Fact check: Romney criticized for assault-weapons ban

Mitt Romney's record on gun control came up this week during debate for a U.S. Senate seat in Utah , a conservative western state with strong support for the Second Amendment. Romney's opponent, Republican Utah state lawmaker Mike Kennedy, criticized him for signing an assault-weapons ban as governor of Massachusetts, a state that's long had tough gun laws.

Democratic congressional hopefuls gather at Las Vegas forum

Candidates for Nevada's 4th Congressional District shared their views on gun control and health care, and several opened up about being sexually harassed and losing family members, during a forum Tuesday night in Las Vegas. Five Democrats running for Nevada's 4th Congressional District, accountant Amy Vilela, state Sen. Pat Spearman, Nevada System of Higher Education Regent Allison Stephens, former U.S. Rep. Steven Horsford, Nevada System of Higher Education Regent Allison Stephens and Clark County principal John Anzalone, speak at a forum Tuesday held by NextGen America.

School shooting not likely to decide Texas runoff races Source: AP

A key Texas runoff for a U.S. House seat will test whether the national Democratic Party's establishment can overcome an insurgent wing more openly hostile to President Donald Trump. Others will set up November contests where Democrats hope to flip three Republican-held congressional districts, a once unthinkable total in such a conservative state.

Lawmakers return to Washington amid calls for gun control

Just days after a school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas, claimed 10 lives, some Democratic lawmakers want to call attention back to gun control, an issue that has consistently struggled to gain traction on Capitol Hill. Lawmakers are returning to Washington on Monday, but there's skepticism that Congress would be willing to take up a divisive topic such as gun control, just months before the midterm elections.

Black Conservative Hammers Jimmy Kimmel For His ‘White Privilege’

Campus Reform Editor-in-Chief Lawrence Jones hammered late night host Jimmy Kimmel Sunday on Fox News for the "white privilege" he enjoys as a "rich white man" while wanting to disarm law-abiding Americans. Kimmel started off his Friday night show by referencing the Texas shooting as another reason why politicians need to "do something" on gun control.

Tears follow bloodshed as Texas mourns 10 killed in school shooting

People embrace during a vigil held in the wake of a deadly school shooting with multiple fatalities at Santa Fe High School A 17-year-old armed with a shotgun and a pistol opened fire at a Texas high school on Friday, killing 10 people, most of them students, authorities said. The shooting at the Santa Fe High School was the nation's deadliest such attack since the massacre in Florida that gave rise to a campaign by teenagers for gun control.

Gun Rights Groups Oppose ATF Over Bump Stock Ban

The second of at least two gun rights groups submitted a letter Tuesday to the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in opposition to a proposed ban on bump stocks. Gun Owners Foundation and Gun Owners of America filed petitions with the agency, making points toward the continued legality of the apparatus which allows a semi-automatic rifle to rapidly fire.

Quick release of gun data called trailblazing and troubling

Gun control advocates are hailing New Jersey's release of near-real-time firearms trafficking data as a trailblazing use of federal information, but Second Amendment advocates and skeptical Republicans question whether the report amounts to a way around a federal limitation on the release of some data. Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy unveiled the data Tuesday as part of a campaign promise to strengthen New Jersey's already-tight gun laws.

Quick release of gun data called trailblazing and troubling Source: AP

Gun control advocates are hailing New Jersey's release of near-real-time firearms trafficking data as a trailblazing use of federal information, but Second Amendment advocates and skeptical Republicans question whether the report amounts to a way around a federal limitation on the release of some data. Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy unveiled the data Tuesday as part of a campaign promise to strengthen New Jersey's already-tight gun laws.

Democratic Congressman: Let’s Force Gun Owners To Turn Over Their AR-15 And Other Rifles

Honestly, who wrote this? Yeah, I know it's from Rep. Eric Swalwell , but who on this staff wrote this rather great piece of comedy regarding military-style assault rifles. He wants to ban them, buy them back, and prosecute anyone who doesn't abide by his proposed law : Reinstating the federal assault weapons ban that was in effect from 1994 to 2004 would prohibit manufacture and sales, but it would not affect weapons already possessed.

Democratic candidates debate whoa s best to beat Rep. Steve Knight

Republican Congressman Steve Knight's leading election opponents argued over how best to achieve Democratic goals on immigration, gun control and stifling the Trump administration during a sometimes scrappy debate Saturday night. It got heated when candidates Bryan Caforio and Katie Hill accused each other of lying in an exchange about whether the Caforio campaign was the source of negative literature about Hill distributed at the state Democratic Party convention, when Hill defended her refusal to join Caforio and Jess Phoenix in signing the "People's Pledge" to keep "dark money" independent expenditures out of the contest and when Hill tried to press her advantage as the longest resident of California's 25th House District.

Hey, Beacon Hill: Stun guns are too lethal to ignore

In the already heated battle over gun control, the state's highest court has dropped one giant hot potato on the Legislature's doorstep - even as lawmakers are looking toward a midsummer end to the session. The Supreme Judicial Court, following some rather pointed instructions from the US Supreme Court, recently overturned the state's ban on civilian use of stun guns - Tasers and weapons that use an electrical current or beam "designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill ."

Illinois county votes to become ‘sanctuary county’ for gun owners

Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler said they decided to "flip the script" and "make this a sanctuary county like they would for undocumented immigrants." Illinois county votes to become 'sanctuary county' for gun owners Effingham County State's Attorney Bryan Kibler said they decided to "flip the script" and "make this a sanctuary county like they would for undocumented immigrants."

Second Amendment Supporters Rally For Their Rights

Led by the 30,000 member Connecticut Citizens Defense League 1,500 gun owners and Second Amendment supporters rallied at the state Capitol Saturday. The rally comes less than three weeks after more than 10,000 marched in the same location to demand Connecticut toughen its already tough gun laws by increasing regulations by banning bump stocks and ghost guns.