Japanese submarine conducts first drills in South China Sea

A Japanese submarine joined a naval drill in the South China Sea for the first time, the Ministry of Defence said on Monday, in an escalation of Japanese activity in the disputed waterway claimed by China and others, Reuters reported. The Maritime Self Defense Force submarine Kuroshio conducted a naval exercise on Thursday with other Japanese warships in the South China Sea, including the Kaga helicopter carrier, which is on a two-month tour of Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, a Ministry of Defence spokesman said.

More People Use a Gun in Self-Defense Each Year Than Die in Car Accidents

How is it that so many kids raised on "Harry Potter", "The Hunger Games", "Star Wars", and all the Marvel action figure movies manage to miss a critical point of the stories? The lesson being: If you want to prevail over evil villains, you must have the proper tools to fight back. Millions of people protect themselves and their families with guns every day in the United States.

Hey, Beacon Hill: Stun guns are too lethal to ignore

In the already heated battle over gun control, the state's highest court has dropped one giant hot potato on the Legislature's doorstep - even as lawmakers are looking toward a midsummer end to the session. The Supreme Judicial Court, following some rather pointed instructions from the US Supreme Court, recently overturned the state's ban on civilian use of stun guns - Tasers and weapons that use an electrical current or beam "designed to incapacitate temporarily, injure, or kill ."

Steve King’s campaign criticizes Parkland survivor Emma Gonzalez

Iowa Republican Rep. Steve King is facing heat after someone managing his campaign's Facebook page posted a meme on Sunday criticizing a Parkland student for donning a patch of the Cuban flag. "This is how you look when you claim Cuban heritage yet don't speak Spanish and ignore the fact that your ancestors fled the island when the dictatorship turned Cuba into a prison camp, after removing all weapons from its citizens; hence their right to self defense," the meme said alongside an image of Cuban-American Emma Gonazlez, a survivor of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida, speaking at the March for Our Lives rally in Washington on Saturday.

North Korea says it’s not interested in meeting Us VP Pence

South Korean army's armored vehicles move during a military exercise in Paju, South Korea, near the border with North Korea, Wednesday, Feb. 7, 2018. Vice President Mike Pence said the U.S. is preparing to announce the "tough... .

The Seven-Second Rule: How to Avoid Being an Easy Target

So how do you avoid being a target? Enter: Steve Kardian, a self-defense expert with 30 years experience in law enforcement as a police officer, detective, chief investigator and FBI defensive tactics instructor. Through his organization, Defend University, he has taught over 200,000 women practical self-defense techniques and strategies to help decrease the chances of being seen as an easy target.

The US – Russia spat over Syria isn’t fading away

Yesterday the war of words was heating up between Russia and the United States, as opposed to the war of wars involving the shooting down of a Russian-made Syrian fighter bomber. Telling America that its jets will now be treated as targets was, in some respects, a rather predictable response for the Russians, but when such diplomatic flare-ups take place they frequently sink below the media waves again fairly quickly.

YWCA to offer free self-defense classes

The first will be a Women's Advanced Self-Defense Class, with no requirement to have attended the basic class prior, on Monday, December 5, 6-8 p.m. This class is designed to teach women how to avoid dangerous situations and what they should do when faced with unavoidable, unsafe circumstances. Class participants will gain confidence, knowledge, and the skills to protect themselves in this hands-on program.

Same sex couple who welcomed identical twins using donor sperm raise awareness

Jose Fernandez's pregnant girlfriend breaks cover to say goodbye: Devastated partner, 24, of pitcher is seen for the first time since his death as she joins his Marlins teammates for emotional memorial 'I never saw a kid, bro': Police release graphic video boy, six, being shot dead by cops 'in self defense' after it is allowed into evidence for murder trial of two officers Infamous teenager robber 'the Barefoot Bandit', who led police on a boat chase in the Bahamas after crashing a stolen plane, is set free on work release Taking ibuprofen could raise heart risk by a fifth: Long term use of the painkiller causes chemical reaction that puts strain on the organ 'I guess I'm having another Aleppo moment!' Libertarian Gary Johnson is stumped yet again when asked to name his favorite foreign leader Tropical storm Matthew LASHES the Caribbean with heavy wind and rain as it's set to become a ... (more)

Veto Override Makes Missouri Newest a Stand Your Grounda State

On September 14 Missouri's Republican lawmakers overrode Governor Jay Nixon's veto of SB 656 and made Missouri the newest "Stand Your Ground" state. Breitbart News previously reported that the veto override also abolished permitting requirements for law-abiding citizens who wish to exercise their Second Amendment rights by carrying handguns on their persons for self-defense.

For black gun owners, bearing arms is a civil rights issue

A photo provided by Dallas police shows open-carry activist Mark Hughes at a rally against excessive use of force by police, Thursday, July 7, 2016, in Dallas. Hughes told a television station that he was A defamedA by the Dallas Police Department, which tweeted the photo of him and described him as a suspect in the shootings of police officers.

Dallas gunman learned tactics at Texas self-defense school

The gunman who killed five police officers at a protest march trained at a private self-defense school in Texas, a school official said Saturday at the academy that teaches firearm tactics, including "shooting on the move," a maneuver in which an attacker fires and changes position before firing again. Micah Johnson, an Army veteran, received instruction at the Academy of Combative Warrior Arts in the Dallas suburb of Richardson about two years ago, a person who said he was in charge of the organization told The Associated Press.