Judge Kavanaugh fit to serve on the United States Supreme Court

On July 9, President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, and in the coming months, the Senate will vote on this important nomination. As a senator, I take my responsibility to evaluate presidential nominees very seriously.

Hanson: Statues and the progressive war against the dead

Much of the country has demanded the elimination of references to, and images of, people of the past - from Christopher Columbus to Robert E. Lee - who do not meet our evolving standards of probity. In some cases, such damnation may be understandable if done calmly and peacefully - and democratically, by a majority vote of elected representatives.

Bill Clinton Gets Savaged on Twitter For His Selective Outrage Over Political Violence

Bill Clinton sent out a tweet condemning hatred, bigotry, violence and white supremacy. Far left Antifa and Black Lives Matter thugs have been attacking Trump supporters for over a year and not a peep from Bill Clinton, so his selective outrage Saturday drew a lot of criticism.

House bill faces challenges in Senate, but GOP already talking

The Obamacare repeal bill that passed the House Thursday moves next to the Senate where it faces daunting challenges because of the same ideological splits between conservative and moderate Republicans that nearly killed it in the House. GOP leaders have set up a working group of senators across the ideological spectrum to try search for compromises that could unite enough Republicans to get the 51 votes needed for it to clear the chamber.

Feinstein in 1999: Bill Clinton ‘Gave False or Misleading Testimony’

Seventeen years ago, as a Republican-controlled Senate concluded its impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., expressed her concerns about how future generations would perceive what had happened. Feinstein - along with every other Senate Democrat and five Republicans - voted on Feb. 12, 1999 that Clinton was "not guilty" of either of the two Articles of Impeachment the House brought against him.

The Most Important Election Ever

The Nation magazine recently declared that the 2016 election "may be the most important election of our lives." This really shouldn't be surprising, since nearly every presidential election has been accompanied by similarly breathless promises that it will be one of the most important of our lives.