, but the 9th Circuit unanimously agreed that pot and other drug use "raises the risk of irrational or unpredictable behavior with which gun use should not be associated."

‘Protect Toddlers From Guns’ – Hillary Goes On Nonsensical Gun Control Tear At Debate [VIDEO]

Hillary Clinton flip-flopped her way through answering a question on gun control during Wednesday night's third and final presidential debate. Clinton first told moderator Chris Wallace that while she is a strong believer in the Second Amendment, she also believes "there can be, and there must be reasonable regulation."

Fox ‘News’ Liars Claim Clinton Wants To Repeal 2nd Amendment

The scourge of Fox and Friends Weekend, Tucker Carlson, based his entire interview with right-wing hate radio host, David Webb on the fallacy that Hillary Clinton plans to repeal the Second Amendment, because fear is all Republicans have these days. Poor Tucker can't grasp that implementing common sense gun control measures does not mean anyone is repealing the Second Amendment.

What Did Hillary Mean? – ‘Those Who Will Do Harm’

Millions of Americans did, and I'm pretty sure that those of us who support gun rights were paying closer attention than most regular Joe's. The question is, just how close were you following? Trump missed some great opportunities, not only when it came to shredding Clinton about cyber security and her emails but also when she turned the conversation to "gun safety.

The District Where Democrats Want a Gun-Control Debate

The Democrat in one New York swing district is pushing a debate that for years was one of the party's biggest election-year liabilities: gun control. In her challenge to Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin in the 1st District, Anna Throne-Holst is placing the issue at the core of her campaign, airing two television ads focused solely on the issue.