Cities, volunteers clash over feeding homeless in public Source: AP

When Adele MacLean joined others in an Atlanta park to feed the hungry the Sunday before Thanksgiving, she left with a citation and a summons to appear in court. The case was dropped when she showed up in court earlier this month, but she and her lawyers say the citation for serving food without a permit was improper and demonstrates callousness toward the homeless.

Ukraine, separatist rebels agree on major prisoner exchange

Hundreds of volunteers have been on the phones at an Air Force base in Colorado, answering questions from eager kids who want to know where Santa is on his storybook Christmas Eve travels. Hundreds of volunteers have been on the phones at an Air Force base in Colorado, answering questions from eager kids who want to know where Santa is on his storybook Christmas Eve travels.

After chaotic start, Republicans make their mark in Congress

After a halting start, the Republican-controlled 115th Congress - sometimes in collaboration with President Donald Trump, often despite him - has enacted surprisingly far-reaching conservative achievements in its first year, among them a long-promised rewrite of the tax code, oil drilling in the Arctic and a series of lifetime appointments to the judiciary. For the new year, Republican leaders in the House have their sights on decades-old programs for the poor that they say are too easily exploited by those who do not need them.

Trump’s opponents plan mass demonstrations if Mueller is fired

Progressive groups are organizing tens of thousands of protesters to storm the streets within hours should President Donald Trump fire special prosecutor Robert Mueller, determined to intensify the crisis while testing the resiliency of the year-old "resistance" movement. The White House has repeatedly stated that Trump has no intention of ousting Mueller, a move that probably would require him to get buy-in from Justice Department leaders, including Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein.

Trump launches attack on FBI, media

US President Donald Trump participates in NORAD Santa Tracker phone calls with children at Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida. Photo: Reuters President Donald Trump launched a Christmas Eve attack on FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, whom he accuses of favoritism toward his former opponent, Hillary Clinton, and also returned to a longtime favored theme, excoriating the news media for failing to sufficiently extol his accomplishments.

Sanders: Middle-class tax cuts in GOP bill a ‘very good…

Suspicious Package Addressed to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Contained Horse Manure: Officials - Multiple law enforcement sources tell NBC investigations that officers unwrapped the box to discover it was filled with manure - A Los Angeles Department bomb squad responded A package for Steven Mnuchin caused a bomb scare. It turned out to be filled with horse manure.

Canadian orchestra launches probe after Dutoit allegations

Hundreds of volunteers have been on the phones at an Air Force base in Colorado, answering questions from eager kids who want to know where Santa is on his storybook Christmas Eve travels. Hundreds of volunteers have been on the phones at an Air Force base in Colorado, answering questions from eager kids who want to know where Santa is on his storybook Christmas Eve travels.

15 arrested in connection with Egypt’s church attack

Hundreds of volunteers have been on the phones at an Air Force base in Colorado, answering questions from eager kids who want to know where Santa is on his storybook Christmas Eve travels. Hundreds of volunteers have been on the phones at an Air Force base in Colorado, answering questions from eager kids who want to know where Santa is on his storybook Christmas Eve travels.

Christians in Holy Land say Trump and Pence have killed tourism and…

President Trump finishes out the year at Mar-a-Lago, tax reform accomplished - President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier. Facing Republican attacks, FBI's deputy director plans to retire early next year Andrew McCabe, the FBI's deputy director who has been the target of Republican critics for more than a year, plans to retire in a few months when he becomes fully eligible for pension benefits, according to people familiar with the matter.

This Christmas Eve, remember America’s winter soldiers

As your family sits down to enjoy a meal together this Christmas, spare a thought or prayer for families who have an empty seat at their table where a brave son, daughter, husband, or wife would sit if they were not serving overseas in the military. Because America enjoys relative peace this Christmas, it's easy to forget that we are still a country at war.

Senator Rand Paul Celebrates Festivus With ‘The Airing of Grievances’

Republican Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is celebrating Festivus, the fictional non-commercial holiday popularized by TV's Seinfeld . As required by tradition, Paul is doing an online "airing of grievances" about government waste, Washington politics, and a certain White House occupant with a penchant for tweeting.

Rand Paul pokes fun at Donald Trump, fellow lawmakers in annual Festivus tradition

Sen. Rand Paul , Kentucky Republican, took aim at targets including President Trump's Twitter habit and wasteful federal spending during his "airing of grievances" Saturday, an annual Twitter tradition inspired by the quirky Festivus holiday at the center of a 1997 "Seinfeld" episode. Festivus is celebrated every Dec. 23 with a plain aluminum pole and activities including a "Feats of Strength" wrestling match and the "Airing of Grievances," according to Seinfeld lore.

New year to be a challenge for Republicans in Congress

Ready to leave for the Christmas recess, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., walks to a news conference to discuss the GOP agenda for next year and and his accomplishments in the first year of the Trump Administration, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Dec. 22, 2017. Their tax bill triumph in the rear-view mirror, Republicans running Congress face a 2018 in which they'll need Democratic votes to get almost anything done.