New York Times Editor Testifies in Sarah Palin’s Defamation Lawsuit

The editor of the New York Times editorial board on Wednesday took the witness stand in a lawsuit filed by former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who claims that a June editorial in the paper defamed her by linking her to a 2011 mass shooting. James Bennet testified at a hearing before U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff in a Manhattan federal court that he meant to link Palin to an "overall climate" of incitement to political violence, but not to say she caused the shooting.

‘Actual malice’ and The New York Times

For Sarah Palin to prevail in her libel action against the New York Times , she must prove that the Times knew that the following statement in a June 15, 2017 editorial was false, or was published "with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not: "...Sarah Palin's political action committee circulated a map of targeted election districts that put [Congresswoman Gabrielle] Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs." The editorial went on to suggest that there was direct incitement "in the Giffords attack".

Kushner lawyer seasoned in navigating Washington scandals

Native American tribes and environmental groups preparing a legal battle to stop President Donald Trump from dismantling Utah's new national monument will face a tougher challenge than anticipated. Native American tribes and environmental groups preparing a legal battle to stop President Donald Trump from dismantling Utah's new national monument will face a tougher challenge than anticipated.

Sarah Palin sues paper for tying her PAC ad to mass shooting

A subway train derailment in New York City that injured nearly three dozen people and sparked major delays is being blamed on human error, not a track defect. A subway train derailment in New York City that injured nearly three dozen people and sparked major delays is being blamed on human error, not a track defect.

NYT Uses GOP Shooting To Falsely Attack Sarah Palin With Debunked Conspiracy Theory

The New York Times used the attempted assassination of dozens of Republican congressmen by a left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter to attack former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin with a baseless conspiracy theory blaming Palin for inciting mentally ill Jared Loughner to shoot Democratic Rep. Gaffy Giffords in 2011. "In 2011, when Jared Lee Loughner opened fire in a supermarket parking lot, grievously wounding Representative Gabby Giffords and killing six people, including a 9-year-old girl, the link to political incitement was clear.

Apocalyptic Progressivism

Shortly after the 2008 election, President Obama's soon-to-be chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, infamously declared, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste." He elaborated: "What I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."

Ex-Palin Aide Lands Job at Trump’s State Department

The former Alaska governor's "go-to girl" for communications and Christian outreach has found a new home in Foggy Bottom. The woman credited with smoothing over Donald Trump's relations with evangelical Christians and shaping the image of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has snagged a job at the State Department, " is vetting personnel and coordinating policy issues from her perch inside the Office of International Religious Freedom, according to two officials who spotted Pryor in her new digs.

Michael Gerson: The hypocrisy behind Julian Assange’s hero turn

Donald Trump's, Sarah Palin's and Sean Hannity's embrace of Julian Assange - who has made a career of illegally obtaining and releasing documents damaging to American interests - is not just a puzzling policy shift. It is the triumph of ideology over, well, every other principle or commitment.

CARIBBEAT: Journalist Gwen Ifill had roots in New York, Barbados

When Queens, N.Y.-born journalist and PBS' "NewsHour" co-anchor Gwen Ifill died last week, not many media reports spoke about her Barbadian roots. Ifill's death from endometrial cancer brought a multitude of condolences for her family and loads of praise and platitudes from media colleagues, TV viewers and left, right and moderate politicians.

Conservative flame-thrower to get key White House position

Stephen Bannon, a leading force of the far-right, a flame-throwing media mogul and professional provocateur, a man who made a career out of roiling the establishment from the outside, just landed squarely on the inside.

The Wild Twists That Could Make Mike Pence Our Next President

Five days before Americans headed to the polls in 2008, a sizable portion of the electorate could explain Sarah Palin's proximity to Russia, name at least one of her kids , and do a passable impression of her. Yet today, even Americans who are following the election might be sketchy on which state Mike Pence can see from his house and whether he even has kids .

Obama: Current angry mood of GOP started with Sarah Palin

"I see a straight line from the announcement of Sarah Palin as the vice presidential nominee to what we see today in Donald Trump," President Obama said. President Obama, in a wide-ranging interview with New York magazine that the publication billed as a "very early draft of his memoirs," revealed that he felt the origins in the bitter and uncompromising partisan divide that has emerged during the current presidential race boil down to one person: Sarah Palin.

Editor’s Letter: Turn Off Trump TV

It makes sense that former Fox News chairman Roger Ailes and Breitbart 's executive chairman Stephen Bannon are now adviser and chief executive, respectively, for the Donald Trump campaign. Ailes, who the campaign insists has no formal or informal role, turned Fox News into the de facto mouthpiece for the GOP; Breitbart , the site for those who think Fox News is too namby-pamby, was instrumental in the proliferation of birtherism, the rise of Tea Party darling Sarah Palin, and the propagation of the idea that the American straight white Christian man is losing ground to people of color, women, queers, and infidels; and both outlets constantly echo the strains of American nationalism.