Michigan’s 11th Congressional District: This crowded race is all …

An open seat, a toss-up race, good candidates: You can't beat the race for Dave Trott's seat if you're a political junkie. Michigan's 11th Congressional District: This crowded race is all a political junkie could ask for An open seat, a toss-up race, good candidates: You can't beat the race for Dave Trott's seat if you're a political junkie.

We already tried one of Trump’s big tax ideas and it fell flat…

In an uncharacteristically short speech, President Trump went over the broadest strokes of the tax plan he and Congressional Republicans plan to unveil. The speech covered four main proposals, and the last one - a tax holiday for American multinational corporations that have cash stashed overseas - is a proven, abject failure.

The Latest: Ex-Sen. Levin offers documents in Russia probes

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, joined at left by Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, leads a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, July 26, 2017, on attempts to influence American elections, with a focus on Russian meddling in the last presidential race. White House senior adviser Jared Kushner arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, July 25, 2017, to meet behind closed doors before the House Intelligence Committee on the investigation into possible collusion between Russian officials and the Trump campaign.

National View: Ted Koppel – Don’t underestimate the cyberthreat from Syria and North Korea

As the Trump administration confronts the nuclear ambitions of North Korea's Kim Jong Un and the toxic fallout from Bashar Assad's chemical warfare against Syrian civilians, it is worth remembering that both dictators also command cyber-units. On the face of it, their impact is significantly less lethal, and they can easily be underestimated.

Caterpillar keeps digging itself into a bigger hole

Caterpillar recently reached a settlement in a class action lawsuit over allegedly defective heavy-duty diesel engines; a consolidation of a number of other lawsuits against the company due to inefficiencies in equipment, counter to what was otherwise promised. Though Caterpillar denies the allegations and has said that to litigate the cases further "would be risky and costly for both sides", it's hard to believe their leadership won't continue to dodge the matter and defend their position.