a Gop senator and a congressman are calling on Donald Trump to…

Republican Sen. Mark Kirk said Donald Trump should drop out of the presidential race, urging the GOP to enact rules for "emergency replacement," after lewd audio of the Republican presidential nominee was leaked on Friday. The Illinois senator tweeted amid a whirlwind of prominent Republicans denouncing Trump - including 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, RNC chairman Tweet Embed: Donald Trump should resign as the Republican nominee for president, he brags about sexuality harassing women.

Polls: GOP Closing Fast on Senate Seats

The GOP's chances of holding the Senate just got a big push: Sens. Mark Kirk of Illinois and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin moved into striking distance of the long-favored Democratic nominees, according to recent polls. A poll from Emerson College showed the race in Illinois was close - with Democratic Rep. Tammy Duckworth leads Kirk by only 41 percent to 39 percent among likely voters.

Iran deal remains issue in Maryland races

Maryland's Republican Senate nominee Kathy Szeliga was a few minutes into answering questions at a campaignevent last week when the discussion took a sharp turn toward the summer of 2015. "We've asked Chris Van Hollen to comment on whether he's still supporting this Iran deal," she told a few dozen Rotarians in Montgomery County, referring to her Democratic opponent.

Kasich back in New Hampshire with nostalgia, eye on future

Former Republican presidential candidate Ohio Gov.John Kasich, left, endorses Chris Sununu, right, for New Hampshire's governor during a news conference Monday, Aug. 29, 2016, in Concord, N.H. . Former Republican presidential candidate Ohio Gov. John Kasich, right, endorses Chris Sununu, left, for New Hampshire's governor during a news conference Monday, Aug. 29, 2016, in Concord, N.H. The former presidential candidate and chief Donald Trump critic is the first of 2016's failed GOP hopefuls to return to the state since the February primary.

How the Machine That Created Barack Obama Keeps Power in Illinoisby…

Spendthrift and incompetent government has turned Illinois into a basket case. Barack Obama's adopted state ranks 47th in the nation in fiscal health ; and, as the Huffington Post reported in March, it's dead last in how much it leaves in the pockets of middle-class taxpayers.

Morning Spin: Why Rauner fears teacher pension board vote

Welcome to Clout Street: Morning Spin, our weekday feature to catch you up with what's going on in government and politics from Chicago to Springfield. The board that oversees the Teachers Retirement System is scheduled to vote on whether to lower the expected rate of return on investments, a move Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner 's office has warned could blow a massive hole into the state's already shaky finances.

The Latest: Trump wona t address immigration in Phoenix

Donald Trump will return to Phoenix next week, but campaign staffers now say he won't be delivering a speech outlining his immigration policy there. Campaign officials had confirmed the Aug. 31 immigration speech in Phoenix earlier Wednesday.

The Latest: Trump calls Clinton ‘bigot’ who only wants votes

The Republican presidential nominee drew loud cheers from a crowd in Jackson, Mississippi, on Wednesday when he declared that Democrats have taken minorities' support for granted. He said of his Democratic opponent, "Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future."

The Latest: Trump to deliver immigration speech in Phoenix

Donald Trump is returning to Phoenix to deliver a speech outlining his immigration policy as he works to soften the harsh tone that became a hallmark of his primary campaign. Arizona Republican Party Chairman Robert Graham confirmed the event and that the speech would cover "policy."

Challenge for GOP senators: Surviving a possible Trump loss

A key question looms for vulnerable Republican senators this election: If Donald Trump loses and loses big, can they still survive? With 11 weeks until Election Day, Trump's declining standing in the polls has GOP Senate candidates preparing for the worst, and they're maneuvering now to put as big a margin as they can between themselves and the top of the ticket. Some strategists foresee a historic Trump loss and the need to outrun the presidential nominee by at least five to 10 percentage points in states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire and Florida, if Senate incumbents are to prevail in November.

The Way Out

It's fair to say that Donald Trump has made things difficult for the Republican Party. He has taunted its leaders, turned its debates into rap sessions about his anatomy, sabotaged its efforts to appeal to Latinos and to women, and, as he has shouted out bigoted invective, made many of its members feel shame.

Dozens of Republicans urge RNC: Spend on Senate races, not Trump

More than 75 Republicans have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee Chair Reince Priebus to spend the party's money on helping secure the Republican majority in the Senate, not on Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The letter, whose signers include former congressmen Gordon Humphrey, Mickey Edwards and Christopher Shays; Bruce Bartlett, a member of President George W. Bush's cabinet; and former RNC staff members said that Trump's campaign will have a "catastrophic impact" on down-ballot races.

2 vulnerable GOP incumbents break with Trump on immigration

Two Illinois Republicans considered among the nation's most vulnerable congressional incumbents are breaking from their party and Donald Trump to advocate for new laws that would include a path to citizenship for people living in the country illegally. Rep. Bob Dold and Sen. Mark Kirk spoke at an event Wednesday in Chicago.

Morning Digest: The latest round of polling shows the tide is turning in Pennsylvania’s Senate race

Donald Trump is the Republican nominee, which is frightening.We must make sure his hateful rhetoric does not even come close... Donald Trump has gone too far with his attacks on Gold Star parents Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son Army Capt. Humayun Khan... A Donald Trump White House would be a disaster, and this goes way beyond any ideological difference.

Sponsored Lester: Election hack likely not by a campaign, official says

Your voter registration information might have been stolen when the online database of the State Board of Elections was hacked earlier this month, though it's expected to take more than a week for officials to get a handle on just who was affected. "I think everyone in our IT department spent the weekend mixing their Maalox with Jim Beam," the board's general counsel Ken Menzel cracked after I phoned him following a tip from the Kane County clerk's office.

In tight re-election bid, Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk steps away from GOP

Sen. Mark Kirk made his second appearance in Chicago's gay Pride Parade this year. He broke ranks to support Democrat-backed gun control measures and called his party's presumptive presidential nominee "too bigoted and racist" for the job.

In tight race, Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk steps away from GOP

" Sen. Mark Kirk made his second appearance in Chicago's gay Pride Parade this year. He broke ranks to support Democrat-backed gun control measures and called his party's presumptive presidential nominee "too bigoted and racist" for the job.