This California district has been red for over 20 years. Katie Hill could change that.

On a blisteringly hot Saturday morning in June, 10 days after 30-year-old Katie Hill emerged as the Democratic party's candidate to unseat Republican Steve Knight for California's 25th Congressional district, dozens of her supporters gathered at the campaign's cramped headquarters in the Los Angeles suburb of Santa Clarita to prepare for a massive voter registration drive. This last remaining GOP bastion in Los Angeles County is high up on the list of priorities for Democrats hoping to turn the district from red-to-blue in November.

Action Alert: It’s Been Over a Year Since MSNBC Has Mentioned US War in Yemen

"MSNBC chat show/Starbucks commercial Morning Joe did run one segment that vaguely mentioned the war on Yemen, but failed to note the U.S.'s role in it at all, much less that Washington is arming and backing the conflict's primary aggressor," Johnson writes. As FAIR has noted before , to MSNBC, the carnage and destruction the US and its Gulf Monarchy allies are leveling against the poorest country in the Arab world is simply a non-issue.

C&L’s Late Nite Music Club With ARP

Recording under the name Arp, New Yorker Alexis Georgopoulos has explored ambient sound, zippy synth-pop, jangle rock, late night dancefloor hypnotics, airy & exotic landscapes and full on guitar noise. His latest album, Zebra, brings many of those things together for a clever and lush voyage.

Excellent Read – “Nancy Pelosi: ‘They Come After Me Because I’m Effective’ “

Pelosi: "Thug" Putin is not welcome to address Congress if he accepts Trump's invitation to the White House You come at the queen, you best not miss. Tim Dickinson, in Rolling Stone , interviews "the House Minority Leader on the midterms, impeachment, her own party, sexism and the sexist-in-chief" : Pelosi is one of the most powerful women in global politics.

Flooding Could Severely Damage Internet Infrastructure by 2035

US engineers have identified a problem nobody had ever expected to confront so soon: the approach of the flooded internet, caused by worldwide sea level rise. Within 15 years seawater could be lapping over buried fibre optic cables in New York, Seattle, Miami and other US coastal cities, according to a new study.

Geithner’s Grift, Paydays, and Democratic Drift

Former U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner discusses his book Stress Test: Reflections on Financial Crises during the Politico Playbook Lunch at The Hamilton May 19, 2014 in Washington, D.C. What does it mean when Timothy Geithner, Barack Obama's bro-ish and apparently self-satisfied former Secretary of the Treasury, becomes president of a company that hoodwinks the victims of the financial system he helped rescue? If you care about economic justice, or if you want the Democratic Party to win more elections, the answer is: more than you might think.

Syria: Regime victory as Thousands of Rebel Fighters bused out of Daraa, Quneitra

More rebel fighters with their families boarded buses to leave southern Syria on Saturday under deals with the regime, a war monitor said, after hundreds reached opposition territory in the north. On Saturday evening, a second bus convoy prepared to leave Quneitra province, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

Ceasefire Announced After Massive Israeli Gaza Onslaught

Gaza's militant Hamas rulers said Saturday they had accepted a cease-fire ending a massive Israeli onslaught on militant positions after a soldier was shot dead, once again pulling the sides back from the brink of a full-fledged war. Israel and Hamas have fought three such wars over the past decade and Hamas agreed to the second such cease-fire in a week under heavy Egyptian and international pressure.

‘Disgusting Is Watching You Talk’: Neil Cavuto Barraged With Hate After Criticizing Trump

Fox host Neil Cavuto read through almost 10 minutes of mostly hate mail that he received after his blistering commentary about Donald Trump's handling of the Putin summit in Helsinki. As we previously posted , Cavuto shredded Trump on Monday, not just over the summit with Russia's Vladimir Putin but also over Trump's attacks on American allies and former American presidents, especially while abroad and especially while sucking up to Putin.

With Lurking Demand Google Be Broken Up, EU Hits Tech Giant With Record $5 Billion Antitrust Fine

The European Union hit Google with a record-breaking fine for dominating the mobile market. The European Union on Wednesday hit Google with a record-breaking a 4.34 billion antitrust fine and ordered the tech giant to make changes that will scale back its dominance of the mobile phone market.

‘Appalling’: Sure Looks Like Trump Crossed Out Line Calling for Election Meddlers to Be Brought to Justice

President Donald Trump looks at his notes as he talks about his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with House Republicans in the Cabinet Room of the White House on July 17, 2018 in Washington, D.C. Casting further doubt on the notion-splashed across the front pages of corporate media outlets Wednesday morning-that President Donald Trump has walked back his deferential remarks alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, President Donald Trump on Tuesday appears to have crossed out a line in his prepared statement to reporters that called for perpetrators of election hacking to be brought to justice.

After Infamous 2017 Pushing of Prime Minister, Trump Has Gall to Call …

U.S. President Donald Trump stepping in front of Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic while pushing him aside with one hand at the NATO summit in 2017. Even if U.S. President Donald Trump had not been caught on tape physically shoving Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic out of the way during a photo op at last year's NATO summit in Brussels, Trump's comments last night about the tiny European nation would still be galling.

700 Club’s David Brody: ‘Helsinki Stinky’ For Trump

On Tuesday, T he 700 Club spent a lot of time during their broadcast trying to figure out why Trump acted the way he did in front of Putin and the world. Early in the show, Pat Robertson described how bad George H. Bush was with off-the-cuff remarks and once they got him handled properly with cue cards he performed well so why wasn't Trump prepared.