What’s it got,

An audit by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction released this past week revealed that a Department of Defense task force to support economic development squandered hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars. The audit of the Task Force for Business and Stability Operations was first requested in 2016 by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and then-Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., after it was reported by SIGAR that the TFBSO had spent over $40 million to build "what is likely to be the world's most expensive gas station" in Afghanistan, as Special Inspector General John Sopko put it.

U.S. taxpayers bought world’s priciest gas station – in Afghanistan

This June 10, 2017 photo released by the U.S. Marine Corps shows an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter provides security from above while CH-47 Chinooks drop off supplies to U.S. Soldiers with Task Force Iron at Bost Airfield, Afghanistan. An audit by the U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction released this past week revealed that a Department of Defense task force to support economic development squandered hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars.

Trump chides Feinstein, urges GOP to control Russia probes

President Donald Trump on Wednesday accused Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein of being "underhanded and a disgrace" for disclosing details of a dossier of allegations about his ties to Russia during the campaign. He also again lashed out at the investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, urging Republicans to take control of the inquiries and repeating his claim that they are on a "witch hunt."

Sen. Whitehouse: Release of Fusion GPS Transcript Refutes GOP Distortions

Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse defended his Democratic colleague Sen. Dianne Feinstein for making public the closed-door congressional testimony of Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson, telling MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday that it helped clarify what he told the Judiciary Committee. What Republicans "tried to do is create this sense that there's some collusion between the Russians and Christopher Steele, the guy who wrote the dossier that Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS published," Whitehouse said.

Deafening Silence From Crooked Hillary and Dirty Cop Comey After New DOJ, FBI Investigations Launched

The FBI is also investigating the Clinton Foundation for possible pay-to-play or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Fired FBI Director James Comey's original Hillary Clinton statement was released to the public Thursday by Senator Ron Johnson .

GOP senators target dossier author in criminal referral

President Donald Trump may have moved to allow oil drilling off California's coast, but the state has plenty of ways to try to stop the drilling from happening. President Donald Trump may have moved to allow oil drilling off California's coast, but the state has plenty of ways to try to stop the drilling from happening.

Is criminal justice reform really “poised to take off in 2018”?

The question in the title of this post is prompted by this lengthy Washington Examiner article headlined "Criminal justice reform poised to take off in 2018." Here are excerpts: Criminal justice reform came back with such renewed energy this year after sputtering out in Congress in 2016 that meaningful bipartisan legislation is poised for success in 2018.

Grassley Meets With NAFTA Negotiators

Key trade and ag senators like Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley met with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer this week to get an update on that. Grassley says there are concerns within Washington that the White House will pull out of the trade deal, "So, they're talking about prices dropping then, and what would the government do to support prices.

GOP Sen. Grassley tweets ‘Merry Christmas’ at anti-Trump account

The Iowa Republican inadvertently tweeted holiday greetings at an anti-Trump account Sunday afternoon, sparking seething speculation that the he might have started hitting the egg nog a bit early. "Merry Christmas MrPresident," Grassley tweeted at @teaIDonaIdTrump, a satire account that has a handle reminiscent of the President's @realDonaldTrump one.

Poll: Trump and GOP never intended to strike a bipartisan tax deal

As Republicans rush their tax bill to the House and Senate floors for a final round of votes, a new poll shows that Americans do not believe that the GOP, in crafting the controversial legislation, reached out in good faith to Democrats. Only 27% say Republicans and President Trump sought meaningful input from their partisan opponents on Capitol Hill, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS.

Congressional Russia investigators grill FBI deputy director

FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was grilled by the House Intelligence Committee behind closed doors Tuesday amid Republican calls for his firing -- but he was defended by some key lawmakers. Rep. Mike Conaway, the Texas Republican leading the House Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation, said he still has confidence in McCabe as deputy director.

Planned Parenthood probe pursued

A top Democrat is hinting that the Justice Department's investigation into Planned Parenthood is politically motivated, but a pro-life advocate said those claims would not stop the feds from pursuing their investigation. The DOJ is asking for unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee's probe into accusations that Planned Parenthood violated federal laws regarding the sale of fetal tissue and body parts of aborted fetuses.

Justice Department Launches Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Over Sale of Fetal Tissue

In a letter first obtained by Fox News, Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs Stephen Boyd formally requested unredacted documents from the Senate Judiciary Committee, the same panel that led the congressional probe into the women's health organization. "The Department of Justice appreciates the offer of assistance in obtaining these materials, and would like to request the Committee provide unredacted copies of records contained in the report, in order to further the Department's ability to conduct a thorough and comprehensive assessment of that report based on the full range of information available," Boyd wrote.

Senators Seek More Information About Reassigned Mueller Aide

Two U.S. senators wrote to the Justice Department's inspector general on Wednesday requesting more information about the FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's team over private text messages he allegedly sent during the election that were critical of President Donald Trump. Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson and Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley asked the Justice Department's inspector general, Michael Horowitz, to answer a series of... WSJ's Gerald F. Seib explains what have we learned after Special Counsel Robert Mueller unveiled his first two big actions in his investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 campaign.