The Democrat party is now officially a domestic terrorism group: DNC…

Democratic National Committee Deputy Chair Keith Ellison was recently spotted posing in a Twitter photo with the book Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook , written by Mark Bray, followed by a caption he wrote stating that the racist reading material should "strike fear in the heart" of President Donald Trump. In case you aren't aware, this Antifa "handbook" is filled with anti-white rhetoric, including how to set up so-called "kill zones" for ending the lives of conservatives and white people.

Rep. Keith Ellison draws fire for tweet about Antifa handbook and Trump

Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison is drawing criticism for calling attention to a book that critics say condones a left-leaning group using violence in clashes with white supremacists. Ellison, the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee, posted a photo on Twitter Wednesday of himself posing with the book "Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook."

Female Lieutenant Governor Poised to Take Frankena s SeatIf the…

On Thursday, Al Franken will announce that, in light of the growing number of sexual-harassment allegations against him , he has decided to resign from the Senate. Unless he announces that he's actually comfortable staying on as a pariah - or else, that he's decided to leave the Democratic caucus, and join a party that takes a more nuanced view of sexual predation.

Senate write-in candidates pitch conservative platforms

Two men running separate write-in campaigns for Alabama make arguments echoing many third-party challenges of the past: The major parties don't represent us. Lee Busby , a retired military veteran and businessman, and Mac Watson, a business owner, are mounting separate write-in campaigns for US Senate.

Roy Moore in 2009: ‘Only thing I know that the Islamic faith has done in this country is 9/11’

Republican nominee for US Senate in Alabama Roy Moore said in a 2009 speech that the only thing that Muslims had done in the United States was the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Moore, a hard-right conservative who beat out establishment candidate Luther Strange in the Republican primary, is now facing Democrat Doug Jones in a special election set for December 12. The former Alabama chief justice has in the past made a series of controversial remarks about Islam, including earlier this year calling it a "false religion."

Op-Ed Columnist: How Donald Trump Opened the Door to Roy Moore

In 2002, the Alabama Supreme Court issued a ruling in a child custody battle between a lesbian mother and an allegedly abusive father. The parents had originally lived in Los Angeles, and when they divorced in 1992, the mother received primary physical custody.

DACA’s demise kick-starts intense push to help Minnesota’s Dreamers, shape new law

David Soto was downcast after news the government is phasing out a program that has shielded him from deportation for almost five years. But before long, the 32-year-old from Eagan was asking himself: What can I do? Within hours of last week's announcement that the Trump administration is ending Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, a diverse cast of Minnesotans with a stake in the program sprang to action.

Trump is winning the statue war

Trump is winning the statue war With Democrats howling about tearing down statues and supporting violent protesters, Trump is free to run the nation. Check out this story on Just last month, Democrats were talking about how they needed to rebrand their party around a positive message.

Ellison: Kim Jong-un ‘Acting More Responsible’ Than Trump

The deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee realized he'd fumbled his response, as he quickly retracted his assertion after the session. Atlanta, GA-Representative Keith Ellison , who also serves as the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, cautioned against President Trump's rhetoric on North Korea at the Netroots Nation conference on Friday, initially saying that the foreign leader was acting more responsibly than Trump.

Local Music Tap: The Replacements Releasing Live Album From 1986

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Court Interpreters’ Lobby Day

With assistance from CWA, interpreters Ismail Charania of Norcross, Ga., and Clariselle Ocasio of Connecticut, , visited lawmakers on Capitol Hill to advocate for better working conditions for all immigration court interpreters. The government is currently providing interpretation services through a low-road contractor, SOS International .

How Democrats Can Hasten Trump’s Departure

's presidency is cascading out of control. Ironically, the appointment last week of Robert Mueller as special counsel to investigate Russia's involvement in the 2016 presidential election may slow White House hemorrhaging, taking pressure off GOP congressional leaders and their weak investigations and temporarily shoring up support for Trump on Capitol Hill.

Sanders backers fall short in California Democrat race

California Democrats on Saturday elected a longtime party activist to become their new chairman, after a contentious day of voting in which a second candidate backed by Sen. Bernie Sanders Sanders backers fall short in California Democrat race Russian government promotes conspiracy surrounding murdered DNC staffer Bernie backers fight to take over California Democrats MORE Meeting in Sacramento in the shadow of the state capitol, California Democrats elevated vice chairman Eric Bauman to the top job. Bauman edged out Kimberly Ellis, a Bay Area Democratic activist, by just about 60 votes out of 3,300 eligible delegates.

Just in: Bernie Sanders heading to S. Florida on Wednesday

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders will visit Miami on Wednesday and try to bestow some grass-roots cred on new Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez. Bernie Sanders lost the Democratic presidential nomination to Hillary Clinton, but this parade in Philadelphia last year shows he has a strong following among Dems.