Mueller critics turning up heat

Tom Fitton, president of the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, said "our concerns about Mueller are beginning to take hold." For months, efforts to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign flickered at the fringes of political debate.

Departing GOP lawmakers warn that their party could lose majorities in 2018

Republicans could easily lose their congressional majorities in 2018, two retiring GOP lawmakers warned Sunday, pointing to a lack of diversity in the party and President Donald Trump's pattern of catering to his narrow conservative base as likely harbingers of bad news for their party. "When you look at some of the audiences cheering for Republicans sometimes, you look out there and you say, 'Those are the spasms of a dying party,' " Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said on ABC's "This Week."

Will voters listen as GOP tries to stop the next Roy Moore?

In this Oct. 17, 2017, file photo, former Republican Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward smiles as she is greeted by supporters at a campaign fundraiser, in Scottsdale, Ariz. Some Republican Party leaders warn that conservative candidates with problematic track records like Danny Tarkanian In Nevada or Arizona state Sen. Kelli Ward can't win general election battles and will lead the GOP to lose seats in 2018.

Young immigrants to wait until 18 to learn their fate in US

The fate of hundreds of thousands of young immigrants living here illegally and facing deportation will be decided next year, a Republican senator says. Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake said Wednesday he received assurances from Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that the Senate will vote in January on bipartisan legislation.

Senator expects January vote on fate of young immigrants

Republican Sen. Jeff Flake said Wednesday that party leaders have assured him the Senate will vote in January on bipartisan legislation to protect certain young immigrants from deportation. Flake, who had pressed for a guarantee during talks for his support on the tax bill, said in a statement he was pleased that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., was committed to bringing the immigration bill "we are currently negotiating to the Senate floor in January."

Senate Approves GOP Tax Plan, House to Revote Wednesday

In a vote in the early Wednesday morning hours, the Senate approved the final version of the first overhaul of the US tax code in more than 30 years, handing President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans their most significant legislative victory of 2017. The bill passed along party lines, 51-48 with the final result announced by Vice President Mike Pence who presided over the vote.

NY Times Mounts Sexist Attacks Against Sen. Susan Collins For Her Tax Bill Support

On Tuesday, Maine Republican Senator Susan Collins bitterly attacked the press's coverage of her ultimate decision to support the GOP's tax bill. Though Collins didn't name a media outlet in her criticism, the New York Times was primary purveyor of now-popular leftist memes, which Collins characterized as "unbelievably sexist," that she was "duped" by party leadership, and that she was so hard-hearted that she wasn't "brought to tears" by protesting Mainers who met with her last week.

House, Senate vote today on tax overhaul plan

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, accompanied by Rep. Kevin McCarthy , and Rep. Steve Scalise , speaks at a news conference following a closed House Republican conference meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Dec. 19, 2017. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi speaks at a news conference about the Republican led tax reform bill at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Dec. 19, 2017.

For GOP, day finally arrives: Voting to begin on tax plan

They have them in the House. They have them in the Senate. This bill is expected to pass both chambers and be on President Donald Trump's desk by Wednesday, no small feat given the extremely fast timeline GOP leaders gave themselves when they unveiled their tax plans last month.

Trump predicts economic boom as final tax bill heads for House, Senate

President says 'giant tax cut for Christmas' will breathe new life into U.S. economy, delivering more jobs and higher wages and massive tax relief for American families and companies. President Trump on Tuesday predicted the already-humming U.S. economy is about to get a big boost, as the final version of the $1.5 trillion Republican tax bill heads to the floors of the House and the Senate.

Juan Williams: The ground shifts on immigration

The earthquake began when candidates backed by President Trump played strong anti-immigrant cards in Virginia's gubernatorial race and Alabama's Senate race - and both came up losers. Trump, who had begun pulling down the curtain on the Obama-era program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals , is himself now talking a different game.

Post-Alabama, Democrats See A Slim Path To A Senate Majority, But Challenges Remain

Democrats have a path to a Senate majority in 2018 after an upset win by Doug Jones in last Tuesday's Alabama Senate special election. The win in Alabama now gives Democrats the elusive third target seat they had been looking for, which they needed given they're defending 10 incumbents who sit in states that Trump won last November.

Trump defends tax plan as ‘great Christmas gifts’ to middle class

With a vote on the biggest tax rewrite in three decades set for Tuesday, Republicans were working to ensure party members were holding the line in favor of the legislation against entrenched Democratic opposition. The plan was finalized on Friday after Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Bob Corker pledged their support.

Final Republican tax bill slashes US corporate rate, voting next week

WASHINGTON: Congressional Republicans on Friday unveiled the final version of their dramatic US tax overhaul - debt-financed cuts for businesses, the wealthy and some middle-class Americans - and picked up crucial support from two wavering senators ahead of planned votes by lawmakers early next week. Passage of the biggest US tax rewrite since 1986 would provide Republican lawmakers and President Donald Trump their first major legislative victory since he took office in January.

Can the Republican Party shake off Roy Moore?

Even though Roy Moore lost the Alabama Senate race to Doug Jones, observers on both sides of the aisle believe Moore will forever be a stain on the face of the Republican Party . Accused of sexual abuse by eight women -- one of whom was only 14 at the time -- critics say GOP support of Moore proves the Republican Party has lost its morals.

Democrats just won Alabama – and their clearest path yet to taking back the Senate

Supporters celebrate after media began to call the election for Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Doug Jones, at his election night party in Birmingham, Alabama, Dec. 12, 2017. Democrats didn't just win Alabama on Tuesday night.


Brian Beutler reminds us of how the Democrats and Republicans behaved when Scott Brown won his Senate seat in the midst of a historic debate about health care just 8 years ago: Republican leaders are on the brink of losing more than just the Alabama Senate seat. They are, among other things, also poised to break the promises they made to Sen. Susan Collins to secure her vote for the corporate tax cut bill.