Federal Judge Grants Stay on Trump Immigration Order for 2 Iraqis

A federal court in Brooklyn Saturday night granted an emergency stay on President Trump's executive order that bans immigration from seven predominantly Muslim countries for two Iraqi men who had valid visas to enter the United States but were detained Saturday when they arrived in New York. Trump's order calls for an immediate suspension of immigration from countries with ties to terror, including Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran and Libya, for a time period of 90 days.

Schumer, Democrats try to split Trump and Hill GOP over infrastructure

Senate Democrats are offering President Donald Trump a $1 trillion proposal to upgrade the nation's aging infrastructure - but he'd have to split with Republicans to get it. In their first major bid to force Trump's hand on a policy issue where the President's populism is at odds with spendthrift congressional GOP leadership, top Democrats unveiled their infrastructure package Tuesday.

Schumer will oppose any ‘out of the mainstream’ Supreme Court pick

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Sunday he opposes eight or nine of President Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees -- and could also attempt to block his eventual Supreme Court nominee. "If the nominee is out of the mainstream, we will do our best to keep the seat open," Schumer, D-New York, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" of the Supreme Court vacancy that Trump will get a shot at filling after majority Republicans blocked former President Barack Obama's nominee for a year.

Multiple Deaths as Tornado Hits Mississippi

At least one large tornado touched down in Mississippi early Saturday morning, leaving at least three dead and a trail of destroyed homes, collapsed buildi... -- Donald Trump was officially sworn in as the 45th president of the United States at the Capitol Friday, and leaders from around the world offered well wishes and ... Give me a lever long enough a and single-handed I can move the world. -- Archimedes High points of leverage in a cattle production system are places where strategic inpu... Minneapolis, Minn.

On first day, Trump signs health care executive order

President Donald Trump quickly assumed the mantle of the White House on Friday, making his first executive order one aimed at his predecessor's signature health care law and swearing-in members of his national security team to his Cabinet. Hours after delivering a stinging rebuke of the political status quo in his inaugural address, Mr. Trump sat at the president's formal desk in the Oval Office as he signed the order that White House chief of staff Reince Priebus said was aimed at "minimizing the economic burden" of the "Obamacare" law.

Trump signs first bill and actions as president

President Donald Trump on Friday quickly claimed the mantle of the White House, signing legislation allowing retired Gen. James Mattis to serve as his defense secretary, as well as the nomination papers for his Cabinet choices.

AP Ramps Up Smears of HHS Nominee Tom Price Over Stock Ownership

An attempt by the Associated Press to smear Tom Price, nominated by Donald Trump as the next HHS Secretary, began Wednesday after the opening round of a Senate committee hearing. As of this writing, the wire service is up to its third such entry.

Schumer warns GOP against jamming Trump nominees through Senate

Senate Democrats strongly complained Wednesday that Republicans were trying to "jam" President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet picks through the chamber, and warned they would not rush to confirm the nominees on a timetable being advocated by Republicans. "These past two weeks we have seen repeated efforts from the Trump transition, aided and abetted by Senate Republicans, to jam through nominees that hides their views from the American people," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, the minority leader, after a meeting with his caucus during which they strategized over a path forward on the nominees.

The Real Reason Trump Won: Part 4 of 4by Dan McLaughlinHow did Donald …

In , I applied the same analysis to show that Trump also didn't do especially well in the battleground states but won because the handful of states he flipped narrowly from the Democrats were almost all large states. In , I looked at turnout - specifically, what percentage of the voting-eligible population voted for each candidate - and concluded that, while Trump did better than past GOP nominees in some states, he still Today: why it's reasonable to believe that another Republican nominee in 2016 would have collected more of the votes Trump left on the table, and some conclusions about the relative importance of trends, candidates, campaigns, and demographics.

Unreachable elected officials, school choice, bumblebees, Obamacare, Rep. Ted Poe

Since the election, I have been trying to contact my Texas senators, John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, to voice my position as being opposed to repealing the Affordable Care Act, opposed to defunding Planned Parenthood, opposed to confirming Jeff Sessions as attorney general, opposed to confirming Rex Tillerson as secretary of state and to demand that the president-elect rid himself of all business conflicts of interest, and to support an independent counsel for investigation of Russian interference in this election to help the Republican candidate. My senators will not answer their phones or respond to letters or email.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer Weaseled His Way Into a Job He Can’t Handle

Sen. Chuck Schumer, the senior senator from New York, has ascended to the job he has always wanted, Senate Democratic Leader. Although he truly believed that in 2017 he would be Senate Majority Leader, not Senate Minority Leader, he is behaving like the dog who caught the car.

Britain in ‘front seat’ for U.S. trade deal, top Republican says

Britain will be in the "front seat" to negotiate a new trade deal with the incoming administration of Donald Trump, a top Republican in the United States Senate said, the BBC reported. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker said after meeting British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson that a trade deal between the two countries would be a priority as Britain prepares to leave the European Union.

Trump predicts all Cabinet picks will win confirmation

NEW YORK>> Facing a week of high-profile tests for his administration-in-waiting, President-elect Donald Trump predicted Monday that all of his Cabinet picks would win Senate confirmation even as Democrats charged that Trump's team was ignoring standard vetting protocol. "I think they'll all pass," Trump said of his would-be Cabinet, describing them as "all at the highest level" in between private meetings in his Manhattan sky rise.

Trump and Schumer: From potential allies to antagonists

In this May 12, 2016, file photo Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., looks from behind a poster of then-Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, while he speaks with reporters about Trump, on Capitol Hill in Washington. In the weeks after November's election, President-elect Trump and incoming Senate Democratic Leader Schumer sounded like potential allies.