Keep Guantanamo and grow it, GOP senators say in letter to Trump

A group of Republican senators has written President Donald Trump to not only keep the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, but to suspend the parole-style review board and grow the prison population. Four of the 11 senators who wrote Trump represent Colorado, Kansas and South Carolina - states the Obama administration had considered as possible sites for relocation of the last 41 Guantanamo detainees.

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee – watch live

He said the selection process "may be the most transparent judicial selection process in history," and said he is keeping his promise to the American people with this nomination. "When Justice Scalia passed away suddenly last February, I made a promise to the American people if I were elected president, I would find the very best judge in the country for the Supreme Court," he said.

Missouri senators renew effort to get Delta Queen cruising

Missouri's U.S. senators are renewing efforts to get the legendary riverboat the Delta Queen cruising again on the Mississippi River and its tributaries. Legislation filed this past week by Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and co-sponsored by Republican Sen. Roy Blunt would reinstate an exemption for the Delta Queen to a federal law that prohibits overnight excursions on wooden vessels.

Confirmations, conservative agenda on tap for GOP panels

Confirming Donald Trump's presidential Cabinet tops the immediate agenda for the Senate committees and their Republican chairmen, who then will focus on fulfilling long-sought goals by implementing a conservative agenda. The Senate GOP hasn't officially selected its committee leaders, but this is who is expected to hold the top spots: APPROPRIATIONS: Longtime Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran chairs the panel, which tries to work on a bipartisan basis while drafting 12 annual agency budget bills.

Despite his surprise victory, Trump still underperformed most Republican Senate candidates

The Republicans had an uphill battle to keep the Senate in 2016, given that they would be defending a number of seats in blue-leaning states. As Hillary Clinton's candidacy gained strength at various points over the summer and fall, it seemed even more likely that the Senate would flip back from red to blue, two years after it went the other direction.

Viewers’ guide: Who will control the Senate?

The battle for control of the Senate is so close that going into Election Day there are at least eight races virtually tied, leaving in question which party will control the chamber for the next two years. Republicans currently hold a 54-46 advantage over Democrats, meaning to gain control of the Senate, Democrats would need to pick up five seats if Donald Trump wins the White House or four if Hillary Clinton comes out on top.

Jay Ashcroft urges support for statewide Republican candidates –

Jay Ashcroft, candidate for Missouri Secretary of State, answers a constituent's question about his views on eliminating red tape for businesses during a campaign stop Wednesday afternoon at the Pettis County Republican Headquarters in Sedalia. Ashcroft will face Democrat Robin Smith in the Nov. 8 general election.

Has the FBI saved Trump?

FBI Director James Comey's announcement Friday that the bureau had reopened its investigation of the classified information in Hillary Clinton 's emails could scramble the already-tightening battle for control of the White House and Senate. "Two Fridays before Election Day leaves a lot of time for people still deciding and for voters to change their minds from what they may have been intending," said Mark Serrano, a GOP strategist who has worked on presidential campaigns since 1987.

In The Fixa s final list of top 10 Senate races, the edge goes to Democrats

The final Fix list of top 10 Senate races in 2016 ends where it began: With Democrats positioned to take back the Senate majority. If we factor in a likely Hillary Clinton presidency , Democrats would need to net four seats to take back the majority.


Republican Senate candidates are jumping on news of sharply rising premiums under President Barack Obama's health care law as they seek advantage in the closing days of the election. The unpopular law was already an issue in some key Senate races, a recurring attack line for GOP candidates and in some cases another way to tie Democrats to Hillary Clinton.

Trump, GOP look to a Obamacarea report as comeback lifeline

Suddenly armed with fresh political ammunition, Donald Trump and anxious Republicans across the nation seized on spiking health care costs Tuesday in a final-days effort to spark election momentum. The Republican presidential nominee, trekking across must-win Florida, insisted "Obamacare is just blowing up" after the government projected sharp cost increases for President Barack Obama's signature health care law.

Senate control may be at stake in GOP-friendly Missouri

The clamor for change fueling Republican Donald Trump's presidential campaign may help a little-known Democrat upset a powerful GOP senator in red-state Missouri on Election Day. And with just a handful of competitive races around the country, the outcome in Missouri could help determine control of the Senate.

US Senate candidates seek to fix system in DC

Missouri candidates for the U.S. Senate are vying for the opportunity to fix a system they think is broken and want to put Missouri on better footing for a stronger economy. The two main-party candidates, Democrat Jason Kander and Republican incumbent Roy Blunt, have been in a faceoff, pitting their experience against each other's.