Children’s Meal Program Keeps Expanding In Alachua County

Every year, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service funds a national summer food service program which helps feed children 18 and under during the summer break from school. Alachua County Public Schools is the sponsor for sites in the county with its Food and Nutrition department.

Poe Springs Park, Closed Since Irma, To Reopen By Memorial Day

Bob Barnas is hopeful that Poe Springs Park will finally reopen this summer after it was shut down due to damage from Hurricane Irma in September. The former High Springs city commissioner, who runs the Poe Springs Facebook page that has a reach of nearly 4,000 people, has seen pictures sent to him of the damage still left over from the hurricane, like broken walkways and sand that washed up from the Santa Fe River.

Yoho Answers To Contentious Town Hall Crowd That Ends With Protestor Violence

Protestors and supporters alike gathered to voice their opinions to their representative, District 3 Rep. Ted Yoho , Saturday morning, an event that ended with one man on the ground. Yoho and Gainesville Indivisible, the local chapter of the national group Indivisible Guide aimed at resisting President Trump's agenda, hosted a town hall Saturday morning at Countryside Baptist Church in Gainesville, his first of the year .