Chuck Schumer Issues Warning to Trump

On Wednesday, the top Democrat in the Senate, New York Senator Chuck Schumer issued a warning to President-elect Donald Trump about his eventual Supreme Court choice. In an interview, Schumer said that Trump if Trump does not name a "mainstream" nominee, Democrats will oppose the individual "with everything we have."

Democratic dilemma: How hard to fight

Democrats plotting a return from the political wilderness are facing their first big dilemma: how fiercely to fight President-elect Donald Trump. A new conservative era will dawn in Washington Tuesday when the next Congress, dominated by Republicans, is sworn in.

Bolton blasts Obama as ‘vindictive’ for abstaining from UN vote

John Bolton, an adviser to President-elect Donald Trump, blasted President Obama Sunday as "vindictive," a week after the U.S. abstained from voting on a UN resolution declaring Israeli settlements in occupied territories illegal. "President Obama has very negative views on the state of Israel.

The Latest: McConnell says no to select panel on Russia

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is rejecting calls for a special Senate investigative committee focused on possible interference in U.S. elections by Russia and other countries. McConnell says a finding by U.S. intelligence officials that Moscow hacked Democratic emails in a bid to elevate Donald Trump "is a serious issue, but it doesn't require a select committee."

John McCain at odds with Trump over Russia

McCain, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, on Sunday joined Democrats in calling for a special select committee to investigate foreign cyberattacks, putting him at odds not only with the incoming GOP president but with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., who favors allowing the Intelligence committee to take the lead on the inquiry. "We need a select committee.

Dems to use hearings on Trump picks to court working class

Determined to hold around two dozen Senate seats in 2018, Democrats will use the coming series of confirmation hearings to try to distinguish themselves from President-elect Donald Trump's billionaire nominees and convince working-class voters who elected him that he's not on their side. While Democrats have little leverage to stop the Republican's picks in the Senate, they still plan a fight.

Trump picks Scott Pruitt to head EPA

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt is President-elect Donald Trump's choice for Environmental Protection Agency administrator, his former campaign manager told reporters Wednesday. "Attorney General Pruitt has great qualifications and a good record as the AG of Oklahoma, and there were a number of qualified candidates for that particular position that the President-elect interviewed and he settled on Attorney General Pruitt and we'll look forward to the confirmation hearing," Kellyanne Conway told reporters Wednesday.

Terra Incognita: Keith Ellison’s speech was an Islamic-supremacist, chauvinist diatribe

The real story with Ellison is that, as with so many religious-nationalist Muslims in the West, his views dovetail much more logically with the extreme Right. In mid-November Minnesota congressman Keith Ellison announced he would run for chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee.

Obama Said Poised to Block Chinese Bid For Germany’s Aixtron

U.S. President Barack Obama is poised to block a Chinese company from buying Germany's Aixtron SE, people familiar with the matter said, which would mark only the third time in more than a quarter century that the White House has rejected an investment by an overseas buyer as a national security risk. The president is expected Friday to uphold a recommendation by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. that the sale of the semiconductor-equipment supplier to China's Grand Chip Investment GmbH should be stopped, according to the people, who asked not to be identified as the details aren't public.

Trump taps Price to lead HHS, plans 2nd meetinga

President-elect Donald Trump moved to fill out his Cabinet Tuesday, tapping Georgia Rep. Tom Price to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Aides signaled that at least one other Cabinet nomination was imminent.

Trump taps Price to lead HHS, plans 2nd meeting with Romney

President-elect Donald Trump moved to fill out his Cabinet Tuesday, tapping Georgia Rep. Tom Price to lead the Department of Health and Human Services. Aides signaled that at least one other Cabinet nomination was imminent.

Trump and Twitter: A latter-day a fireside chata

Donald Trump has surprised us all so many times, but could it be that he will go down in history as a politician who, in the vein of Franklin D. Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy, won by mastering a revolutionary new technology? I'm speaking, of course, of Twitter. In recent days, Trump has used the platform to attack the cast of "Hamilton" and to express some kind words about Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday.

Trump Would Relisha Supreme Court Fight

Chuck Schumer, the incoming leader of Senate Democrats, warned Sunday on NBC's Meet the Press that any Supreme Court nominee of Donald Trump's will be filibustered if he or she isn't "mainstream." Leonard Leo, the Federalist Society's executive vice president and a leading adviser to Republicans on judicial nominees, told the group that Trump isn't going to be dictated to.

Schumer Says He Can Block Trump’s Efforts to Repeal Dodd-Frank

Incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, drawing a line in the sand for the next administration, said he has the votes to stop President-elect Donald Trump from repealing the Dodd-Frank Act and "the rules we put in place to limit Wall Street." Schumer predicted that the Senate's Democratic minority would get help from Republicans in any such fight.

Chuck Schumer Says Donald Trumpa s Victory Is a Not a Mandatea

Incoming Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer says that President-elect Donald Trump's victory is "not a mandate," vowing to oppose the policy agenda of the Republican-controlled White House and Congress where he and his fellow Democrats disagree. "What Trump talked about was against the establishment of both parties," the New York Democrat told This Week co-anchor Martha Raddatz.

Trump praises Chuck Schumer, says his appointment to…

In a tweet on Sunday that coincided with Schumer's interview on "Meet The Press," Trump claimed that Schumer was smarter than outgoing Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, and said Schumer's appointment to the post was "good news." "I have always had a good relationship with Chuck Schumer.

The Latest: Trump meets with Mattis, retired Marine general

In this image made from a video provided by Hamilton LLC, actor Brandon Victor Dixon who plays Aaron Burr, the nation's third vice president, in "Hamilton" speaks from the stage after the curtain call in New York, Friday, Nov. 18... . In this photo taken Nov. 17, 2016, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala.