Books, events mark late poet Gwendolyn Brooks 100th birthday

In this June 1989 file photo, Illinois Poet Laureate Gwendolyn Brooks holds a portrait of herself painted by Anne-Cressey McGraw-Beuchamp at a ceremony in Chicago. Brooks would have turned 100 on June 7, 2017, something places around the country are commemorating all year with new books, poetry readings, writing contests and even a bus tour through her hometown of Chicago, all inspired by her.

Comey testimony: 4 other times the ex-FBI directora

JANUARY 22: U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with James Comey during an Inaugural Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders Reception in the Blue Room of the White House on January 22, 2017 in Washington, DC. WASHINGTON - In the annals of political theater, there may be little precedent for James Comey's scheduled appearance before a Senate committee Thursday.

The Twitter bot turning Trump tweets into White House statements

Trump and first lady Melania Trump are hosting a Sunday night fundraiser for Ford's Theater, the venue where President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. It's easy to dismiss Trumps Twitter ramblings as just that, but when you read them in the format of a White House press release, they sound way more serious, yet simultaneously more ridiculous.

Nation-Now 1 mins ago 6:05 a.m.Comey testimony: 4 other times the ex-FBI director starred in unusuala

JANUARY 22: U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with James Comey during an Inaugural Law Enforcement Officers and First Responders Reception in the Blue Room of the White House on January 22, 2017 in Washington, DC. WASHINGTON - In the annals of political theater, there may be little precedent for James Comey's scheduled appearance before a Senate committee Thursday.

‘Climate change musical’ is cited as tax waste at budget reveal. Wait, what?

Budget director Mick Mulvaney speaks to the media about President Trump's proposed budget May 23. Tuesday morning, during a White House conference on President Trump's proposed 2018 federal budget , Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney invoked a musical that, seven years ago, won a government grant worth nearly $700,000. When asked if the administration considered climate change programs to be taxpayer waste, Mulvaney replied, "The National Science Foundation last year used your taxpayer money to fund a climate change musical.

True Climate Justice Puts Communities of Color First

A Black Lives Matter member speaks during a protest against the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation on November 12, 2016. The day before the People's Climate March in Washington, DC, Preyton Lambert-skinny, dreadlocked and sporting black-frame glasses-was getting hustled on a boulevard near the National Mall.

Food cart shut down? Turn to Egypt’s president on live TV – Sat, 20 May 2017 PST

In this Monday, April 3 photo, Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi listens during a meeting with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington. Egypts president answers complaints and woes on TV in a savvy form of political theater, putting himself before the public in a way none of his predecessors ever did.

Red Lies: Women’s March Organizer Says There Is Evidence Trump…

Liberals are now outraged that President Trump fired FBI Director James Comey. There is a growing chorus from the Left that a special prosecutor should takeover the investigation into whether the Trump campaign has colluded with Russian intelligence during the 2016 election.

Trump Gives A Shout Out To Luciano Pavarotti, His ‘Great Friend’

During a press conference with Italian Prime Minister Gentiloni, while praising their great culture and artistic accomplishments, President Trump said, "Through the ages your country has been a beacon of artistic and scientific achievement." Trump continued and offhandedly said, "That continues today.

Questions about BoE keep cropping up

Editor: My, oh my, it sure seems as if the dark storm clouds that have settled over the board of education are not soon to be blown out to sea. Reporter Patty, aka BDL, Leon's, relentless digging for the truth is continuing to bring questions to the minds of many Liberty County taxpayers.

The Liberal Rednecks, coming to Bethlehem, bridge divide between North and South

The Liberal Rednecks bring the WellRED tour to the ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks April 24. The troupe includes Corey Ryan Forrester , Trae Crowder and Drew Morgan. The Liberal Rednecks bring the WellRED tour to the ArtsQuest Center at SteelStacks April 24. The troupe includes Corey Ryan Forrester , Trae Crowder and Drew Morgan.

A Gathering of Orchestras in D.C.

"I look forward to an America which will not be afraid of grace and beauty": John F. Kennedy's words, carved in the white marble cliffs of the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, in Washington, D.C., have always seemed more wistful than hopeful. These days, with brutality and ugliness in the ascendant, they have a critical edge.