Emails show cooperation among EPA, climate-change deniers

Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials working closely with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage and tout Administrator Scott Pruitt's stewardship of the agency. John Konkus, EPA's deputy associate administrator for public affairs, repeatedly reached out to senior staffers at the Heartland Institute, according to the emails.

Emails show EPA, climate-change deniers liaison

Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials working closely with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage and tout Administrator Scott Pruitt's stewardship of the agency. John Konkus, EPA's deputy associate administrator for public affairs, repeatedly reached out to senior staffers at the Heartland Institute, according to the emails.

Emails show collaboration among EPA, climate-change deniers

Newly released emails show senior Environmental Protection Agency officials collaborating with a conservative group that dismisses climate change to rally like-minded people for public hearings on science and global warming, counter negative news coverage and tout Administrator Scott Pruitt's stewardship of the agency.

Federal Legislation Would Require Proper Labeling Of E15 Fuel And Consumer Education Campaign

U.S. Rep. Austin Scott and U.S. Rep. Lois Frankel have introduced the "Consumer Protection and Fuel Transparency Act of 2018" in the U.S. House . The American Motorcyclist Association supports this bill.

Trump reversal of mining pollution rule challenged in court

Environmental groups challenged the Trump administration in federal court Wednesday over its rejection of an Obama-era proposal that would have required mining companies to prove they have enough money to clean up their pollution. The Idaho Conservation League, Earthworks, Sierra Club and other groups filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C. asking it to review last year's move to drop the rule.

Watchdog: EPA’s Pruitt demanded 24/7 armed security on Day 1

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt demanded and received unprecedented around-the-clock armed security protection on his very first day, according to new details disclosed Monday by the agency's internal watchdog. EPA Inspector General Arthur Elkins said in letters to Democratic senators that Pruitt himself initiated the 24-hour-a day protection.

Trump wants negotiations with California on auto gas mileage

Addressing a key concern for manufacturers, President Donald Trump has instructed his administration to explore negotiations with California on achieving a single fuel economy standard for the nation during a meeting with auto industry executives. The president met with top auto executives Friday to discuss the standards and tasked Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt to handle the talks with California officials, according to two people briefed on the meeting.

Trump’s DOJ Asks Court To Toss Out California Climate Crusades Against Exxon

The Department of Justice asked a federal court Thursday to dismiss a pair of lawsuits targeting a slew of oil companies for allegedly contributing to man-made global warming. Oakland and San Francisco sued five energy companies in March for engaging in a nearly decades-long misinformation campaign about the science of climate change.

Auto executives to meet with Trump on gas mileage standards

Executives from 10 auto companies will meet with President Donald Trump and cabinet officials on Friday to discuss the administration's plan to reduce gas mileage and pollution requirements enacted during the Obama administration. The auto industry wants to relax the standards, but not so much that they provoke a legal fight with California, which has power to impose its own stricter tailpipe pollution limits.

EXCLUSIVE: Email Debunks A Key Detail Of NYT’s Profile On Scott Pruitt’s Security Head

An email casts doubt on a key detail of The New York Times's profile on Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt's former head of security - a detail that impugned the impartiality of a top official in the EPA inspector general's office. Pruitt's former security head Nino Perrotta and Assistant Inspector General Patrick Sullivan were "spotted drinking beers together at Elephant & Castle, a bar across the street from the EPA headquarters," despite "concerns" raised over Perrotta's "oversight of Mr. Pruitt's security," The New York Times reported in April.

Pruitt to Hear Economic Arguments in Enforcing Clean Air Act

Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney, left, and Environmental Protection Agency administrator Scott Pruitt listen to President Donald Trump speak during a cabinet meeting at the White House, Wednesday, May 9, 2018, in Washington. Image credit: AP Photo/Evan Vucci Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt is overhauling the way his agency sets pollution limits under the Clean Air Act, announcing Thursday that regulators will seek input on the economic impact of enforcing the landmark federal law.

Trump To Allow Year-Round Sales Of High-Ethanol Gas

President Donald Trump will allow year-round sales of renewable fuel with blends of 15 percent ethanol as part of an emerging deal to make changes to the federal ethanol mandate. Republican senators and the White House announced the deal Tuesday after a closed-door meeting, the latest in a series of White House sessions on ethanol.

EXCLUSIVE: Emails Cast Doubt On House Democrats’ Latest Claim Against Scott Pruitt

Democrats mischaracterized emails between top Environmental Protection Agency officials to claim Administrator Scott Pruitt wanted "misuse" of taxpayer dollars by creating a new agency office in his hometown. Pruitt directed his staff "to establish a new EPA office in his hometown of Tulsa, Oklahoma," sparking a wave of media coverage that added to the growing list of complaints against Pruitt, House Democrats claimed .

Auto execs heading to White House in bid to contain CAFE chaos

Auto executives visiting the White House Friday, May 11, will to try to save the national fuel economy and emissions program from a Trump administration buzz saw that they fear could usher in years of litigation and uncertainty rather than the leeway they sought. Clean-air advocates have sounded alarms about a dramatic weakening of Obama-era efficiency and emissions standards described in a leaked draft proposal by federal transportation and environmental agencies.

EPA staffer leaked about Ryan Zinke to take ‘heat off’ Pruitt

Desperate to divert attention from Scott Pruitt, an Environmental Protection Agency employee recently tried to feed negative news stories about President Trump's Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, drawing the ire of the White House, according to a report. Michael Abboud, a member of the EPA press team, has tried to pitch stories reflecting badly on Zinke to multiple news outlets, hoping they would take the "heat off Pruitt," according to sources and correspondence reviewed by the Atlantic .

Lobbyist connected to Pruitt’s townhouse stay contacted EPA, despite denials

The lobbyist connected to a controversial living arrangement for Environmental Protection Agency chief Scott Pruitt emailed the agency on behalf of a client last year, seemingly contradicting his earlier assertion that he did not lobby the EPA in 2017. For much of his first year in Washington Pruitt stayed in a room in a Capitol Hill townhouse co-owned by Vicki Hart, the wife of veteran D.C. lobbyist J. Steven Hart, paying $50 for each night he used it.

California sues over plan to scrap car emission standards

Eighteen states Tuesday sued President Donald Trump's administration over its push to "reconsider" greenhouse gas-emission rules for the nation's auto fleet, launching a legal battle over one of former President Barack Obama's most significant efforts to address climate change. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt in April said he would revisit the Obama-era rules, which aim to raise efficiency requirements to about 50 miles per gallon by 2025.