Why is this Pizzagate truther meeting with a Russian neo-fascist?

After they were barred from entering the U.K., far-right darlings Lauren Southern and Brittany Pettibone decided to head to a different country altogether: Russia. Southern and Pettibone - the latter of whom has described herself as "one of the leading authorities on Pizzagate" - announced the trip late last week, and have already released their first video from the visit.

Family that lost nine in Sutherland Springs church shooting sues U.S. government

Charlene Uhl cries while viewing a cross with the name and picture of her 16-year-old daughter, Haley Krueger, at a memorial where 26 crosses were placed to honor the 26 victims killed at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs on November 9, 2017 in Sutherland Springs, Texas. against the U.S. government, claiming that official negligence and a lack of oversight allowed the gunman from to purchase his weapons.

New York Times Teams Up With Israel to Smear Slain Medic Razzan al-Najjar as ‘Complex,’ Not Innocent

"There is no debate. Israel has lied about the al-Najjar case repeatedly. The NYT wants to give some sort of face-saving excuse for this and all they can come up with is this subtle endorsement of the slander about her lack of innocence," Johnson, North, and Weiss write.

A Plan For The Nation

Nations of the world are divided mainly according to their economic status into three groups: prosperous, industrially developed, politically influencial; industrially-developing countries in a transitional state from poverty to wealth and influence; and poor, undeveloped countries living essentially in an unchanged past. The prosperous, developed countries endeavor to maintain their status of wealth and influence in world affairs by constant competition with each other, tempered by ventures of cooperation.

What Pranab wanted us to pay heed to on Hedgewar

Pranab da must have been aware of Hedgewar's role in the Non-cooperation Movement that sent him for a year's rigorous imprisonment but not before he said the following in the court on August 5, 1921: ""What obtains today is a regime of usurped authority and repressive rule deriving power there from. The present laws and courts are but handmaids of this unauthorized regime."

#MeToo Crisis Jolts Southern Baptists Ahead of Key Gathering

The Southern Baptists are facing their own #MeToo crisis as the biggest Protestant denomination in the U.S. heads into its annual meeting next week. A series of sexual misconduct cases has prompted the Southern Baptist Convention's socially conservative, all-male leadership to seek forgiveness for the ill treatment of women and vow to combat it.

So It Looks Like Florida Wasn’t Doing Required Background Checks

For more than a year, the state of Florida failed to conduct national background checks on tens of thousands of applications for concealed weapons permits, potentially allowing all kinds of ineligible people to be approved. Just as Florida was flooded with concealed carry applications after the Pulse nightclub massacre, the department that approves them stopped using a FBI crime database called the National Instant Criminal Background Check System -- something that flags any disqualifying history in other states.

Media Treat Trump Administration’s Partisan Fear-Mongering as…

"Progressive economists have long maintained that to the degree that Social Security needs to be 'rescued,' it could be easily managed through modest tax hikes," Johnson writes. On Tuesday, dozens of media outlets broke what at first seemed to be a major story about "the government" announcing that Social Security and Medicare will be broke in less than 20 years: If the lifelines of millions of poor, elderly and disabled were going to crumble in less than a generation, this would be major news indeed.


A White House economic analysis of President Trump's trade agenda has concluded that Mr. Trump's tariffs will hurt economic growth in the United States, according to several people familiar with the research. The findings from the White House Council of Economic Advisers have been circulated only internally and not publicly released, as is often the case with the council's work, making the exact economic projections unknown.

Ira Berlin, 1941-2018

Ira Berlin, who died on June 5 at the age of 77, was one of the outstanding historians of his generation, whose writings on slavery and African-American culture transformed how scholars think about these crucial aspects of the American past. He also made a deep mark as a documentary editor, as founder of the Freedmen and Southern Society Project at the University of Maryland, which has made accessible thousands of previously unexamined documents in the National Archives relating to the vast human drama of emancipation.

Senators continue search for sexual harassment economic data after Labor Dept. refuses to help

While those efforts have made enormous strides, nothing moves America like money. That raises the question: How much does sexual harassment cost? What is the economic impact to the workplace of men who impose their warped notions of sexual superiority on female colleagues? Harvey Weinstein isn't available to answer those questions, so a group of Democratic senators asked the Labor Department.

Daily Inspiration — —The greatest good for the greatest number—

More than anyone in the history of Western philosophy, John Stuart Mill is associated with the ideas that humans are individual, rational beings, that our happiness is a matter of individual satisfaction of our needs and desires, and that the sum total of individual human happiness is the highest good. When J S Mill applied to Cambridge at the age of 15, he'd so mastered law, history, philosophy, economics, science and mathematics that they turned him away because their professors didn't have anything more to teach him.

US Trade War with the European Union

Background The EU on Wednesday said a raft of retaliatory tariffs, including on whiskey and motorcycles , against painful metals duties imposed by the US would be ready as early as July. The European Commission, which handles trade matters for the 28-country bloc, "expects to conclude the relevant procedure in coordination with member states before the end of June," said European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic at a news briefing.

US Using “ethnic cleansing” to Set up Compliant State in Syria

The US is trying to ethnically cleanse Syria in order to kill off Syrian nationalism and create an obedient state, journalist Vanessa Beeley told RT following a damning report on the US coalition's military activities in Raqqa. Beeley, an independent journalist who has covered the war in Syria extensively, told RT that the US, UK and French coalition is using proxy forces to cleanse certain areas of land in the war-torn country in an effort "to replace them with a proxy that will essentially create a US controlled state."