GOP lawmakers blast Trump’s ‘Morning Joe’ tweets

Republican lawmakers were caught off-guard by President Donald Trump's personal attack on "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski Thursday, with several saying the remarks were unbecoming of his office. On Thursday morning, while MSNBC's "Morning Joe" was on the air, Trump posted a pair of shocking tweets about Brzezinski and co-host Joe Scarborough.

Bernie Sanders defends escalating rhetoric over Senate healthcare bill because it’s accurate

Sanders and other Democrats have been slammed for their attempts to brand Republicans as being a part of the "Party of Death," calling the tax cuts in the Senate healthcare bill as "blood money" and repeatedly saying people will die due to the bill. The statements came a week after House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and three others were shot during a baseball practice in northern Virginia, and Republicans criticized that kind of rhetoric as inappropriate.

Letter: Get youth involved

My family knows relatively little about the subject of climate change - but we have been listening and are willing to learn. Recently, our 15-year-old daughter Hannah was given the opportunity to accompany a nonprofit group to Washington, D.C. She and other volunteers from around the country lobbied members of Congress and their staff members about legislation addressing potential solutions to our changing climate.

Sen. Hatch jokes he was behind Nickelback prank on Sen. Sasse

Orrin Hatch Sen. Hatch jokes he was behind Nickelback prank on Sen. Sasse Utah GOP narrows field for Chaffetz seat GOP chairman seeks tax reform recommendations MORE joked on Twitter that he was the prankster who signed Sen. Ben Sasse up for email subscriptions about the band Nickelback. "Just didn't want you to miss this.

President Trump says House health care bill was – mean’

President Donald Trump did not pressure Republican senators to rush a new draft of the health care bill at a Tuesday meeting, sources say, but instead lamented the saga that took place on the House side, and said the bill that passed in in the lower chamber was "mean" and the Senate bill should be more "generous." "He wasn't prescribing deadlines, because I think he recognized what happened in the House wasn't good, and he wants to make sure that we have a process that proceeds in an orderly way," said Sen. John Thune, R-SD, who attended the meeting at the White House.

Romney Vital to GOP With or Without Senate Run

Mitt Romney is re-emerging as an important piece to the Republican puzzle for the 2018 midterm elections and beyond, fueling even more speculation he might be positioning himself for another run for office, according to a Politico report. "All I can tell you is that the number of requests that Mitt has gotten in the last month to come to a district or to come to a state for a sitting senator - it's like he's a presidential candidate again, which I was surprised by," Spencer Zwick, a top political aide to House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis.

Romney encourages Biden to consider Senate run in Utah

In this Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2016 file photo, former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney talks with reporters in New York. Former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden is encouraging former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney to run for a senate seat in Utah currently held by Orrin Hatch if the senator decides to retire next year.

Reports: Former Vice President Joe Biden encourages Mitt Romney to run for Senate

Joe Biden, former U.S. Vice President, talks to the U.S. military personnel at an Air Base in United Arab Emirates, Monday, March 7, 2016. Biden said Mitt Romney should run for the Senate, according to news reports of their Friday evening event at Romney's annual retreat that brings together political and business leaders.

Health care bill could get a short term fix in the Senate

Washington is fixated on President Donald Trump's firing of FBI chief James Comey and burgeoning investigations into possible connections between Trump's presidential campaign and Russia. But in closed-door meetings, Senate Republicans are trying to write legislation dismantling President Barack Obama's health care law.

The Latest: NAFTA critic calls Trump plans “markedly vague”

The Latest on the Trump administration's plans to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada : Lori Wallach, director of the Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, says NAFTA needs a complete overhaul. "Modest tweaks will not stop NAFTA's ongoing damage, much less deliver on Trump's promises for a deal that will create American jobs and raise wages," she says.

Consternation on Capitol Hill over Trumpa s Russia meeting

Consternation and confusion overtook Capitol Hill on Tuesday as Republicans confronted revelations that President Donald Trump had disclosed highly classified information to the Russians in the Oval Office a day after firing FBI Director James Comey. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell paused and answered simply "no" when asked if he had concerns about the president's ability to properly handle classified information in wake of the revelations.

US Interior secretary tours hotly contested Utah monument

Protesters chant in favor of the Bears Ears National Monument as vehicles leave the Gateway Shopping Mall near the Bureau of Land Management office, where U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke was speaking ... . Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, left, introduces U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to speak at a news conference after having met with members of the Bears Ears Commission at the Bureau of Land Management ... .