GOP, Can You Hear Us Normals Now?

Are we finally getting through to the GOP Establishment; has the pain we militant normals have dealt it performed the vital task of being the teacher of last resort? It's too bad that's how the Establishment has to learn that we're serious about nuking business as usual. We tried being nice; that was the Tea Party, and the Establishment trashed it.

Megan Mcardle

I recently spent some time following a congressman around the sun-baked precincts of West Texas. I watched Will Hurd meet with constituents, deliver his stump speech, and wax lyrical about the Dairy Queen Blizzard.

IRS finally agrees to clearlast tea party case

The IRS has finally agreed to a process for deciding on the last remaining nonprofit application that was snared in the Obama administration's tea party targeting, more than four years after the illegal singling-out of conservative groups for special scrutiny was first revealed. In court filings this week, the IRS acceded to rules governing how the tax agency will decide whether to grant nonprofit status to the Texas Patriots Tea Party, which has been awaiting a decision for years.

Make IRS officials’ testimony public

In this May 22, 2013 file photo, Internal Revenue Service official Lois Lerner walks out of a House Oversight Committee hearing after refusing to answer questions about the extra scrutiny the IRS gave Tea Party and other conservative groups that applied for tax-exempt status, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Current and former IRS officials are demanding secrecy for their testimony in a lawsuit over the agency's inappropriate targeting of conservative and tea party groups, but the public's right to know what happened is too important to set aside.

Ohio political commentators sue over online harassment ban

A group of liberal and conservative online political commentators in Ohio has filed a constitutional challenge to the state's recently enacted law against internet harassment. A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Cleveland alleges a prohibition against knowingly posting text or audio statements or images on a website "for the purpose of abusing... or harassing another person" violates the commentators' constitutional rights to free speech and expression.

Trump Continues To Have Staunch Supporters And Determined Opposition

Talk to voters across the country about President Trump's first 100 days in office and a few things become abundantly clear: His detractors - and they are many, given that Trump failed to win the popular vote - are still shocked by his election and appalled by his behavior. He has lost support, particularly among moderates and independent voters.

Fed up: 9 ultranationalist Trump supporters who are rapidly losing patience with his presidency

To understand just how fractious and ungainly the Trump coalition truly is, look no further than his administration. You'll find establishment Republicans , former Tea Party insurgents , Wall Street players and, for the time being, clash-of-civilization ethno-nationalists , not a few of whom seem to be working at cross purposes.

War Is Always Good

There are certain disturbances in the force that can be sensed by those of us attuned to it . I remember years and years ago there was a celebrity murder case by some D-list celebrity that barely anybody even remembered and CNN was desperately ramping up to go into OJ mode.

COLUMN: Centrism is the only path to bipartisanship

Each one of them, from former President George Washington to former President Barack Obama, has found a different way of filling the chair. President Donald Trump's relatively new presidential habits - underhandedly banning religions from entering the country and hanging up on foreign leaders in moments of dissatisfaction - could be considered simply unorthodox if they weren't so blatantly, perhaps irreversibly, destructive.

Judge to IRS: – Strong showing’ on Tea Party bias claim

The judge wrote that a group suing the IRS "has made a strong showing of a likelihood of success" on its claim that its free speech rights were violated. Judge to IRS: 'Strong showing' on Tea Party bias claim The judge wrote that a group suing the IRS "has made a strong showing of a likelihood of success" on its claim that its free speech rights were violated.