How Both Sides Are Framing the Debate

If you only read one thing: It's silly season on the campaign trail, as operatives on both sides of aisle argue their preferred candidate is a terrible debater and set to be trounced in Monday's first presidential debate. It's the expectations game - in some ways as important as the debate itself.

McConnell unveils stopgap spending bill, anti-Zika funds

The Senate's top Republican on Thursday unveiled legislation to prevent a government shutdown next weekend and provide more than $1 billion to battle the Zika virus. It also would provide $500 million to help Louisiana rebuild from last month's devastating floods.

Donald Trump: John Kasich is not on board because ‘he got beaten so badly’

Donald Trump said Monday he doesn't really care if people like Ohio Gov. John Kasich endorse him - but he also didn't contradict Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who on Sunday hinted at possible retribution for such holdout Republicans. "I really don't care.

Priebus: Candidates who don’t support Trump could be penalized

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told "Face the Nation" that former presidential candidates who do not endorse Donald Trump for president could find themselves penalized if they run for president again. "Those people need to get on board," he told CBS' "Face the Nation."

Reince Priebus, RNC chief, threatens John Kasich, other Republicans who won’t back Donald Trump

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Sunday threatened Ohio Gov. John Kasich and other Republicans who refuse to support presidential nominee Donald Trump, saying the party may take steps to ensure it's not "that easy for them" to seek the White House again. Speaking on CBS' "Face the Nation," Mr. Priebus said every Republican who ran in 2016 needs to get behind Mr. Trump.

9/11 cuts deep in Trump, Clinton campaigns

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will set aside the presidential campaign for one day as the two candidates pause for the 15th anniversary of the largest terror attack ever in the United States -- and in the state they both call home. Clinton will begin Sunday morning at Ground Zero in Manhattan, participating in an annual moment of silence at 8:46 a.m. ET to mark the moment the first plane hit a World Trade Center tower.

Texas congressman calls Clinton ‘mentally impaired’

Rep. Louie Gohmert, never known for holding his tongue, made clear Friday morning that his disdain for Hillary Clinton runs deep. The Texas Republican called the Democratic nominee for president "mentally impaired," a line that drew approving laughter Friday at a gathering of religious conservatives.

Political contributions: Breaking down the data

Money matters in politics, and Kenosha County residents are part of the process, donating $1.2 million to federal candidates and political action committees since the start of the current two-year election cycle. Major Republican donor Richard Uihlein, who owns Uline, a Pleasant Prairie-based packaging and shipping supplies distributor, skewed the data for Kenosha County with a massive $1 million donation to a political action committee backing Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's presidential bid.

Mike Pence Carves Familiar Path Across Swing States for Donald Trump

With 73 days left until the November election, strategizing the daily movements of Donald Trump and Mike Pence - from their campaign stops to their fundraisers - would seem to be key for the GOP duo in their comeback bid to cut into Hillary Clinton's lead in the polls . But after a week in which Trump questionably spent days in Austin, Texas, and Jackson, Mississippi, the schedules of the running mates are under scrutiny with new campaign manager Kellyanne Conway indicating that the newly installed brass would not have made the same decisions.

Trump’s Top Guy Digs Lenin, Destruction

I met Steve Bannon-the executive director of who's now become the chief executive of the Trump campaign , replacing the newly resigned Paul Manafort -at a book party held in his Capitol Hill townhouse in early 2014. We were standing next to a picture of his daughter, a West Point graduate, who at the time was a lieutenant in the 101 Airborne Division serving in Iraq.

Analysis: That Silly Perry Vs. Cruz Idea? Don’t Be So Quick to Dismiss It

Pitting Ted Cruz and Rick Perry against each other in a political survey is just the sort of silly clickbait pollsters and headline writers love. Public Policy Polling, a Democratic-leaning firm, released a survey this week saying Cruz would lose to the former governor in a hypothetical Republican primary for re-election.

Trump’s spiral from convention bounce to campaign overhaul

Twenty-seven days after his coronation in Cleveland and post-convention bounce, Donald Trump's prospects appear to be dwindling -- a precipitous decline he sought to reverse on Wednesday with a major shakeup of top campaign staff. Weighed down by a dizzying string of successive and overlapping controversies, verbal spats, and political missteps, Trump saw his brief advantage evaporate in a haze of conflicts with everyone from the parents of a slain Muslim-American war hero and the most powerful elected official in Republican politics to a crying baby.

Taking on Ted

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Austin, is not ruling out challenging U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, in 2018, but he's emphasizing that he is not focused on it for now. "Like Reagan said, never say never, but it's not something I'm spending a whole lot of time thinking about right now," McCaul told reporters Wednesday in Austin.