Nation-Now 22 mins ago 9:48 p.m.ACLU blocks Trump’s unconstitutional Muslim ban

Protesters gather at JFK International Airport's Terminal 4 on Jan. 28, 2017, to demonstrate against President Trump's executive order to suspend refugee arrivals. President Trump's ban on immigration by citizens from seven Muslim-majority countries ran into at least a temporary roadblock Saturday night, after a U.S. District judge in Brooklyn granted an emergency stay sought by immigrants' rights lawyers.

Is Bruited Sec. of State Tillerson allied with Iran & at war with Iraq?

The problem? Iraqi Kurdistan is a province of Iraq, and the central government in Baghdad claims that petroleum discovered in Iraqi Kurdistan is under the control of the Baghdad Ministry of Petroleum. The attempt of Iraqi Kurdistan to export petroleum to the US without going through Baghdad created an immediate court case.

Raqqa, Mosul Liberations Progress as ISIL Loses Resources to Fight

A U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle approaches a KC-135 Stratotanker in support of a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve mission over Iraq, Dec. 7, 2016. The KC-135 provides aerial refueling capabilities as the task force supports the Iraqi security forces and the partnered forces in Syria as they work to liberate territory and people under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Iran Lobby’s Yellow and Biased Smear Campaign Against MEK

Tehran has taken nearly full control over Baghdad thanks to the Obama Middle East Doctrine , blueprinted to deliver a series of incentives to Iran aimed at preventing the mullahs from walking away from the already flawed nuclear deal . One victim of such a failed policy has been the country of Iraq, as Iran gained enormous influence over it under President Barack Obama's watch.

Senior Isis Commander Received Military Training In Us Three Times

A fighter of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant holds an ISIL flag and a weapon on a street in the city of Mosul, June 23, 2014. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry held crisis talks with leaders of Iraq's autonomous Kurdish region on Tuesday urging them to stand with Baghdad in the face of a Sunni insurgent onslaught that threatens to dismember the country.

MEDIAITE fails a fact check

Navarro: Trump is a shameless racist - CNN Video - Ana Navarro: 'Trump has turned the Oval Office into a s---hole' | TheHill Ana Navarro: I'm voting for Hillary Clinton and against Donald Trump ... " Iraq snapshot " : There is a lot of energy vested in the US State Dept -- therefore also in the US press -- for this round of elections to be seen as a success and a confirmation of something. But the spin suffered a blow this week when Mohamed Haidar resigned as Vice Chair of the Elections Committee.

Humanitarian Crisis In Mosul as Half of Displaced are Children

There is no telling exactly what the joint force of Iraqi Army and Kurdish Peshmerga troops will encounter in their effort to reclaim IS's last stronghold in Iraq, an operation that is expected to take weeks or even months. But aid groups, working in cooperation with Baghdad and Kurdish regional government authorities, have prepared for the worst.

Policy Prescriptions: Clinton and Trump on the Islamic State

If there's one thing Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump can agree on, it's that the Islamic State group is a global threat that needs to be eradicated. However, the two presidential nominees seem to disagree on just about everything else about it, from how to defeat the militant group, to which of them the militants prefer for America's next commander-in-chief.

The US helped clinch an oil deal for Iraqi Kurds to keep the Mosul battle on track

The oil revenue-sharing deal sealed in August was critical to getting the central and regional governments to coordinate planning for a push on the Islamic State stronghold Mosul, which Kurdish peshmerga forces surround on three sides, as soon as this month, the sources said. Brett McGurk shuttled from Iraqi Kurdistan capital Erbil to Baghdad and back again from the first half of April, culminating in a June 19 meeting in Erbil with Kurdistan Regional Government leader Massoud Barzani and Iraqi National Security Advisor Falah Fayad.

US to boost military presence in Iraq for Mosul battle

Members of the Badr Organisation undergo training before the upcoming battle to recapture Mosul in Diyala province, Iraq, on September 27, 2016. Photo - Reuters Members of the Badr Organisation undergo training before the upcoming battle to recapture Mosul in Diyala province, Iraq, on September 27, 2016.

Christians Are Under Attack By Radical Muslims Around The World -…

The mother of Samuel Alham, one of 27 Egyptian Coptic Christian workers kidnapped in the Libyan city of Sirte, mourns in front of the family's house in Al-Our village, in Minya governorate, south of Cairo, January 21, 2015. REUTERS/Asmaa Waguih While most Americans may not be mindful of the day-to-day persecution of Christians by the Islamic State, the founder of ISIS, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, specifically targets Christians for execution, rape and crucifixion, promising to march to Rome "breaking the crosses" of Christians.

Trump’s Corrosive ISIS Slur

First, he correctly observed that the roots of the Islamic State predated Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's tenure and, indeed, even the liberation of Iraq. It's an inconvenient truth to remember that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein fanned the flames of Islamism in the wake of his 1991 defeat in Kuwait and that Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's group killed an American diplomat in Jordan months before President George W. Bush decided to use military force to oust Saddam Hussein.