Sleazy ‘Scam PACs’ Hurt GOP Candidates Again This Cycle With Fake Fundraising

A crop of conservatively named super PACs has arisen in recent years, which serve to do little but pad their own coffers during election season. The moneymakers behind the scam organizations appeal to the conservative base with long-shot candidates who have no chance at toppling powerful Republican incumbents, by disguising their actual chances.

Editor’s Letter: Turn Off Trump TV

It makes sense that former Fox News chairman Roger Ailes and Breitbart 's executive chairman Stephen Bannon are now adviser and chief executive, respectively, for the Donald Trump campaign. Ailes, who the campaign insists has no formal or informal role, turned Fox News into the de facto mouthpiece for the GOP; Breitbart , the site for those who think Fox News is too namby-pamby, was instrumental in the proliferation of birtherism, the rise of Tea Party darling Sarah Palin, and the propagation of the idea that the American straight white Christian man is losing ground to people of color, women, queers, and infidels; and both outlets constantly echo the strains of American nationalism.

Trump’s Top Guy Digs Lenin, Destruction

I met Steve Bannon-the executive director of who's now become the chief executive of the Trump campaign , replacing the newly resigned Paul Manafort -at a book party held in his Capitol Hill townhouse in early 2014. We were standing next to a picture of his daughter, a West Point graduate, who at the time was a lieutenant in the 101 Airborne Division serving in Iraq.

TEA Party Holds Meeting

Climate change, a hot topic with the Obama administration, was discussed. In an educational Prager video, "97 Percent of Scientists Agree," moderator Alex Epstein said this statement "is the most illogical and unscientific argument you can make."

‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flag being investigated by the EEOC as

AUGUST 11: William Temple of Brunswick, Ga., a member of the Golden Isle Tea Party, waves a flag outside of Stephens Auditorium at Iowa State University before the Republican presidential debate in Ames, Iowa, Aug. 11, 2011. The debate will feature eight Republican candidates.

A Tea Party conservative just lost to a Trump supporter, because farm subsidies

A Tea Party leader in the House of Representatives just lost a primary bid for reelection - a sign that Republican voters may be fed up with Tea Party obstinance and are casting about for something new. Rep. Tim Huelskamp lost his Kansas primary by a huge margin to newcomer Roger Marshall.

Due Process in the Age of Obama’s IRS

Arguments against banning gun purchases by people whose names are placed on secretive government lists are largely and correctly based on a denial of Constitutional due process, as at American Thinker here and here . There is another compelling reason to oppose what has been referred to as 'No Fly, No Buy' and similar proposed regulations: politically motivated abuse.

Tea party activist arrested for selling opiates

A local tea party activist who has railed against government spending found himself behind bars Thursday, charged with trafficking in a controlled substance John "J.R." Roth, 60, of Cold Spring was arrested by Highland Heights Police Thursday night. Tea party activist arrested for selling opiates A local tea party activist who has railed against government spending found himself behind bars Thursday, charged with trafficking in a controlled substance John "J.R." Roth, 60, of Cold Spring was arrested by Highland Heights Police Thursday night.

Post-Bruner Upset, Keven Ellis is Cautiously Optimistic

When a reporter called him Tuesday night for comment on his unexpected Republican runoff victory over State Board of Education hopeful Mary Lou Bruner, the 45-year-old Lufkin school board president asked whether it was true. "I didn't want to be the one to call it," said the chiropractor and father of three, who declined to criticize Bruner, an East Texas Tea Party activist and retired schoolteacher who drew national attention for bizarre and bigoted social media posts.

Facebooka s Zuckerberg meets with conservatives in Calif.

Top conservative commentators have gathered at Facebook's headquarters for a confab with CEO Mark Zuckerberg meant to reassure them that its "trending topics" feature wasn't biased against their viewpoints. Commentators invited include radio host Glenn Beck, American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks, Tea Party Patriots CEO Jenny Beth Martin and Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, which says its "sole mission is to expose and neutralize the propaganda arm of the Left: the national news media."

Facebook’s Zuckerberg meets with conservatives

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is meeting with conservatives, including radio host Glenn Beck, to discuss claims that its "trending topics" feature is biased against their viewpoints. The Wednesday meeting also includes American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks, Tea Party Patriots CEO Jenny Beth Martin and also Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, which says its "sole mission is to expose and neutralize the propaganda arm of the Left: the national news media."