The Latest: Buffett says $143B Unilever talks soured quickly

Warren Buffett says the proposed $143 billion offer to acquire Unilever, a deal with links to his company, fell apart quickly because the European company wasn't interested. Buffett said Monday on CNBC that his Berkshire Hathaway and 3G Capital abandoned Kraft Heinz Foods' bid for Unilever because they were interested only in a mutually agreed upon tie-up, not a hostile takeover.

The For-Profit Presidency, Month One

One month into the Trump administration, and it's clear that there has been a wholesale corporate takeover of the government A day-by-day review of the administration's first month shows that virtually every day there has been a new, extraordinary grant of power to corporate interests and/or another development in Donald Trump's get-rich-quick-scheme known as the American presidency. Poorly attended though it might have been, the inauguration itself was a paean not just to the new president but to his corporate backers.

Senate confirms Goldman Sachs executive Mnuchin as Trumpa s treasury secretary

The Senate confirmed Steven Mnuchin as Treasury secretary in a vote Monday evening, adding the former Goldman Sachs executive to President Donald Trump's Cabinet. The 53-47 vote, which fell largely along party lines, makes Mnuchin the 10th of Trump's Cabinet nominees to be confirmed in three weeks.

Business | Sen. Warren, Baldwin Seek Information on Goldman…

United States Senator Elizabeth Warren and Tammy Baldwin are seeking information on Goldman Sachs' role in and influence over the economic policies of the Trump administration. "The executive orders released by President Trump on Friday last week raise our concerns about the degree to which Mr. Cohn's advice to President Trump is good for Wall Street, but bad for Americans.

Elizabeth Warren probes Goldman Sachs’ ties to Trump

Washington, Feb 11 - After US President Trump signed an order to begin the process of dismantling Dodd-Frank act, Senator Elizabeth Warren on Friday asked investment banking company Goldman Sachs to explain how much influence it has over Trump's economic policies. The market value of investment banking company Goldman Sachs soared by $4 billion as Trump signed the order las week on Friday and former Goldman president Gary Cohn walked away from Goldman Sachs with $285 million to become Trump's top economic adviser.

‘This guy is a fraud’, Sanders on Trump

Washington, Feb 6 - Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders called US President Donald Trump a fraud and accused him of falling short of commitments to middle-class voters, pointing to his Cabinet and senior advisers' ties to Wall Street, the media reported. This guy is a fraud, Sanders, also a former presidential hopeful, told CNN on Sunday.

Sanders on Trump: ‘This guy is a fraud’

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders accused President Donald Trump of falling short of commitments to middle-class voters, pointing to his Cabinet and senior advisers' ties to Wall Street. "This guy ran for president of the United States saying, 'I, Donald Trump, I'm going to take on Wall Street - these guys are getting away with murder.'

Warren and consumer groups mount defense as Trump eyes changes to financial regulations

President Trump on Friday took the first step toward unwinding Wall Street reforms put in place during the depths of the financial crisis, sparking outrage from consumer groups across the country. After a meeting with business executives, including the head of JP Morgan Chase & Co.

Radio One DJ Clara Amfo slam Braid Bar

The wedding assassin: Hitman follows bride and groom as they walk down the aisle during Brazilian weddinga before pulling out a handgun and shooting at guests Trump's first combat casualties: Eight-year-old American daughter of Anwar al-Awlaki killed along with decorated SEAL Team 6 member in botched Yemen raid where almost everything went wrong Pictured: Judy Garland's new resting place after her remains are moved from New York to Hollywood 'to be near her three children' How the US military is botching the online fight against ISIS due to incompetence, cronyism flawed data, and a lack of Arabic speakers Missouri inmate to be executed over 1998 killing of a mother and two young children after he slashed their throats and dumped the bodies in a pond How quickly can YOU spot the typo? Hilarious photos showcase the spelling mistakes on billboards that make drivers do a double take 'Stop ... (more)

In new White House, a look at Trump’s inner circle

Since taking office 10 days ago, President Donald Trump has moved to consolidate power within a small cadre of close aides at the White House. He's added a senior political adviser to the National Security Council and appears to have cut out Cabinet secretaries from decision making on some of his top policies, including the immigration and refugee order that led to protests, legal challenges and temporary detention of some legal U.S. residents this weekend.

Trump rally makes stock options great again for some CEOs

Donald Trump once described Jamie Dimon as "the worst banker in the United States," but the president-elect has helped make the boss of JPMorgan Chase & Co $50 million richer. Dimon is the top beneficiary among the 30 chief executives who run companies in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index from a stock rally inspired by Trump's election, according to a Reuters analysis of their option grants.

Finance minister to stress Korea – s solid fundamentals in US

South Korea's finance chief will assure overseas investors about the country's solid economic fundamentals when he visits the United States this week ahead of the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump in mid-January, the finance ministry said Sunday. Finance Minister Yoo Il-ho will hold a road show for some 120 overseas investors in New York on Wednesday to explain South Korea's solid fundamentals represented by current account surpluses, stable foreign exchange reserves and further room for monetary easing policies, according to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

Trump names Wall Street lawyer Clayton as SEC chairman

To continue reading up to 10 premium articles, you must register , or sign up and take advantage of this exclusive offer: WASHINGTON - President-elect Donald Trump on Wednesday chose a Wall Street attorney with experience in corporate mergers and public stock launches as his nominee to head the Securities and Exchange Commission. Trump announced his nomination of Jay Clayton, a partner in the law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, as chairman of the independent agency that oversees Wall Street and the financial markets.

Tillerson Leaving Exxon With $180 Million Retirement Package

Rex Tillerson will get a $180 million retirement package from Exxon Mobil Corp. if he is confirmed as President-elect Donald Trump's secretary of state. Tillerson will give up more than 2 million Exxon shares he would have received over the next 10 years.

Elizabeth Warren rails against Donald Trump’s SEC pick

Senator Elizabeth Warren is railing against President-elect Donald Trump's pick to head up the Securities and Exchange Commission. Trump earlier on Wednesday said he wanted Wall Street lawyer Jay Clayton to be the SEC's chairman, calling him "a highly talented expert on many aspects of financial and regulatory law."

Trump appoints insider to police Wall St

Donald Trump ridiculed Wall Street on the campaign trail, and frequently criticized his political opponents for their ties to Goldman Sachs. Now, Trump is relying on a lawyer who has spent his career representing financial firms, and has his own close ties to Goldman, to lead Wall Street's top regulator.