EPA scientists free to speak, chief says

Scientists at the Environmental Protection Agency will be free to publicly discuss their work from now on, Scott Pruitt, the agency's administrator, has assured lawmakers who criticized the EPA for preventing employees from presenting findings about climate change. In a letter Monday to U.S. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., Pruitt did not explain why the agency had canceled the presentations of two EPA scientists and one consultant who were scheduled to speak in Providence in October about the health of the Narragansett Bay, nor did he address whether the agency had acted improperly.

Trump health pick parries questions on drug cost, health law

Calling it the opportunity of his lifetime, President Donald Trump's pick for health secretary pledged Wednesday to help lower drug prices and said he'd carry out the Obama-era health law his boss has been unable to erase. Alex Azar's assurances to the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee were met with doubt by lawmakers of both parties, especially Democrats concerned about his ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

EPA cancels talk on climate change by agency scientists

The Environmental Protection Agency has canceled the speaking appearance of three agency scientists who were scheduled to discuss climate change at a conference Monday in Rhode Island, according to the agency and several people involved. John Konkus, an EPA spokesman and a former Trump campaign operative in Florida, confirmed that agency scientists would not speak at the State of the Narragansett Bay and Watershed program in Providence, Rhode Island.

Wishing for Trump’s impeachment? 5 reasons the next president could be even more dangerous

From the moment he was elected, liberals have clung to the possibility, however remote, that Donald Trump will be removed from office. They've fallen for the conspiracy theories of , and continue to hold out hope the Mueller investigation will bring his corrupt presidency crashing down.

When the Budget Resolution Isn’t About the Budget

Georgia GOP Sen. David Perdue is teaming up with a Democratic colleague, Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, on amendments to the budget resolution that declare the process is basically absurd. When Sen. John McCain removed the suspense by announcing he would vote for the budget resolution moving through the Senate, the Arizona Republican made clear the ridiculousness of the exercise.

The Latest: RI congressmen seek to ban ‘bump stocks’ on guns

The Latest on congressmen from Rhode Island working on legislation to ban devices that can enable a rifle to fire continuously, like an automatic weapon : Congressmen from Rhode Island want to ban devices that can enable a rifle to fire continuously, like an automatic weapon. U.S. Sen. Jack Reed, a Rhode Island Democrat, said Wednesday he's co-sponsoring a bill with U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a California Democrat, to ban "bump stocks" and other devices that can enable a rifle to fire continuously.

EPA head: No renewable fuel promise made to ex-Trump adviser

Pruitt is telling senat... A Rhode Island man accused of fatally shooting his mother in the intensive care unit of New Hampshire's largest hospital is set to be arraigned on murder charges. A Rhode Island man accused of fatally shooting his mother in the intensive care unit of New Hampshire's largest hospital is set to be arraigned on murder charges.

America’s Founding Father Would Be Outraged By Trump

George Washington would be horrified by Donald J. Trump's claim that there were "fine people" among those who rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, with neo-Nazis, Klansmen and white nationalists, and that they were morally equivalent to those who protested the event. Read his famous letter of 1790 to the Jewish congregation here in Newport.

Reed, Whitehouse address failed Republican healthcare repeal

Following the defeat of the Senate Republican-led attempt to pass a "skinny repeal" of the Affordable Care Act by a 51-49 vote, Rhode Island senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse stopped by the press room at T.F. Green Airport to address members of the media about steps forward from here to resolve continuing issues with the country's ... (more)

Sen. Whitehouse visits troops in Afghanistan on July Fourth

Sen. John McCain, an Arizona Republican, led a group of senators to Pakistan and Afghanistan for the holiday weekend. They visited a military base in South Waziristan and met with Pakistani leaders in Islamabad before traveling to Kabul, Afghanistan.

Health | Weiss: GOP Health Care Reform Moves to Senate

House Speaker Paul Ryan's words are now coming back to haunt him and GOP leadership that rammed American Health Care Act , without procedural safeguards, through the House chamber days ago. "I don't think we should pass bills that we haven't read that we don't know what they cost," said Ryan in a 2009 interview on MSNBC when Congress was debating President Obama's 1990-page Affordable Care Act , or Obamacare.

EPA chief to skip Republican gala after ethics complaint

In this Feb. 21, 2017, file photo, Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt speaks to employees of the EPA in Washington. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse filed an ethics complaint on April 25 against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt over a planned May 5 appearance as the keynote speaker at the Oklahoma Republican Party's annual gala dinner.

Trump administration talks tough on North Korea, but frustrated lawmakers want details

From Second from left, Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I. and Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo. prepare to board a bus on Capitol Hill in Washington, Wednesday, April 26, 2017, as they head to the White House to get a briefing on North Korea.