What Hillary Clinton-Media Collusion? THIS Hillary Clinton-Media Collusion

On November 21, 2016, Michael Sainato at the New York Observer presented an overwhelming number of examples of 2015-2016 collusion between the press and the Hillary Clinton campaign. It serves as a definitive rebuttal of any claim that the press wasn't in the tank for Mrs. Clinton.

Diane Dimond: Don’t Let the Media Make up Your Mind on State of the Union

Following President Donald Trump's first State of the Union, I was left shaking my head at some journalists' analysis of what was said. Especially troublesome to see from my crime-and-justice perch was reporters tying Trump's mention of deadly MS-13 gang activity to all undocumented immigrants.

Habakkuk on ‘longtime’ sources:

In the light of the suggestion in the Nunes memo that Steele was 'a longtime FBI source' it seems worth sketching out some background, which may also make it easier to see some possible reasons why he 'was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.' There is reason to suspect that some former and very likely current employees of the FBI have been colluding with elements in other American and British intelligence agencies, in particular the CIA and MI6, in support of an extremely ambitious foreign policy agenda for a very long time.

Trump Isn’t Just Incompetent and His Agenda Isn’t Just Bad. It’s Evil.

After a year that's brought us closer to nuclear war, ethnic cleansing, and climate catastrophe, it's time to consider that the Trump-GOP agenda may be genuinely evil. Evil is a popular topic in Hollywood, from The Evil Dead franchise to Dr. Evil in the Austin Powers movies.

Jeff Flake – Donald Trump’s ‘fake news’ epithet emboldens despots around the world

Hours before President Donald Trump revealed the recipients of his "fake news awards," one Republican lawmaker took to the Senate floor to deliver a stern warning about the perils of undermining journalism. Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., cautioned that Trump's anti-press rhetoric, such as calling the New York Times , CNN and ABC News an "enemy of the American people," serves to embolden repressive governments around the world.

Head of Russian outlet RT says US foreign agent order hurts

The head of Russian television channel RT, which U.S. intelligence agencies allege took part in the campaign to influence last year's presidential election, says that having to register as a foreign agent in the United States is already hurting the Kremlin-funded outlet. Since the U.S. Justice Department gave the order and the station's U.S. affiliate complied, RT has been shut out of news events and suffered damage to its reputation, said Margarita Simonyan, the combative and passionate editor-in-chief of the 13-year-old operation once called Russia Today.

Fake News and Toxic Media Bias Are Nothing New – Just Worse

The mainstream media's coverage of President Donald Trump is unprecedented in its lack of fairness and its constant negativity. It represents the ultimate weaponization of big reporting that's in sync with efforts by the shadow government to mobilize the national security apparatus and the other entrenched Deep State bureaucracies for the purpose of weakening and ultimately taking down the 45th president of the United States.

ABC Panel Lauds Wolff’s Gossip Despite Agreeing Only ’50 Percent’ Was True

The liberal media were experiencing nirvana on Sunday as they continued their nearly not stop love-fest for the anti-Trump gossip book Fire and Fury by journalist Michael Wolff. Despite the fact that, when pressed, they admit the book was dubiously sourced and filled with easily provable factual inaccuracies, they still claim to their viewers that the book somehow "rings true."

CNN’s Stelter: Media Will ‘Maintain High Standards’ Of…

CNN's Brian Stelter said Saturday that journalists "hold each other to high standards" of accuracy while the Trump White House has a "very low standard." Stelter, referring to a recently published book on the Trump White House by Michael Wolff, said, "I think if people have doubts about the book, they should go out and read it for themselves, and that includes the White House aides that have tried to demean the book and call it all fiction.

Investigative journalism is not dead. Ask Roy Moore and John Conyers.

Investigative reporters in 2017 exposed accusations of sexual misconduct by Harvey Weinstein , Roy Moore and many others, documented what appears to be an appalling undercount of the hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico, and caught Michael Flynn in a lie that cost him his job as national security adviser and ultimately led to his criminal conviction and cooperation with a law enforcement investigation of Donald Trump's campaign. Yet conservative commentator Gayle Trotter said Sunday on Fox News that "when you think about independent, investigative journalism, we have seen kind of the death of that this past year."

Mind: ‘Fake News’: Wide Reach but Little Impact, Study Suggests

Fake news evolved from seedy internet sideshow to serious electoral threat so quickly that behavioral scientists had little time to answer basic questions about it, like who was reading what, how much real news they also consumed and whether targeted fact-checking efforts ever hit a target. Sure, surveys abound, asking people what they remember reading.

Here are the most important, but CENSORED, news stories of 2017

Professional journalism took a major hit this past year as one establishment media outlet after another became afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome and spent the better part of the past 12 months manufacturing one story after another . Normal confirmation of information through multiple, independent sources was one of the biggest casualties of the year as networks and newspapers like CNN , the Washington Post , The New York Times , Politico , and the networks - ABC News in particular - were duped time and again into running with Deep State information about President Donald J. Trump and his administration that turned out to be patently and demonstrably false.