Eversource Energy Northern Pass Achieves Major Federal Permitting…

The U.S. Department of Energy issued the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Northern Pass hydroelectric transmission project , representing a significant step forward in the permitting process. The FEIS concluded that the proposed Northern Pass route is the "preferred alternative," that the project provides substantial benefits, and will result in only minimal impacts.

$100 million solar energy project coming to South Carolina

State officials, including Governor McMaster, were on hand for the inauguration of the $100 million solar project in Aiken County. "I think the success of this particular facility, a seven-acre facility that can produce up to a megawatt of power, and even today with the overcast that we have it is still producing power and energy, we've come a long way from the original solar panels," Representative Joe Wilson explained.

Opinion: Untold story is rural America keeps rejecting Big Wind

Buena Vista wind farm turbines photographed in the Altamont area of Contra Costa County, Calif., on Friday, May 8, 2015. The question of how many birds are killed on the Altamont Pass by the wind turbines located there has once again reared its ugly head.

Senate appropriators advance $38.4 billion energy spending bill

Senate appropriators on Thursday sent a $38.4 billion energy and water spending bill to the chamber's floor that is $4 billion more than President Trump's budget request. The Appropriations Committee approved the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act for fiscal 2018 with a near unanimous 30-1 vote, with some Democrats choosing to delay their push to boost renewable energy spending until the bill comes up for a final vote on the floor.

U.S. wind industry tacks as Trump shifts the political climate

Three days after Energy Secretary Rick Perry directed his staff to find ways to give a boost to coal and nuclear power, the rival wind industry kicked its lobbying response into action. The American Wind Energy Association would tap allies in Congress willing to weigh in with Perry and buy advertisements on "news channels closely followed by the Trump administration," according to a memo its leader sent to board members.

More rational policies in our future?

In the wake of President Trump's exit from the Paris climate treaty, reactions from other quarters were predictably swift, nasty, sanctimonious and hypocritical. Al Gore paused near one of the private jets he takes to hector lesser mortals to say the action will bring "a global weather apocalypse."

Renewable energy push is strongest in the reddest states

Some of the fastest progress on clean energy is occurring in states led by Republican governors and legislators, and states carried by Donald Trump in the presidential election. Two years ago, Kansas repealed a law requiring that 20 percent of the state's electric power come from renewable sources by 2020, seemingly a step backward on energy in a deeply conservative state.

Pittsburgh residents don’t want their city ‘smoky’ again

Residents in Pittsburgh say it's ironic that President Donald Trump name-dropped their city during his announcement on Thursday that the United States was pulling out of a global climate accord. After all, it's stricter environmental regulations and clean energy policies that transformed their once "smoky city" into a beautiful place to live.

Mayor Roberts says she’s leading on climate change. GOP opponent says she is – grandstanding.’

After President Donald Trump said he would withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord Thursday, Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts and her Democratic opponents in September's primary said they opposed the decision and backed the city's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. City Council member Kenny Smith, the Republican mayoral candidate, said he too has "consistently supported" the city's efforts and goals to become more environmentally-friendly.

Renewable energy expected to continue growth, despite Trump

" President Donald Trump may abandon U.S. pledges to reduce carbon emissions, but global economic realities ensure he is unlikely to reverse the accelerating push to adopt cleaner forms of energy. Around the world, coal-fired power plants are being shuttered as governments and private companies invest billions in wind turbines and solar farms.

Coal impacts could push 122 million people into extreme poverty by 2030.

That's according to a report from the global anti-poverty organization Oxfam, which specifically calls for Australia to stop propping up the coal industry - especially the $300 million in subsidies it's offered up for a proposed mine in Queensland. "Against the backdrop of an imperiled Great Barrier Reef and extreme weather disasters, Australia's carbon pollution is continuing to climb - the tragic consequence of more than a decade of climate policy paralysis and short-term political opportunism," Helen Szoke , CEO of Oxfam Australia, says.

Obama: Private sector is key to tackling climate change

Former U.S. President Barack Obama says he's "confident that the United States will continue to move in the right direction" on climate change despite his successor's pledges to undo many of his policies. On his first foreign foray since leaving office, Obama told an audience Tuesday at a Milan conference on food innovation in Italy that businesses in the United States are already committed to clean energy, in part due to cost-savings, which would help counteract moves by Donald Trump 's administration.