The Latest: Senate confirms Shulkin as VA secretary

Supporters of Puzder are launching a campaign ... . FILE - In this Jan. 19, 2017 file photo, Treasury Secretary-designate Steven Mnuchin testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Finance Committee.

The Latest: Senate confirms Sessions as attorney general

The 52-47 vote broke largely along party lines and capped weeks of divisive battles over Sessions, an early supporter of Donald Trump and one of the Senate's most conservative Republicans. Democrats laced into Sessions over his ties to Trump and his record on civil rights and immigration.

Round-the-clock Senate sessions start with DeVos nomination

The Senate will be in session around the clock this week as Republicans aim to confirm more of President Donald Trump's Cabinet picks over Democratic opposition. Democrats intend to drag out the process as much as possible using all the time they can under the Senate's arcane rules.

Can Democrats stop Betsy DeVos confirmation? Sources say unlikely

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Lessons from a Lovefest

You can learn a lot from one largely overlooked confirmation hearing. And WWE mogul Linda McMahon's confirmation hearing Tuesday morning-she's been selected to run the Small Business Administration-was nothing if not largely overlooked.

Under DeVos, Education Department likely to make significant shift on sexual assault

Accompanied by Sen. Tim Scott and former senator Joe Lieberman, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for secretary of education, Betsy DeVos, appears before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for her confirmation hearing on Tuesday Jan. 17, 2017. The confirmation hearing for President-elect Donald Trump's nominee for education secretary underscored the likelihood of a significant shift in federal policy on sexual assault in college.

Nets Hype Dems Testifying Against Sessions Over Racism Allegations

On Tuesday, the network morning shows were thrilled by the prospect of Democratic lawmakers testifying against Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions during the confirmation hearing for the Donald Trump cabinet pick. However, none of the broadcasts bothered to recall that those same Democrats once eagerly worked with the Alabama senator on civil rights issues.

Gov. Nikki Haley to visit Capitol Hill in preparation for confirmation hearings

Gov. Nikki Haley will be on Capitol Hill later this week to meet with many of the senators who will determine whether she gets to be U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Haley's deputy chief of staff and spokesman, Rob Godfrey, told The Post and Courier that Haley would "meet some senators as a part of the confirmation process."

Sen. Scott: Justice Thomasa story should be told at African American Museum

South Carolina's first African American U.S. senator has asked the Smithsonian Institution to reconsider their omission of Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas from the exhibits in the new National Museum of African American History and Culture. I was saddened and extremely disappointed to learn that the museum excluded the celebration of one of the nation's most influential African Americans and preeminent legal minds Smithsonian officials did not have any immediate comment on the request for Sen. Tim Scott .

The Haley Effect: How governor’s new U.N. job shakes up S.C. politics

Gov. Nikki Haley was supposed to leave the Statehouse when her second and final term in office ended in January 2019. Haley's confirmation as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations could come soon after President-elect Donald Trump's Jan. 20 inauguration - setting off an early seismic shift in the Palmetto State from the next legislative session to the 2018 governor's race to the upcoming presidential elections.

Gov. Nikki Haley picked to become UN ambassador, sources say

President-elect Donald Trump is picking South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley to become his U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, The Post and Courier has learned. The move, expected Wednesday, continues the steep political rise of the daughter of Indian immigrants that started six years ago when the Bamberg native was elected as South Carolina's first female and minority governor.

Trump’s implosion might be blessing in disguise for GOP

In the hours that have followed the revelation that Trump has used vulgar and aggressive language about women in 2005 - a moment caught on a live mic and likely not the last of similar instances to flow from opposition research against him - the least traditional presidential candidate in American history was felled by an American political tradition: the dreaded October surprise. From the sidelines of soccer fields to college football game tailgates in southwestern Pennsylvania, supporters of both Trump and Clinton had plenty to say about the revelation that, 11 years ago, Trump said something very vulgar about a woman.

Charlotte Police Say Video Shows Keith Lamont Scott Had Gun in Hand When Shot By Police

ABC News is reporting that police in Charlotte, NC have confirmed that video shows that Keith Lamont Scott had a gun in his hand during the altercation with police officers before he was fatally shot. Initially, the family stated that Scott was carrying a book.

South Carolina party chairs beat vitriol with friendship

In this Sept. 8, 2016 photo, South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Jaime Harrison and his GOP counterpart, Chairman Matt Moore, laugh after a recent voter education forum in Florence, S.C. In a year of intense polarization and partisanship and in a state known for its rough-and-tumble politics, Harrison and Moore actively work to cut through the partisan bull, while still supporting their parties' candidates.

Races about Race

His latest-telling African Americans that they are doing lousy so "what the hell have you got to lose?" is his way to promisea nothing. He has no legitimate policy changes he swears he will implement to change black youth employment numbers Trump will do very well with uneducated white voters in former slave states, supposedly.