GOP Likely to Keep Control of Senate in 2018 Midterms

Last December, Democrat Doug Jones won a Senate race in Alabama by defeating a horribly flawed Republican candidate Roy Moore. For the first time, it appeared that the Democrats had a plausible path to winning control of the U.S. Senate in 2018.

Sen. Schumer voices opposition to proposed waste-to-energy incinerator

U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer said that he's opposed to the planned waste-to-energy incinerator plant in Seneca County. Senator Schumer says the proposed facility by Circular Ener-G would be bad for the regional economy, and it would put the public's health at risk.

Source: Trump administration has cut deal with China’s ZTE

The Trump administration has told Congress that it's reached a deal that would allow Chinese telecommunications giant ZTE Corp. to stay in business, a source familiar with the talks who spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a confidential matter said Friday. A resolution of the ZTE case could clear the way for the United States to make progress in its high-stakes trade talks with China.

Democrats Have Finally Found Their Midterm Message

In 2018, Democrats are confronted with a challenge that few opposition parties have ever had to overcome: The administration they are running against has too many scandals . To the extent that party messaging matters at all in midterm elections , a single, unifying narrative is more likely to connect with the electorate than a fusillade of discrete ideas.

Senate backs effort to restore ‘net neutrality’ rules

From left, Rep. Mike Doyle, D-Pa., Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., Senate Minority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer of N.Y., and Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., leave a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, May 16, 2018, after the Senate passed a resolution to reverse the FCC decision to end net neutrality.

If marijuana boom is real, and it lasts, how long will Louisiana, other states resist?

Council member Tara Wicker, left, listens as colleague Matt Watson addresses his concerns regarding confusion behind the proposed marijuana ordinance during a meeting of the metro council, Wednesday, February 28, 2018, at City Hall in Baton Rouge, La. Council member Tara Wicker, left, listens as colleague Matt Watson addresses his concerns regarding confusion behind the proposed marijuana ordinance during a meeting of the metro council, Wednesday, February 28, 2018, at City Hall in Baton Rouge, La.

Analysis: Weed? No. Ita s the smell of money at pot expo

It was like any other big meeting you might see at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans: the attire was "business casual" and the conversations involved packaging, marketing, entrepreneurship, investment and growth in what is, literally, a budding industry. But there were no free samples at the product booths and there were explicit warnings in the convention program that possession and use of the featured product was strictly prohibited; a sensible stricture given that - even when the Marijuana Business Conference & Expo NEXT is in town - recreational use of marijuana remains illegal in Louisiana.

Trump and Democrats get blame for confirmation chaos

When Mike Pompeo was confirmed by the Senate last month for secretary of state, he received just 57 votes as only six Democrats supported him. For example, Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York has voted for only two of the nominees and was the only senator to oppose the confirmation of Jim Mattis for secretary of defense.

Horse sends rider flying with a spectacular buck

Devastating moment Israeli missile obliterates Iranian rocket launcher and nearby soldiers in Syria as Netanyahu tells Tehran they 'crossed a red line' when they shelled the Golan Heights 'Lying, negligent' nurse is charged in death of ex-national security adviser H.R. McMaster's father at Philadelphia senior care facility in shocking abuse case Mother, 43, admits letting her blind, autistic son die in a field in his underwear, but could serve just 120 days behind bars after murder charge was dropped 'I think it's time to wrap it up': Pence tells Mueller he's had a year to run his Russia probe but won't say it's a 'hoax' Now Avenatti obtains Michael Cohen's EMAILS and posts one showing how he still identified as Trump's lawyer in April - despite Giuliani saying he no longer represented the President Rudy Giuliani leaves his law firm permanently to fight for Trump - the day after ... (more)

Benefits cheat caught trotting up stairs at work in Birmingham

Devastating moment Israeli missile obliterates Iranian rocket launcher and nearby soldiers in Syria as Netanyahu tells Tehran they 'crossed a red line' when they shelled the Golan Heights 'Lying, negligent' nurse is charged in death of ex-national security adviser H.R. McMaster's father at Philadelphia senior care facility in shocking abuse case Mother, 43, admits letting her blind, autistic son die in a field in his underwear, but could serve just 120 days behind bars after murder charge was dropped 'I think it's time to wrap it up': Pence tells Mueller he's had a year to run his Russia probe but won't say it's a 'hoax' Now Avenatti obtains Michael Cohen's EMAILS and posts one showing how he still identified as Trump's lawyer in April - despite Giuliani saying he no longer represented the President Rudy Giuliani leaves his law firm permanently to fight for Trump - the day after ... (more)

A surprise from our post-modern president

Much has been said and written about President Donald Trump's liberal use of exaggeration and metaphor, and the questionable relationship between what he says and what most people consider the truth. From a philosophical point of view it might be said that he is our first post-modern president, using the term to denote the Nietzschean school of thought that holds that all truth is relative and metaphorical.

Democratic leader announces new acceptance of marijuana

The top Senate Democrat is using marijuana's informal holiday to announce a change of heart about the drug, another sign of the growing political acceptance of pot. New York Sen. Chuck Schumer said Friday he'll introduce a bill taking marijuana off the federal list of controlled substances - in effect decriminalizing its use.

The Latest: Pence informed US leaders of Syria announcement

Pence plans to promote the U.S. as a steady trading partner and press Latin American partners to further isolate Venezuela during his ... A potent, slow-moving spring storm system that's expected to persist through the weekend has begun raking the Plains and Midwest, bringing blizzard conditions to South Dakota and the threat of tornadoes from Texas... A potent, slow-moving spring storm system that's expected to persist through the weekend has begun raking the Plains and Midwest, bringing blizzard conditions to South Dakota and the threat of tornadoes from Texas and Louisiana north all the way to Iowa.

Vote slated for Wheeler to be EPA’s No. 2

The Senate is set to vote on Andrew Wheeler to be the number two official at the Environmental Protection Agency amid ethics concerns plaguing EPA chief Scott Pruitt and calls from Democrats for him to resign. Two GOP leadership aides told CNN they expected Wheeler to be approved, which would make him the latest appointee at the agency with close ties to the energy industry.

Headlines for April 10, 2018

During the Monday morning raid, the seized a slew of business records, emails and documents, including documents related to a $130,000 payment to adult film star Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels. Cohen has admitted to personally paying Clifford to keep her quiet about an alleged 2007 affair she had with Donald Trump.

Trump Escalates Mueller Criticism, Calling Probe Attack on U.S.

Donald Trump escalated his criticism of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation and Attorney General Jeff Sessions following a raid on the office of the president's personal attorney, describing the probe as an attack on the U.S. The FBI raid on Monday, which was approved by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, represents "a whole new level of unfairness" in Mueller's investigation, Trump complained to reporters in a meeting with military leaders. He described Monday's raid as a crime, saying that the FBI "broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys, a good man."

Utah congressman calls wildfire budget plan ‘missed opportunity’

Last week's spending bill includes a bipartisan plan to create a wildfire disaster fund to help combat increasingly severe wildfires that have devastated the West in recent years. The bill sets aside more than $20 billion over 10 years to allow the Forest Service and other federal agencies end a practice of raiding nonfire-related accounts to pay for wildfire costs, which approached $3 billion last year.