Congress sends bill to Trump to avert government shutdown

Congress has approved a bill keeping the government open through Dec. 7, as lawmakers move to avert a government shutdown looming next week. Trump's signature would avert a partial government shutdown set to begin Monday, weeks ahead of the Nov. 6 elections that will determine control of Congress.

House backs $675 billion spending bill for Pentagon

U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, left, is welcomed by China's Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xu Qiliang at the Bayi Building in Beijing Thursday, June 28, 2018. less U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, left, is welcomed by China's Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission Xu Qiliang at the Bayi Building in Beijing Thursday, June 28, 2018.

Texas Democrat: ‘There’s a special place in hell’ for leaders who didn’t stop family separations

They will protest the separation of migrant children from their families that occurred under the "zero tolerance" policy President Donald Trump recently agreed to end. And they will call for already separated families to be reunited.

Kay, are those tax numbers right? Readers respond to Granger

Has anyone fact-checked U.S. Rep. Kay Granger's "estimated savings" for families? She failed to mention which income level will take home the most money. Does anyone really think that a $2,000 increase in take home pay is going to make a significant improvement in the standard of living for a family of four making $73,000? Children are being ripped from the arms of their parents on our southern border, and politicians on both sides are saying this is not right and not America.

Ted Cruz introduces legislation to keep immigrant families together

In this photo provided by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, people who've been taken into custody related to cases of illegal entry into the United States, sat in one of the cages at a facility in McAllen, Texas. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz announced emergency legislation Monday evening to keep immigrant families together after they cross the border into the United States.

Congresswoman Kay Granger speaks to the Star-Telegram editorial board Wednesday, July 5, 2017.

Trump a success? Ask a liberal; Granger tax vote 'irresponsible'; A wish for peace during the holidays; Trump: A threat to the free world?; What did the bears do to you? A letter writer suggested Americans will vote a straight Democratic ticket. Why would anyone want to go back to rampant illegal immigration, policies that make us less secure in regards to terrorism, an ineffective foreign policy that did nothing to stop our enemies from becoming armed with nuclear weapons, a stagnant economy, and an administration that sided with anti-police hate groups? Another reader asks for country over party, yet the other party's 2016 candidate was proven without a doubt of lying to the FBI .

Houston area schools get a helping hand, thanks to Keller principal

Principals and campuses from New Jersey to California are providing assistance to Texas schools impacted by Hurricane Harvey, thanks to the efforts of Kristen Eriksen, principal of Sunset Valley Elementary, a Keller district school in north Fort Worth. Hundreds of principals from across the United States had signed up to help more than 200 schools in Southeast Texas through a grassroots effort called "Principals Helping Principals."

Nikki Haley Praises Cuts to the U.N.’s Peacekeeping Budget, Sparking Online Backlash

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley testifies to the House Foreign Affairs Committee on "Advancing U.S. Interests at the United Nations" in Washington, U.S., June 28, 2017. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has sparked online furore over a tweet praising cuts made by the Trump administration to the organization's peacekeeping budget.

House Republicans put final touches on budget deal

House Republicans are putting the final touches on a bold budget proposal they will roll out later this week that would boost military spending beyond what President Donald Trump wants and slash billions from welfare and other entitlement programs. Threading the needle of getting defense hawks, fiscal conservatives and those steering tax reform within his own party has been a difficult task, but House Speaker Paul Ryan has reminded House GOP members that this year's budget is critical for getting top priorities like tax reform through both chambers.

House GOP puts final touches on budget deal

House Republicans are putting the final touches on a budget proposal they will roll out later this week that would boost military spending beyond what President Donald Trump wants and slash billions from welfare and other entitlement programs. Threading the needle of getting defense hawks, fiscal conservatives and those steering tax reform within his own party has been a difficult task, but House Speaker Paul Ryan has reminded House GOP members that this year's budget is critical for getting top priorities like tax reform through both chambers.

US released $221 million to Palestinians in Obama’s last hours

Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking. A State Department official and several congressional aides said the outgoing administration formally notified Congress it would spend the money Friday morning.

US sent $221 million to Palestinians in Obamaa s last hours

Officials say the Obama administration in its waning hours defied Republican opposition and quietly released $221 million to the Palestinian Authority that GOP members of Congress had been blocking. A State Department official and several congressional aides said the outgoing administration formally notified Congress it would spend the money Friday morning.

Trump should end the Presidenta s Daily Briefing

President-elect Donald Trump should end the President's Daily Brief prepared by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. It summarizes high-level intelligence and analyses about global hot spots and national security threats as seen through the eyes of the director.

No GOP leaders attending Shimon Peres funeral

Republican congressional leaders will not be joining President Obama's bipartisan delegation to attend Friday's state funeral for former Israeli President Shimon Peres. Both House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer joined the U.S. presidential delegation, which departed Thursday afternoon for Jerusalem.