Senator Joe Manchin and other Senators contact CDC to help with overdose deaths

U.S. Senator Joe Manchin joined a bipartisan group of Senators in urging the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to provide more resources and better support for forensic medicine practitioners as overdose deaths in the United States overwhelm medical examiners, coroners, and toxicologists. The letter presses CDC on how it plans to ensure the forensic medicine community has the tools and support it needs to collect and share data to better understand, predict, prevent, and treat the addiction crisis.

Carrie Fisher Was On Cocaine, Opiates, Ecstasy

Los Angeles County coroner's report released on Monday revealed a mixture of drugs that were in actress Carrie Fisher's system when she went into cardiac arrest on an L.A.-bound flight and later died. Fisher's toxicology review found evidence of cocaine, methadone, MDMA , alcohol and opiates when she was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Hospital on Dec. 23, a toxicology report showed.