Q&A: Ralph Northam Aims For the Governor’s Mansion in Virginia

The Virginia Democratic gubernatorial primary race between Lieutenant Governor Ralph Northam and Tom Perriello provides the biggest political test yet for the Democratic Party forces that have been mobilized by President Donald Trump's assault on American political norms. Northam is a 10-year veteran of Virginia politics, with deep ties to the state's political establishment.

Sources: Senate intelligence panel enroute to CIA for briefing on Russia probe

Members of the Senate intelligence committee are expected to have a briefing Tuesday at the CIA, sources familiar with the matter told CNN, as part of the panel's investigation into Russian meddling in the U.S. election last year. Members of the committee -- including Chairman Richard Burr of North Carolina and ranking Democrat Mark Warner of Virginia -- were spotted boarding a chartered bus to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

Meet the candidates running for governor of Virginia

The governor's position is one of great power and influence, as the current officeholder, Terry McAuliffe, has demonstrated by breaking the record for most vetoes in Virginia history. However, during the last gubernatorial race in 2014, the voter turnout was less than 42 percent, compared with 72 percent during last year's presidential election.

Virginia Republicans Are Wise To Reject Medicaid Expansion

Despite Speaker Paul Ryan's ill-fated attempt at repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act, Virginia Republicans recently doubled down on their opposition to the ACA and rejected a proposal by Democratic Governor Terry McAuliffe to expand Medicaid. "Every taxpayer should know that we have forfeited $10.4 billion," said McAuliffe at a press conference .

Perriello comes out against pipeline and, in a shift, offshore drilling

Former congressman Tom Perriello, a Democrat running for governor of Virginia, announced his opposition to the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline. RICHMOND - Another contender for Virginia governor took aim at energy suppliers on Wednesday, coming out against two proposed natural gas pipelines while swearing off campaign donations from utility giant Dominion Virginia Power.

Bill that might have meant millions for utility ratepayers snuffed out in Senate

During the first full week of the General Assembly session, there were few bills that held bigger potential implications for Virginians' pocketbooks than Sen. Chap Petersen's SB1095, which was swiftly smothered Monday in the Senate's Labor and Commerce Committee.

Virginia Democrats get their first look at candidates for governor

Former Virginia congressman Tom Perriello speaks at a rally announcing his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for governor of Virginia in Charlottesville on Jan. 5. The crowd had gathered down the hill from Virginia's Capitol to cheer for Obamacare, but what they got was the first public glimpse of the race for the Democratic nomination for governor. The event was one of several pro-Affordable Care Act rallies staged by Democrats around the country, this one featuring Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe and Sen. Tim Kaine.

How to Get Tickets to Trump’s Inauguration

Anyone can go watch Donald Trump be sworn in as president on the National Mall, but a ticket is needed in order to get within about a half-mile of the action. The tickets are color-coded, and ticket holders are required to enter the Capitol grounds through the entry point designated for their color-coded section.

Liberal Dem seeks to upend VA establishment with governor run

Democrat Tom Perriello Thursday joined the 2017 race for governor in Virginia, promising to make sure the commonwealth acts as a firewall to Republican President-elect Trump. Perriello, a former congressman with ties to President Obama , is challenging Lt.

With Democrats Like These…

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was asked by the hosts of Fox and Friends if he was going to change parties and become a Republican and he said being a Democrat has been his identity, but "my brand is being very independent." He then tried to explain to Brian Kilmeade why begin a republican or a democrat shouldn't interfere with being a good American.

Momentum or MoE? Trump up in new NH, VA polls

Has the Donald Trump comeback begun, or have we just picked up on motion within the margin of error? Two new polls out this morning in key swing states suggest that the Republican nominee has picked up some momentum, even if the new entries look more like outliers at the moment. The most stunning reversal comes from Hampton University in Virginia , whose polling put Hillary Clinton ahead by 12 points just four weeks ago.

Waves from Hurricane Matthew batter a boat dock Friday, Oct. 7, 2016, …

Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe has issued a state of emergency for the commonwealth, in order to support relief efforts to all states affected by Hurricane Matthew. "While current forecasts indicate that Virginia will be spared of the worst impacts of Hurricane Matthew, I want to emphasize the importance to Virginians of preparing for the possibility of some hurricane-related rains and minor flooding, primarily in coastal areas," said Governor McAuliffe.

Young Virginia Democrat Registers 19 Dead People to Vote for Hillary

Just yesterday we wrote about an FBI investigation into potential voter fraud in the critical swing state of Virginia after it was revealed that 19 dead people had recently been re-registered to vote . While the Washington Post caught wind of the investigation, it was not known who was behind the operationuntil now.

Meet the Bernie Sanders supporter who admires Tim Kaine but is…

A Bernie Sanders supporter who called Tim Kaine "one of the finest people in politics that I've ever known" is heading up a political action committee for Democrats backing Donald Trump. In 2002, he was appointed as a special assistant for policy in the state's Department of Housing and Community Development by then Gov. Mark Warner - currently a senator from the state and a Hillary Clinton backer.

Correction: Congress-EpiPens-Manchin story

U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin remained mum Wednesday as a pharmaceutical company run by his daughter faced mounting criticism for hiking prices on life-saving allergy injection pens. The Democratic West Virginia senator's daughter, Heather Bresch , is CEO of Mylan, the manufacturer of EpiPens.