Federal prisons director stepped down due to strained relationship with Jared Kushner, Jeff Sessions

The director of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Mark Inch, stepped down from his post last week due to his strained relationship with Attorney General Jeff Sessions and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, according to a report Thursday. Inch, a retired Army major general, claimed that he had been barred from weighing in on important decisions by Kushner and Sessions, and noted there was a disregard for "departmental norms" when he announced he was resigning, the New York Times reports .


On Friday May 11, 2018, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein stating Comey testified the FBI didn't think General Flynn lied. Grassley also revealed Joe Pientka was the second FBI agent who joined Peter Strzok on January 24th, 2017 in an ambush style interview to take down General Flynn.

Grassley Sends Letter to DOJ Demanding Unredacted Rosenstein Memo Detailing Mueller’s Scope

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to the Justice Department Friday demanding Rosenstein's unredacted memo detailing Mueller's scope. In Chairman Grassley's letter to the DOJ, he noted Mueller's team had just given Rosenstein's memo to Judge Ellis therefore the Senate Judiciary Committee should be permitted to review the document.

Senate panel: Russia intervened in 2016 election to help Trump, hurt Clinton

Donald Trump Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee last year he did not recall ever discussing the Russia investigation with his father and said he didn't think there was anything wrong with meeting a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower ahead of the 2016 presidential election, according to transcripts released today of his interview with the panel. The committee released more than 1,800 pages of transcripts of interviews with Trump's son and others who attended a June 9, 2016, meeting at which they expected to receive dirt about Trump's opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump Jr: Can’t recall discussing Russia probe with father

Donald Trump Jr. told the Senate Judiciary Committee last year he did not recall ever discussing the Russia investigation with his father and said he didn't think there was anything wrong with meeting a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower ahead of the 2016 presidential election, according to transcripts released Wednesday of his interview with the panel. The committee released more than 1,800 pages of transcripts of interviews with Trump's son and others who attended a June 9, 2016, meeting at which they expected to receive dirt about Trump's opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

RFA Statement on White House Meeting on RFS

WASHINGTON May 8, 2018; Emily Druckman writing for the RFA reported that this morning, President Trump convened a meeting at the White House with Sens. Chuck Grassley , Joni Ernst , Ted Cruz , and Pat Toomey , for yet another discussion on the Renewable Fuel Standard . As a result of the meeting, it appears consensus was reached regarding allowing the year-round use of E15, a positive step forward for the ethanol industry.

Trump To Allow Year-Round Sales Of High-Ethanol Gas

President Donald Trump will allow year-round sales of renewable fuel with blends of 15 percent ethanol as part of an emerging deal to make changes to the federal ethanol mandate. Republican senators and the White House announced the deal Tuesday after a closed-door meeting, the latest in a series of White House sessions on ethanol.

Trump to lay out biofuels plan in meeting with senators: sources

U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to lay out his plans for the nation's biofuel policy on Tuesday in a closed door briefing with senators, after months of hearing arguments about the hotly contested regulation, according to two sources. FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks during an 'Unleashing American Energy' event at the Department of Energy in Washington, U.S., June 29, 2017.

More criticism of prison-reform only efforts, while failing to…

Todd Cox, policy director at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, has this notable new commentary in The Hill headlined "Sentencing reform is moving in the wrong direction." Here are excerpts with a bit of additional commentary to follow: In 2015, Senator Chuck Grassley introduced a long awaited bi-partisan criminal justice reform bill designed to address inequities in federal sentencing and promote rehabilitation and re-entry for persons who are incarcerated.

President Trump says of Comey: ‘He’s either very sick or very dumb’

President Donald Trump insists he "won't be involved" in any attempt to interfere with the investigation into Russian election meddling - unless he changes his mind. Trump also is renewing his attacks on James Comey, the FBI director he fired last year, accusing him of lying about Trump's trip to Moscow in 2013 that has received fresh scrutiny.

Trump pledges hands off Russia probe, may – change my mind’

From left, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the ranking member, confer before considering a bipartisan bill to protect the special counsel from being fired, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, April 26, 2018. They voted 14 to 7 to send the Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act to the full Senate, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has insisted he will not hold a full Senate vote on the legislation which would seek expedited judicial review of a firing.

Trump pledges hands off Russia probe, may ‘change my mind’

President Donald Trump insisted Thursday he "won't be involved" in any attempt to interfere with the investigation into Russian election meddling - unless he changes his mind - as a Senate panel moved to safeguard special counsel Robert Mueller from any attempt to fire him. Trump also laced into James Comey, the FBI director he fired last year, accusing him of lying about Trump's trip to Moscow in 2013 that has received fresh scrutiny.

Senate committee poised for vote on bill to protect Mueller

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on a bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job - legislation that has split Republicans as President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized Mueller's Russia investigation. Two Republicans and two Democrats introduced the bill earlier this month as Trump publicly criticized the special counsel.

Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller

The Senate Judiciary Committee is expected to vote on a bill to protect special counsel Robert Mueller's job -- legislation that has split Republicans as President Donald Trump has repeatedly criticized Mueller's Russia investigation. Two Republicans and two Democrats introduced the bill earlier this month as Trump publicly criticized the special counsel.

Senators spar on access to Kavanaugh’s staff secretary work

More than a decade after he served as what's been called the president's "inbox and outbox," Brett Kavanaugh's role as White House staff secretary to President George W. Bush has become a flashpoint as Republicans push his confirmation to the Supreme Court. Democrats want to see records from the time, portraying the potentially millions of documents as vital to understanding his approach to the law.

Senate committee will vote on bill to protect Mueller from Trump

Chuck Grassley, Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, says he will hold vote on bill which offers extra protection to Robert Mueller Mitch McConnell had said there would be no vote on the bill on the Senate floor as he did not believe Trump would move against the special counsel The leader of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee said on Thursday the committee would vote on a bill to protect Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to investigate Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election , despite objections by the chamber's Republican leadership.

Iowa political leaders remember Barbara Bush

Iowa lawmakers are remembering and celebrating a history-making political leader after news of Barbara Bush's death broke on Tuesday evening. Fellow Senator Chuck Grassley also took to social media to celebrate Bush's life, and released a statement alongside his wife: "Former First Lady Barbara Bush was everything a country could ask for in a First Lady.

Grassley ‘moving ahead’ with Mueller bill despite McConnell’s opposition

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans are plowing ahead with their plan to pass a bill out of the committee that would protect special counsel Robert Mueller , despite Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's vow not to put the measure on the Senate floor. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, an Iowa Republican, told CNN on Wednesday that he was "moving ahead" with the bipartisan legislation, which is expected to be marked up next week.

Trump ethanol moves may be worse for farmers than soy tariff

Based on his own back-of-the-envelope calculations, Minnesota farmer Kirby Hettver could lose tens of thousands of dollars of earnings because of President Donald Trump. But damaging as the brewing trade war with China may turn out to be for Hettver and other American soybean farmers, he says the greater financial impact could come if Trump moves ahead with changes to the U.S. ethanol mandate, known as the Renewable Fuel Standard, or RFS.