Chaffetz: President ‘absolutely’ wants to take action on Bears Ears

President Donald Trump "absolutely" wants to take action to change the Bears Ears National Monument designation made by his predecessor, said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah. "I hope it is rescinded.

Senate Confirms Steven Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary

The Senate voted Monday to confirm former Goldman Sachs executive Steven Mnuchin as the next treasury secretary, the latest Cabinet member to be approved after a lengthy and at times contentious confirmation process. "Mr. Mnuchin has 30 years of experience working in a variety of capacities in the financial sector," said Senate Finance Chairman Orrin Hatch, a Utah Republican.

My view: Utah delegation should represent us or let someone else do the job

I was incredibly proud of my friends and neighbors in Utah during the recent presidential election. We made national headlines for opposing Donald Trump's antics and ethics even when so many other Republican states embraced him with open arms.

Warren Receives Support After GOP Formally Silences Her

Senator Elizabeth Warren voiced her opinion on Facebook late on Tuesday to end her speech that was formally silenced by Republicans on the Senate floor after she quoted Coretta Scott King while criticizing President Trump's attorney general nominee Senator Jeff Sessions. The drama unfolded when the Democrat from Massachusetts overstepped the arcane rules of the chamber by reading a letter dated three decades ago from the widow of Dr. Martin Luther King that dated to the failed judicial nomination of Senator Sessions nearly thirty years ago.

5 House GOP’s corporate tax scheme has its Republican skeptics

House Republicans face opposition to their plan to overhaul the way corporations pay federal taxes from a powerful group of lawmakers - other Republicans. "I'm not very enthused about it," said Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah, the chairman of the Finance Committee and the Senate's top tax writer.

Mnuchin’s denials don’t match record

Sen. Orrin Hatch says no, that the man nominated by President Donald Trump to be treasury secretary told the truth when he asserted that his former company, OneWest, had not engaged in the practice of “robo-signing” mortgage documents. That's despite dozens of court cases uncovered by The Dispatch that showed OneWest officials' robo-signatures, along with sworn testimony from one of his vice presidents describing how she did it.

Jim Jordan rejects calls to repair Obamacare

WASHINGTON In a growing rift among Republicans, Rep. Jim Jordan rejected calls by some GOP lawmakers to "repair" the 2010 health law, saying the law known as Obamacare was a "complete disaster" and needs to be swiftly and completely scrapped. During an interview Friday on Fox News, Jordan, R-Urbana said for Republicans "to say we're going to repair something implies you can actually fix something.

Republicans told to proceed with speed a ” and caution a ” on dismantling Obamacare

Republicans have yet to agree on how they want to replace the Affordable Care Act, but they're hearing that they might not have much time. Insurance companies need some details by the end of March as they develop health coverage packages for 2018, panelists suggested at a Senate hearing on Wednesday.

Hatch: Trump may not have Obamacare replacement

He has said he was putting finishing touches on a plan that would provide "insurance for everybody" and would submit a proposal as soon as his nominee to lead the Department of Health and Human Services is confirmed. But according to Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, a key player in the GOP's efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, there may not be a Trump Obamacare plan.

Evan McMullin starts group to serve as Trump watchdog

This Nov. 8, 2016, file photo, conservative presidential candidate Evan McMullin speaks to his supporters during an election night watch party after Republican Donald Trump won Utah, in Salt Lake City. McMullin has created a group that he says will expand his ability to serve as a watchdog over President Donald Trump.

GOP leaders fire warning shot to Trump on NAFTA

Republican leaders worried about President Donald Trump's trade agenda are warning him not to pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, saying it could drastically undercut American businesses throughout the country. In interviews with top Republicans, some are expressing concern about the protectionist views voiced by the new President on the campaign trail and in the very early days of his administration.

Hal Boyd: Bring the popcorn for a Hatch vs. Huntsman Jr. race

America's multinational juggernauts are clearly capitalizing on the former Utah Governor's grasp of global affairs. Yet, as Huntsman weighs a senate bid in 2018, likely challenging Sen. Orrin Hatch, Huntsman's vast international experience may ironically be as much a political liability as an asset.

Trump nominates Robert Lighthizer for trade representative – Tue, 03 Jan 2017 PST

President-elect Donald Trump nominated Robert Lighthizer to be his pick for U.S. trade representative, his transition team announced Tuesday. Lighthizer "has extensive experience striking agreements that protect some of the most important sectors of our economy, and has repeatedly fought in the private sector to prevent bad deals from hurting Americans," Trump said in a statement.