The Commission on Presidential Debate’s 15 Percent Polling Criterion…

A hearing in Johnson's case was held today in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, insisting that the Debate Commission in collusion with the major parties are violating antitrust law when it comes to "political markets." Electoral politics is like a market, argues Bruce Fein, the lawyer for Gary Johnson and other plaintiffs in an ongoing lawsuit against the Commission on Presidential Debates , the Republican and Democratic Parties, and 2012 major party candidates Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.

Libertarians to the rescue: How America’s third parties are…

Level the Playing Field argued that third parties, like the Libertarians and Greens, have been systematically excluded from debates - most notably the Commission on Presidential Debates - because the FEC refused to seriously consider evidence supporting their claims. This proof included allegations that members of the CPD have voiced support for and contributed money to Democratic and Republican candidates, as well as evidence that the 15 percent threshold used to determine debate participation is specifically designed to exclude third-party alternatives.

Judge suspended for photoshopped campaign ad of rival drinking with Obama

A West Virginia local judge elected last year is being suspended for two years for a photoshopped campaign advertisement-published on his Facebook page and elsewhere-that depicted his opponent drinking beer with then-President Barack Obama. Nicholas County Circuit Judge Stephen Callaghan's suspension is without pay, and it includes a $15,000 fine.

Libertarian party earns votes to retain ballot access

The Oklahoma Libertarian party needed 2.5 percent of the 2016 vote The requirement determined their ballot access for two more years On Thursday, the party announced it gained 5.7 percent of the vote for Gary Johnson The party also announced two new umbrella organizations: The Cherokee County Libertarians and the Central Region Libertarians New murder trial begins against former TPD officer One killed at doorstep of north Tulsa football watch party State of the State address planned Group raises money for Leon Russell memorial in Tulsa FOX23 Investigates: Could millions in DeVos family donations sway senate confirmation votes?

The people must trump bureaucracy

If he didn't understand it previously, Trump certainly has learned his most dangerous political foes are not Democrats in Congress, but the vast federal bureaucracy. Among the new president's first actions was to order a freeze on hiring in the government, with the exception of the military.

Some Bizarre Ideas on What to Do Next

Apparently, people are so frustrated and outraged by Trump's victory, they've begun contemplating some fairly radical strategies to thwart or stop him. In their most wildly optimistic moments, they even imagine forcing Trump from office, forcing him to resign the presidency and return to real estate or show business, or whatever the hell he was doing before he decided to enter politics.

Did Gary Johnson and Jill Stein Voters Cost Hillary Clinton The Election?

Of course, they could blame the Democratic Party for willfully tipping the scales in favor of ensuring the nomination of a candidate who The Intercept 's Glenn Greenwald aptly described as "a deeply unpopular, extremely vulnerable, scandal-plagued candidate, who - for very good reason - was widely perceived to be a protector and beneficiary of all the worst components of status quo elite corruption." They could also blame the lack of enthusiasm for either candidate, which produced a far lower-than-expected turnout , particularly in swing states.

Hillary and Bill Clinton, Tim Kaine Vote as Donald Trump Calls Campaign an “Amazing Process”

Trump's son, Eric, meanwhile, told MSNBC that his father will concede the election if he loses and the results are "legit and fair." In Indianapolis, 50-year old homemaker Ranita Wires said she voted for Hillary Clinton because she trusts her, but said "this has been the worst," and she's "so glad it's over."

Making a choice: Voters talk of decision and of tensions

Art Meadowcroft, 62, of Plymouth, Minn., poses for a photo after he went to the city hall to cast his vote early in Plymouth on Monday, Nov. 8, 2016. Meadocroft, who put a camouflage "Make America Great Again" baseball cap on as he left the polling place, said he voted for Donald Trump.

David Oualaalou, Board of Contributors: Americans neglect foreign policy at their peril

Among tragic failures of the 2016 presidential campaign is the fact that, amidst talk lately of sabotaged emails, sex banter, Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest and empty Trump philanthropic gestures, serious discussion of foreign-policy issues facing the United States is trivialized if raised at all. No wonder.

Rundown of 2016 general election ballot

The Oktibbeha County Circuit Clerk's election office released the sample ballot in October, ahead of the general election Tuesday. The county ticket lists candidates for president and vice president; two U.S. House of Representatives districts; Mississippi Supreme Court seats; two appellate court seats; five local election districts and a Starkville-Oktibbeha school board seat.

Play of the Day: The White House Social Media Handoff is Coming Soon

This week, Donald Trump won a mock election that was made up of over 700,000 Minnesota high school students . Late Night' s Seth Meyers joked about the results on Wednesday, noting that "if high school votes determined who won, our next president would be whoever brings weed to prom," which Meyers pointed out, pretty much described Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson .