Senate Passes Republican Tax Bill

The Senate narrowly passed Republicans' tax reform legislation early Saturday morning with no Democratic support, following a marathon voting session overnight. The bill , approved just before 2 a.m. in a 51-49 vote, next heads to conference, where House and Senate negotiators will work out the differences in their bills.

Marco Rubio wants to make a huge change to the GOP tax bill – and Trump won’t like it

The amendment would make the child tax credit more generous, but it would also cut the corporate tax rate to only 22% instead of the 20% proposed in the current tax bill. Republican Sens. Marco Rubio and Mike Lee on Wednesday announced an amendment to the GOP tax plan that would increase the tax breaks for families with children at the expense of corporations.

The Latest: Yellen enjoys warm reception as tenure nears end

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, who has endured numerous contentious hearings before Congress, is enjoying a warmer atmosphere in what's likely her final testimony as Fed leader. Lawmakers from both parties are taking turns offering praise, congratulations and gratitude for her stewardship of the Fed for the past four years.

Republicans had a big idea to give tax relief to the poor. Then it disappeared.

Ivanka Trump walks with Sen. Marco Rubio after a meeting with other senators on Capitol Hill in June. The Senate Republicans' tax bill would leave millions of poor families with only partial access to a tax credit that conservatives have touted as a critical policy tool for alleviating poverty.

Cruz and Cornyn refuse to fully condemn Roy Moore

First, there are those who don't believe the allegations against him: inappropriate relationships with teenage girls while in his 30s, including two who say he sexually assaulted them when they were 14 and 16 years old. These allegations were exhaustively reported by the Washington Post in a story that cited four accusers and more than 30 sources, and they were later supplemented by a fifth accuser who came forward Monday.

Roy Moore’s Alabama backers are standing by their man as national Republicans run away

Following the accusations by four women that Roy Moore dated and had sexual relations with them when they were in their teens and he was a 30-year-old lawyer, Moore's supporters in Alabama are - for the moment - remaining at the side of their man while national Republicans are fleeing the scene. According to Politico , the timing of the accusations - along with fear that a Democrat may take the seat once held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions - has local conservatives hardening their position supporting the controversial ex-judge.

Moore does not rule out that he dated teen girls

Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore declined Friday to rule out that he may have dated girls in their late teens when he was in his 30s, though he said he did not remember any such encounters and described such behavior as inappropriate. "If I did, I'm not going to dispute these things, but I don't remember anything like that," Moore said on Sean Hannity's radio program, when asked whether he had dated 17- or 18-year-old girls at the time.

GOP Senators Drop Endorsements Of Roy Moore

Roy Moore, the GOP Senate nominee in Alabama, is under growing pressure to step aside amid allegations of sexual misconduct with minors. Two Republican senators withdrew their endorsements of Roy Moore on Friday evening, becoming the first prominent politicians to drop their support for the Alabama Republican nominee in the U.S. Senate race.

Senators begin rescinding support for Roy Moore

Within one minute of each other on Twitter, Sens. Mike Lee of Utah and Steve Daines of Montana publicly announced they will no longer back the candidate, who is a 14-year-old girl when he was 32 and pursuing three other girls when they were 16, 17 and 19. The Washington Post first reported the accusations Thursday, which were later confirmed by CBS News. Having read the detailed description of the incidents, as well as the response from Judge Moore and his campaign, I can no longer endorse his candidacy for the US Senate.

Ivanka Trump Promotes Expansion of Child Tax Credit at Capitol

Ivanka Trump teamed up Wednesday with Republican legislators to try to ensure the tax overhaul package under construction on Capitol Hill includes an expansion of the child tax credit. The White House adviser and presidential daughter, appearing at a Capitol Hill news conference with GOP lawmakers, framed the tax credit as crucial for working families.

Senate set to vote on $36.5B disaster relief bill

The Senate likely will vote Tuesday on a $36.5 billion bill to aid communities affected by recent natural disasters, a measure that could bring relief to hurricane-ravaged Puerto Rico, the majority of which is still without power. "The Senate remains committed to doing its part to support the ongoing hurricane relief efforts," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said.

Trump tries to sell tax reform to Democrats

President Donald Trump intensified his efforts to sell Democrats on his tax reform plan on Wednesday even as Senate Republicans edged closer to passing a budget measure that would push forward a tax bill without Democratic support. Trump, whose plan would bestow up to $6 trillion in tax cuts on businesses and individuals over the next decade, talked with 18 members of the tax-writing Senate Finance Committee, including Republicans and Democrats.

Republicans Worry About Keeping Trump’s Middle Class Tax Promise

Amid the uncertainty for the middle class, the framework includes hundreds of billions in tax cuts that would directly benefit top earners and the wealthy. Republican lawmakers in red and blue states are expressing unease over the limited details about middle-class relief in the tax framework their leaders released last month, which has raised difficult questions about how to prevent some middle-income Americans from paying more due to fewer tax breaks.

Key figure in Utah political scandal appeals conviction

This Feb. 17, 2017 file photo shows Jeremy Johnson arrives for court during the trial for former Utah Attorney General John Swallow at the Matheson Courthouse, in Salt Lake City. Johnson a onetime helicopter-flying millionaire businessman who played a key role in touching off a high-profile pay-to-pay scandal in Utah is asking a federal appeals court to reverse his conviction for lying to banks to keep his online business afloat.