Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan: Respect existence or expect resistance

Last week in Bonn, Germany, thousands gathered at the heavily secured United Nations climate conference, dubbed “COP 23,” a Potemkin village of bureaucrats, politicians, environmentalists, journalists and local support staff. Sixty kilometers away, in the 12,000-year-old Hambach Forest, scores of activists, living in treehouses, defended the old growth woodland in an ongoing struggle to save the rare ecosystem from destruction and stop the expansion of Europe's largest open-pit mine, a sprawling hole in the earth where energy company RWE extracts lignite, or brown coal, the dirtiest coal on earth.

People Act Where US Fails On Climate

MARCH 10: Protesters march during a demonstration against the Dakota Access Pipeline on March 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Thousands of protesters and members of Native nations marched in Washington DC to oppose the construction of the proposed 1,172 Dakota Access Pipeline that runs within a half-mile of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation in North Dakota.

Canada’s push to eliminate coal power takes on U.S. clean coal in Bonn

Climate change talks in Germany are headed for a collision course on coal this week - and Canada is right in the middle of it. Environment Minister Catherine McKenna is arriving today in Bonn, Germany, to attend the second week of COP23, the annual United Nations climate change talks that two years ago led to the Paris climate change accord.

Canadaa s push to eliminate coal power takes on U.S. clean coal in Bonn

Minister of Environment and Climate Change Catherine McKenna responds to a question during Question Period in the House of Commons Friday June 16, 2017 in Ottawa. Environment Minister Catherine McKenna lands in Bonn, Germany today to attend the second week of COP23, the annual United Nations climate change talks that two years ago led to the Paris climate change accord.

California governor heads to Europe for climate talks

California Gov. Jerry Brown is continuing his international fight against climate change with an 11-day trip to Europe starting Saturday including stops at the Vatican and a United Nations conference in Germany. Brown is a chief adversary to Republican President Donald Trump in the battle over U.S. climate policy, promising to help the country reach its emissions reductions targets even as Trump withdraws from an international climate accord.

Racism and violence are bad (3) (Pictorial)Temple C. Ubochi, Bonn, Germany

Never seen anything like this in the modern record #Irma #Jose #Katia We've had hurricanes in Florida forever. And the question is, 'What do we do about the fact that we have built expensive structures, real estate and population centers, near those vulnerable areas? hrough the harsh design of fate, Florida was dealt the unfortunate circumstances of bearing the brunt of not one but two hurricanes, and it appears more dark clouds are poised to visit the Sunshine State I think the Caribbean countries face rising oceans and they face increase in the severity of hurricanes.

California governor named adviser for UN climate conference

California Gov. Jerry Brown was named Tuesday as a special envoy to states at the next United Nations Climate Change Conference, further elevating his international profile as a leader on the issue as President Donald Trump backs away from a key international agreement. The announcement of Brown's role at the November conference in Bonn, Germany, by Fiji Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama comes on the heels of the governor's meetings with Chinese President Xi Jinping and German Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks to discuss climate change.

US still in climate talks with no decision on Paris pullout

The United States says it it will continue attending United Nations climate change meetings, even as President Donald Trump considers pulling the U.S. out of a global emissions-cutting deal. While U.S. representatives are in Bonn, Germany, next week for the U.N. talks, Trump's advisers will meet Tuesday to discuss what to do about the global pact known as the Paris agreement, officials said.

Tillerson presides over shakeup at State Department

The news sent shock waves through the agency and has left career officials on edge, in part because of its abrupt nature - taking place before their assignments end this summer and replacements have been found - and in part because these officials help the secretary, a government novice, work with policy experts throughout the building. While Tillerson was on his first overseas trip at the G20 in Bonn, Germany, his aides told the entire staff in the offices of the deputy secretary of state for management and resources and the State Department counselor that their current assignments were prematurely coming to an end, according to senior aides.