California congressional leaders visit Soberanes and Chimney fires

California congressional leaders are taking a look at the damage from the Soberanes and the Chimney fires in Monterey County. Representatives Sam Farr and Loretta Sanchez said they'll be going to Congress next month in hopes of getting federal help for the state.

Tacos with a Congresswoman, candidate for California Senator

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, one of two Democratic candidates for the California U.S. Senate seat, talks with a reporter at Cocina Cortes in Chico on Friday. The race for the California Senate seat this year is an unusual one, with two Democrats running against each other for the first time, and two minority women at that, to replace retiring fourth-term Sen. Barbara Boxer.

Senate race looking lopsided despite matchup

With less than three months until Election Day, Loretta Sanchez is running out of time to narrow the gap with front-runner Kamala Harris in California's U.S. Senate race. Both women are Democrats, but President Barack Obama's decision last month to endorse Harris - the state attorney general - was a capstone in her ascent.

California Focus: Obama risks losing Latinos

Here's the one thing Democratic politicians should fear more than any other potential California event: Latinos stay home from the polls in droves on Election Day in November 2016. It went almost unnoticed beyond Orange County in early 2015, but the events in one contest for a spot on that county's Board of Supervisors should be most instructive.

Poll: Harris holds big lead in U.S. Senate race

A month after crushing her contenders in the primary, Attorney General Kamala Harris is still the clear favorite among California voters over Rep. Loretta Sanchez, who faces increasingly long odds of pulling off an upset in the state's first all-Democratic U.S. Senate election, a new Field Poll suggests. Harris leads Sanchez 39 to 24 percent, the poll found, with 15 percent of participants - mostly Republicans - volunteering that they won't vote for either candidate and 22 percent undecided.

8 things to know about Senate candidate Kamala Harris’ career gold stars and demerits

The bedrock of Kamala Harris's U.S. Senate campaign has been her record as California attorney general and as San Francisco district attorney. She has said her experience in those posts provides ample proof that she is the best and most qualified candidate to represent California in Washington.

California lawmakers denounce Orlando attack, seek tougher gun laws

California lawmakers on Sunday called for increased pressure against terror groups and stricter gun laws after a self proclaimed Islamic State loyalist used an assault rifle and pistol to kill 50 people at a Florida nightclub. Omar Mateen, 29, opened fire into the crowded Pulse club about 2 a.m. Sunday.

Californians Will Get Their Choice Between Coke, Diet Coke for the Senate

Hey Californians, here are your options to replace retiring Sen. Barbara Boxer in the U.S. Senate come the fall: You can vote for a Democratic progressive liberal currently serving as the state's attorney general, Kamala Harris; or you can vote for a Democratic progressive liberal 10-term member of the House of Representatives, Rep. Loretta Sanchez. You can thank California's relatively recent implementation of a top-two primary system.

The Latest: Boehner replacement Rep. Davidson wins Ohio vote

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, listens to a question from an 8th grader during her trip to Children's Day School in San Francisco, California, on Tuesday, May 31, 2016. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, listens to a question from an 8th grader during her trip to Children's Day School in San Francisco, California, on Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

AP News Guide: Candidates and issues in California’s primary

People cheer as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Sacramento City College, Sunday, June 5, 2016, in Sacramento, Calif. People cheer as Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks at a rally at Sacramento City College, Sunday, June 5, 2016, in Sacramento, Calif.

In Democrat-only Senate race, Republicans become swing votes

Republican candidates were shut out in the race for California's open U.S. Senate seat, but GOP voters could play a key role in November in determining which of two Democratic women goes to Washington. Attorney General Kamala Harris won a commanding victory in Tuesday's primary to claim one of two runoff spots, winning all but a handful of the state's 58 counties.

Millions sit idle in California’s U.S. Senate race as big donors wait for end of the primary

The top two Democrats in California's U.S. Senate race have raised more than a combined $12 million for their campaigns, but many of the state's most generous and loyal campaign donors have yet to crack open their wallets. During Sen. Barbara Boxer's hard-fought 2010 campaign against Republican challenger Carly Fiorina, her supporters helped her secure reelection with more than $10 million in individual contributions in 2009-2010.

California US Senate choice could come down to 2 Democrats

This Nov. 2012 file photo shows California Attorney General Kamala Harris speaks during a news conference Friday Nov.16,2012 in Los Angeles. Harris is running TV ads in Spanish in Southern California and touting her support from union icon Dolores Huerta in a low-key strategy to drive fellow Democrat Loretta Sanchez out of the race for California's open U.S. Senate seat.