55% of GOP Say Sexual Assault Not Disqualifying for SCOTUS; What Is *Wrong* With Them?

Supreme Court nominee judge Brett Kavanaugh arrives with Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley for the second day of his confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., September 5, 2018. What in the world is wrong with self-identified Republicans in the United States.

COMMENTARY The Democrats are responsible for Trump and economic crisis

Robert Reich, the former secretary of labor in the Clinton administration, published a series of op-eds in Salon and Newsweek recently condemning President Trump, arguing that Trump should be impeached, perhaps not least of all for suspected collusion with Russia to influence our presidential election.

Catholic Church Attempts To Dissuade War With North Korea

U.S. and South Korean Catholic bishops have called for the U.S. and North Korea to deescalate the current threat of war between them. Bishop Oscar Cantu, head of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops' international justice and peace committee, sent a letter to Secretary Rex Tillerson on Thursday urging Washington to avoid war and find a dialogue-based solution to the current tensions with Pyongyang, according to Newsweek .

The US – Russia spat over Syria isn’t fading away

Yesterday the war of words was heating up between Russia and the United States, as opposed to the war of wars involving the shooting down of a Russian-made Syrian fighter bomber. Telling America that its jets will now be treated as targets was, in some respects, a rather predictable response for the Russians, but when such diplomatic flare-ups take place they frequently sink below the media waves again fairly quickly.

15 Times Trump Was Guilty of Hillary’s Supposed Sins

To simply label the Trump administration as a herd of hypocrites undersells a tremendous capacity to lie without shame. Throughout the campaign, Donald Trump and his surrogates freely leveled a variety of accusations at Hillary Clinton and her team, but often the three fingers pointing back at themselves told the real story.

Recalled Newsweek ‘Madam President’ Clinton issue hits eBay

In this Nov. 8, 2016, file photo, Kathy Schmitt, left, folds T-shirts that she designed, declaring "Madam President," for sale at an election night party for Democrats in Seattle. Copies of a one-off edition of Newsweek featuring Hillary Clinton that carried the title "Madam President" that were recalled following Clinton's loss in the Nov. 8, 2016, election are being sold for hundreds of dollars on eBay.

Neil Leifer photographic prints going to auction in NYC

Hundreds of Neil Leifer photographs, including his iconic images of Muhammad Ali, will be auctioned in New York City. Supporters of Hillary Clinton apparently still have a chance to get their hands on a since-recalled commemorative edition of Newsweek that was set to be released if the Democrat won the presidential election.

Trump’s Financial Moves In The ’90s: ‘Genius’ Or ‘Colossal Failure’?

Most Americans remember the 1990s as a prosperous time when companies were expanding, wages rising and stock prices soaring. In 1997, Fortune magazine published a story headlined: "These Are The Good Old Days ... The U.S. Economy Is Stronger Than It's Ever Been Before."

Fire Chief Describes How SC Firefighter Took Down Suspected Gunman

At least one person died and dozens more were injured, some seriously, when a NJ Transit commuter train carrying 250 people and traveling at a high rate of ... -- Prince William and Princess Kate left their staff in a momentary state of panic Wednesday when they slid across a railroad bridge perched high above the icy wate... The first shipment of Brazilian beef has arrived in the U.S., with reports saying the initial shipment is a small one that arrived via an American Airlines flight Sept. 27 in ... CHAMPAIGN, Ill.