Hamza bin Laden has married daughter of lead 9/11 hijacker, say family

Trump at a precarious moment in his presidency: Privately brooding and publicly roaring - In private, President Trump spent much of the past week brooding, like he often does. He has been anxious about the Russia investigation's widening fallout, with his former campaign chairman now standing trial.

Trump believes Mueller is using Manafort trial to embarrass him: report

The Washington Post reported Saturday that Trump thinks both the media and Mueller are using Manafort's trial on bank and tax fraud charges this week to try to undercut his presidency. "He is completely outraged by the way Manafort has been treated, with the solitary confinement and all of that," Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani told The Post.

Mixing protest and party, nightly ‘Kremlin Annex’ rally outside…

Activists in dinosaur suits and a shark take part in an anti-Trump protest at Lafayette Square. Nightly protests outside the White House began the evening that its resident made headlines in Helsinki.

Mueller is taking another shot at interviewing Trump as the…

Robert Mueller, the special counsel in charge of the Russia investigation is back to negotiating with President Donald Trump's lawyers for an interview with the commander-in-chief, The Washington Post reported on Wednesday, citing two unnamed people familiar with the discussions. Talks between the two sides have apparently been at a stalemate, partly due to the public stance Trump's defense attorney Rudy Giuliani has taken on the matter.

FEMA official harassed women, hired some as possible sexual partners…

The personnel chief of the Federal Emergency Management Agency - who resigned just weeks ago - is under investigation after being accused of creating an atmosphere of widespread sexual harassment over years in which women were hired as possible sexual partners for male employees, the agency's leader said Monday. The alleged harassment and other misconduct, revealed through a preliminary seven-month internal investigation, was a "systemic problem going on for years," said FEMA Administrator William "Brock" Long.

US intelligence chief Coats says no disrespect intended…

'As a former KBG spy, he knows how to manipulate': Hillary Clinton hints that Putin played Trump during the Helsinki summit and questions why the president has not 'spoken up for our country' Coats issued a statement seeking to control the damage from an interview he gave at the Aspen Institute security forum in Colorado on Thursday Coats was on stage at the Aspen Institute taking questions when he was informed by Andrea Mitchell about the second summit Trump has drawn heavy criticism from both Republicans and Democrats over his summit last Monday in Helsinki, Finland, with Putin Sources close to the White House told The Washington Post earlier this week that West Wing staffers were in an uproar over Coats' comments U.S. director of intelligence Dan Coats said on Saturday he in no way meant to be disrespectful toward President Donald Trump during an interview earlier this week in Aspen, ... (more)

700 Club’s David Brody: ‘Helsinki Stinky’ For Trump

On Tuesday, T he 700 Club spent a lot of time during their broadcast trying to figure out why Trump acted the way he did in front of Putin and the world. Early in the show, Pat Robertson described how bad George H. Bush was with off-the-cuff remarks and once they got him handled properly with cue cards he performed well so why wasn't Trump prepared.

Giuliani: ‘No Decision’ on Trump Interview Despite Self-Imposed Deadline

President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that he has "no decision" to announce on whether his client will agree to an interview with special counsel Robert Mueller. Giuliani told The Washington Post in June that he would like Trump and his attorneys to inform Mueller whether or not they agree to an interview "by July 4th," but said that he is "advising him to stay put, to hold our horses a little.

Sanders says she was told to leave Virginia restaurant

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was booted from a Virginia restaurant because she works for President Donald Trump, setting off a fierce debate about whether politics should play a role in how administration officals are treated in public. Sanders tweeted that she was told by the owner of the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, that she had to "leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left."

Sarah Sanders Says She Was Told to Leave Virginia Restaurant

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was booted from a Virginia restaurant because she works for President Donald Trump, setting off a fierce debate about whether politics should play a role in how administration officals are treated in public. Sanders tweeted that she was told by the owner of the Red Hen in Lexington, Virginia, that she had to "leave because I work for @POTUS and I politely left."

Criminal referrals at border halted

President Donald Trump's executive order to halt family separations unleashed confusion in Washington and at the Mexico border Thursday, as Customs and Border Protection said it would it stop referring such cases for prosecution and migrant parents arrived at courthouses in Texas and Arizona wearing handcuffs only to be led away without facing ... (more)

Charles Krauthammer, conservative columnist and pundit, dies

Charles Krauthammer, the Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and pundit who helped shape and occasionally dissented from the conservative movement as he evolved from "Great Society" Democrat to Iraq War cheerleader to denouncer of Donald Trump, has died at age 68. His death was announced Thursday by two longtime employers, Fox News Channel and The Washington Post. Krauthammer had said publicly a year ago he was being treated for a cancerous tumor in his abdomen and earlier this month revealed that he likely had just weeks to live.

Father of the crying immigrant child reveals she and her mother

In a recent interview with Univision, the father of the little girl who has become the poster child for immigrant children being separated from their parents revealed that she and her mother were never separated. In a recent interview with Univision, the father of the little girl who has become the poster child for immigrant children being separated from their parents revealed that she and her mother were never The Washington Post fact-checks some of the statements made by the Trump administration regarding child separation at the Southern border.

Dear Senator Grassley, Don’t Let The FBI Get Away With It

Just over 14 years ago, The Washington Post began dropping its jilted-lover inspired bombshell stories on the Jack Abramoff lobbying affair. The Post's stories led to literally thousands of additional follow-up pieces from just about every publication on the planet.

All five first ladies speak out on family separations at border

All four former first ladies have joined the current one, Melania Trump, in an unusual united political front expressing horror at children separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border. Mrs Obama, a Democrat, wrote those words as she re-tweeted Mrs Bush, a Republican, who first spoke out in an opinion piece Sunday in The Washington Post.

US Democrats intensify fight for immigrant children

Washington, June 18 - US Democrat lawmakers have expanded their campaign highlighting President Donald Trump's administrations forced separation of migrant children from their families at the Mexico border, a media report said. Against a notable silence on the part of many Republicans, the Democratic lawmakers on Sunday visited a detention centre outside New York City and headed to Texas to inspect facilities where children have been detained, reports The Washington Post.