Anson: How Al Gore convinced Miguel Torres to fight climate change in wine

In the week of an unlikely meeting between Al Gore and US president-elect Donald Trump, Jane Anson talks to Spain's Miguel Torres Snr about the influence of Gore on his own battle against climate change in wine. 'We don't know what is going to happen in politics over the next few years, but we do know that the pattern of global warming is not going away.

Commentary: Trump has effective energy ideas

Who knows, but there's at least a chance that President-elect Donald Trump could help save the world from global warming and, on top of that, from global warming alarmists with other means of doing harm. He is against President Barack Obama's Clean Power Plan, which has the following faults: 1) It would cost consumers a fortune and save relatively little.

Gore says U.S. climate curbs on track, hopes Trump will surprise

U.S. greenhouse gas emissions are likely to fall irrespective of the pro-coal policies of President-elect Donald Trump, who may still surprise the world by embracing global action to limit climate change, former vice president Al Gore said. Gore, a climate activist who will lead a 24-hour televised marathon on Dec. 5-6 about global efforts to limit rising temperatures, told Reuters that companies and U.S. states would cut emissions despite Trump's doubts that warming is man-made.

Permafrost shrinks as warming climate accelerates pace of change

The man he selected to lead the transition for the Environmental Protection Agency and shape climate policy for the next administration is like-minded. Trump adviser Myron Ebell, trained in philosophy and politics, has spent his career trying to create political uncertainty about the scientific consensus on climate change and preserve the status quo for the fossil fuel industry.

Carbon tax rejected, talks endure

Washington's carbon tax initiative was billed as a bipartisan approach to curbing carbon emissions, but voters rejected the measure, which drew opposition from the fossil fuel industry and environmental groups alike. The proposed tax on carbon emissions from fossil fuels such as coal and gasoline would have been the first in the U.S., and sponsors hoped it would serve as a model for actions across the country.

John Kerry says hea ll continue with global warming efforts

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday he will continue his efforts to implement the Paris Agreement on global warming until the day President Barack Obama leaves office on Jan. 20. Speaking in New Zealand following a trip to Antarctica, Kerry said his administration would continue to do everything possible to meet its responsibility to future generations. Kerry has long championed climate action but now his legacy is under threat.

Sustainable Saturday: The Danger Trump Poses to the Environment, Global and Local

Similar s truggles have been erupting between environmental watchdogs and business interests since the 1973 Endangered Species Act became law. The Tennessee Instead of uniting Americans in an eco-conscious quest to protect and preserve Earth, some of these battles have been deeply divisive.

Trump win raises question about UN climate deal

The election of a U.S. president who has called global warming a "hoax" raised questions Wednesday about America's involvement in the Paris Agreement on climate change - and the future of the deal itself. As the sun rose over the Atlas mountains, news of Trump's victory was still sinking in at U.N. climate talks in Marrakech, Morocco, where delegates from almost 200 countries - including the U.S. - were meeting for the first time since the landmark deal entered force.

US election looms large over UN climate talks

U.N. climate talks open Monday against the backdrop of a U.S. election that could have a major impact on America's role in the global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions People gather in the landmark Jemaa el-Fnaa square, in Marrakesh, Morocco, Saturday, Nov. 5, 2016. The Climate Conference, known as the COP22, starts Monday in Marrakech and is expected to attract hundreds of participants and state representatives.

politicsA Trump Presidency Would Also Cook the PlanetA pretty big footnote. Jonathan Chait

Aside from the crotch-grabbing, dictator-loving, refusal to disclose his taxes, Muslim-banning, constant fraud, and other distinct touches Donald Trump has brought to the campaign, it bears mentioning that he would also unleash catastrophic, runaway climate change. Trump and the Republican Congress promise to immediately repudiate the Paris Climate Agreement and tear up all domestic regulation related to climate change.

Jay Faison’s Expensive, Maddening Quest to Save the Planet

Faison speaks at a panel put on by the Washington Post called "Party Platform: Energy and Environment," at Butcher and the Brewer outside the Republican National Convention. When Jay Faison, one of the Republican Party's most generous patrons, flew to Cleveland for its national convention in July, things weren't looking good for anyone concerned about the health of the planet.

Backers of Paris Climate Pact Play Down Trump Threat as Election Looms

Backers of a global accord to fight climate change that formally comes into force on Friday say they are confident the deal can survive any legal challenges by U.S. Republican candidate Donald Trump if he wins next week's presidential election. Trump has threatened to reject the accord negotiated by nearly 200 governments, including that of U.S. President Barack Obama.

Global deal reached to limit powerful greenhouse gases

Nearly 200 nations have reached a deal, announced Saturday morning after all-night negotiations, to limit the use of greenhouse gases far more powerful than carbon dioxide in a major effort to fight climate change. The talks on hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, were called the first test of global will since the historic Paris Agreement to cut carbon emissions was reached last year.

UT researchers speak at climate change panel, call out climate change deniers

State Rep. Elliott Naishtat and U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse hosted a discussion on climate change at the State Capitol on Monday involving UT researchers Kerry Cook, a professor from the Jackson School of Geosciences, and Charles Jackson, a researcher with the UT Institute for Geophysics. Cook pointed out the danger climate change denial poses for the developing world and brought up the difference in damage between regions affected by Hurricane Matthew.

Tax measure flawed but better than no carbon price

A price or tax on carbon dioxide emitted from burning fossil fuels is long past due in the Northwest and the rest of the United States. Washington voters have a chance to break a political gridlock over state climate change policy by adopting Initiative 732 on Nov. 8. If enacted, the carbon tax would gradually move Washington closer in sync with British Columbia, which adopted such a tax nearly a decade ago to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Global warming will hit ‘critical’ levels in just 35 years warn scientists

A team of top scientists is telling world leaders to stop congratulating themselves on the Paris agreement to fight climate change because if more isn't done, global temperatures will likely hit dangerous warming levels in about 35 years. Six scientists who were leaders in past international climate conferences joined with the Universal Ecological Fund in Argentina to release a brief report Thursday, saying that if even more cuts in heat-trapping gases aren't agreed upon soon, the world will warm by another 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit by around 2050.

How the Reaction to Trump Could Be Good for the Climate

Four months ago, at the Williston Basin Petroleum Conference, in Bismarck, North Dakota, Donald Trump laid out his vision of America's energy future. "A Trump Administration will focus on real environmental challenges, not phony ones," the Republican nominee for President told his audience, apparently alluding to climate change.

For Obama, a swan song on global stage in final UN…

Standing before the United Nations for the last time as president, Barack Obama will reassure foreign leaders that the world is better equipped to tackle its challenges than at almost any point in history despite a cascade of harrowing crises that seem devoid of viable solutions. Obama's speech is always a focal point of the annual U.N. General Assembly, but his address Tuesday also marks Obama's swan song on the international stage.