Colorado’s NREL – once threatened by draconian cuts from Trump…

Once faced with devastating cuts , a research facility in Colorado now looks as if it will emerge unscathed in the federal government's next budget. Included in Congress' $1.3 trillion spending plan for the rest of the fiscal year is $2.3 billion for a program within the U.S. Department of Energy that provides the bulk of the funding for the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden.

Is Levi Tillemann Toast?

Hailing from a distinguished political family and armed with impressive qualifications of his own, Levi Tillemann's entrance into the 6th District Democratic primary last summer raised eyebrows and generated party fears of in-fighting prior to the general election against five-term Republican incumbent Mike Coffman. But Tillemann's campaign appears to be teetering on the edge of irrelevancy after a stretch of disappointing fundraising and being overlooked for a key endorsement earlier this month.

Biofuel plant managers ask Trump to defend RFS

Managers at 150 biofuel production centers across the heartland sent a letter to President Donald Trump, urging the White House to "stand strong in defense of the Renewable Fuel Standard." Growth Energy joined the plant managers in calling for Reid Vapor Pressure relief and asking the administration to reject Sen. Ted Cruz's proposals.

Renewables, not natural gas, were main driver behind drop in U.S. power sector emissions in 2017

The growth of clean energy in 2017 was one for the record books: Last year was the first time a reduction in U.S. power sector carbon emissions could be attributed more to renewable energy and energy conservation than the nation switching from coal to natural gas to generate electricity. Carbon emissions from the power sector dropped 4.2 percent in 2017, this time on the back of declining load and greater renewable generation, according to a new report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance .

Trump’s addiction to coal hurting Nevada

The damaging effects of the Trump administration's war on President Barack Obama's legacy are beginning to hit home in Las Vegas. In the past few days, the administration hit Southern Nevada with two gut-punches in the form of a proposed 65 percent reduction in federal funding for renewable energy research and development, and closure of the Las Vegas EPA research laboratory.

How Donald Trump Plans to Enlist Fossil Fuels in the Struggle for Global Dominance

The new U.S. energy policy of the Trump era is, in some ways, the oldest energy policy on Earth. Every great power has sought to mobilize the energy resources at its command, whether those be slaves, wind-power, coal, or oil, to further its hegemonic ambitions.

Edible oil of choice in South Korea is palm

Palm oil has become the most popular edible oil in South Korea, according to a Feb. 7 Global Agricultural Information Network report from the Foreign Agricultural Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture . The report said that while soybean oil and corn oil was used predominantly in South Korea during the 1970s and 1980s, the industry has shifted to meet the changing demands of the country's cosmetic, food and biofuel industries.

In Trump’s First Year, the U.S. Lost Almost 10,000 Solar Jobs

Since the end of the Great Recession, two things have been true of the American solar industry: It was growing like gangbusters, and basically everyone liked it. From 2010 to 2016, the number of solar jobs in the United States nearly tripled, roaring from about 93,000 to more than 260,000.

Solar industry on edge as Trump weighs tariffs on panels

Some in the U.S. solar-power industry are hoping a decision this week by President Donald Trump doesn't bring on an eclipse. Companies that install solar-power systems for homeowners and utilities are bracing for Trump's call on whether to slap tariffs on imported panels.

European Parliament backs Zero Carbon Emissions by 2050

Green lawmakers have hailed a "great victory for the climate" as a proposal to bring down to zero the amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted in the atmosphere by 2050 received unexpected backing from the European Parliament last Wednesday . Plenary session week 3 2018 in Strasbourg - Debate on energy efficiency, renewables and the governance of the Energy Union.

Senator Bernie Sanders to Join in Launch of Fossil Free U.S….

Senator Bernie Sanders to Join in Launch of Fossil Free U.S. Campaign the Day After the State of the Union WASHINGTON - Senator Bernie Sanders will join prominent climate activists to kick off a new campaign to take on the Trump Administration and the fossil fuel industry on . The event, Fossil Free Fast: The Climate Resistance, launches Fossil Free U.S , a campaign led by , calling for an immediate halt to all fossil fuel projects and a fast and just transition to 100% renewable energy for all.

U.S. could ‘conceivably’ re-join Paris climate agreement, Trump says

The United States "could conceivably go back in" to the Paris climate agreement, President Trump said Wednesday - but it would have to be under terms that don't punish the country for its wealth of fossil fuels. "Frankly, it's an agreement that I have no problem with, but I had a problem with the agreement that they signed, because, as usual, they made a bad deal," Trump said.

Standing Up for Coal Industry Illustration by Greg Groesch/The Washington Times

Former Vice President Al Gore should have used this month's "24 Hours of Reality" internet broadcast to encourage the Trump administration to withdraw all carbon-dioxide emission rules on future power stations. Then the United States could replace its old, inefficient coal-fired power plants with modern, clean, efficient coal stations, just as they are doing in Europe, India and China.

Tax bill boosts oil, gas drilling _ and renewable energy

The Republicans' tax package would boost traditional forms of energy such as oil and gas while also supporting renewable energy such as wind and solar power - and even extend a hand to buyers of electric cars. An agreement by House and Senate negotiators would open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling, while preserving tax credits for wind power and other clean energy.

Tax bill boosts oil, gas drilling – and renewable energy

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, talks to reporters at the Capitol after Republicans signed the conference committee report to advance the GOP tax bill, in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017. House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady, R-Texas, talks to reporters at the Capitol after Republicans signed the conference committee report to advance the GOP tax bill, in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2017.

GOP Tax Plan Keeps Green Energy, Electric Car Subsidies

The House and Senate agreed Thursday to scrap a proposal eliminating a large tax credit the electric vehicle market and other green energy companies rely on to keep the fledgling industry afloat. Lawmakers spared a $7,500 electric-vehicle tax credit and a wind production tax credit that Republicans nixed to balance out the hefty tax bill, according to a Bloomberg report Thursday.

Completion of solar electric-generation array near Las Vegas marked

Solar arrays line the desert floor of the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone as part of the 179 megawatt Switch Station 1 and Switch Station 2 Solar Projects north of Las Vegas that were commissioned on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017. Michael Quine/Las Vegas Review-Journal @Vegass88s Solar arrays line the desert floor of the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone as part of the 179 megawatt Switch Station 1 and Switch Station 2 Solar Projects north of Las Vegas that were commissioned on Monday, Dec. 11, 2017.