Revolt fizzles as Trump easily wins Electoral College vote

Despite weeks of lobbying and a day of protests, President-elect Donald Trump won all but two of the Electoral College votes he claimed on Election Day, ensuring he will become America's 45th president. All 538 electors met in state capitals across the country Monday to cast their votes.

Electors stick to Trump script

They convened amid unusual scrutiny, widespread protests and rafts of speculation about efforts to alter the outcome, but, in the end, the nation's 538 presidential electors mostly stuck to the script Monday, formally sealing Donald Trump's victory with 304 votes in the Electoral College, well above what he needed to capture the White House. After all the efforts to lobby Republican electors to desert Trump, only two did - a pair from Texas, one of whom voted for former Rep. Ron Paul and the other for Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

it’s Official: The Electoral College makes Trump the 45th president

Donald Trump secured the necessary 270 electoral votes on Monday to formally be elected as the 45th president of the United States. Trump won the popular vote in 30 states and one of Maine's districts - which, along with Nebraska, splits up its electors by district - giving him 306 electoral votes.

Ron Paul: War On “Fake News” Is War On Free Speech

A major threat to liberty is the assault on the right to discuss political issues, seek out alternative information sources, and promote dissenting ideas and causes such as non-interventionism in foreign and domestic affairs. If this ongoing assault on free speech succeeds, then all of our liberties are endangered.

GOP Chair of Wall Street Panel Held Fundraiser With Official From ‘Domestic Terrorist’ Group

New Jersey Representative Scott Garrett praised Edward Durfee, the regional coordinator for New Jersey Oath Keepers, at an October gathering. Representative Scott Garrett, a Republican from New Jersey, questions John Stumpf, chief executive officer of Wells Fargo & Co., not pictured, during a House Financial Services Committee hearing in Washington on Sept.

Fed Chair Janet Yellen Defensive Against Trump Accusations

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen defended the independence of the U.S. central bank Wednesday, saying it does not play politics in response to charges from Donald Trump that she is manipulating financial markets to benefit President Obama. Trump earlier this month said that the Yellen-led Fed is keeping interest rates low in order to give a boost to the stock market in an effort to make Obama's economic record look good.

Democrats bypass 2nd place finisher, choose Gannon to oppose Oa Connor

BOSTON - Former state Rep. Paul Gannon, who now lives in Hingham after representing South Boston in the early 1990s, will run against incumbent Republican Sen. Patrick O'Connor this November after the state Democratic Party chose him to be the party's new nominee. A special executive committee met Sunday night to choose a replacement for Joan Meschino, who declined the Senate nomination after winning last Thursday's primary because she has chosen to focus instead on a race for an open House seat.

No third-party candidates qualify for Utah political debates

No third-party candidates will take the stage with Democrats and Republicans this fall in political debates put on by the Utah Debate Commission. None of those running for Congress, governor or attorney general in Utah met the 10 percent threshold for participation based on polling that the commission conducted Aug. 2 to Sept.

The Constitutional Remnant

Rand Paul had the relaxed, casual glow of someone who had recently spent some significant time on a beach somewhere decompressing. It was July 15 in Las Vegas at the libertarian gathering FreedomFest, three days before the start of the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, and the Kentucky senator was strolling across the stage in white pants and white shoes, delivering a confident, off-the-cuff spiel about how Congress needs to stop abdicating its constitutional responsibility to trim the sails of presidential power.

Democrats Mark Labor Day

Harrisonburg City Council candidate Paul Somers chats with Councilman Kai Degner, the Democrat's candidate for the 6th Congressional District, before the start of the Harrisonburg and Rockingham Democratic Committees' Labor Day Banquet on Sunday. State Sen. Creigh Deeds, D-Bath, speaks with Wilhelmina Santiful of Edinburg before the start of the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Democratic Party Labor Day Banquet on Sunday.

Libertarians pick Johnson and Weld ticket after close contest

Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson speaks to supporters and delegates at the National Libertarian Party Convention on May 27 in Orlando. ORLANDO -- William Weld, a former governor of Massachusetts who made a late-career leap to the Libertarian Party, won its vice presidential nomination Sunday after a close and raucous convention vote.