Bernie Sanders to campaign with Tammy Baldwin

Baldwin announced Friday that the former presidential candidate will appear with her at a rally in Eau Claire on July 14. Baldwin's race is a top target for Republicans. State Sen. Leah Vukmir and Delafield management consultant Kevin Nicholson face each other in the GOP primary to be decided Aug. 14. Vukmir was holding a rally Friday with House Speaker Paul Ryan and U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, both of whom recently endorsed her.

Senator Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin Is Seeking Reelection

Baldwin, 56, is also gearing up for a reelection campaign that some are calling "Going into the 2018 cycle, I think for many, many reasons there's more interest [in the midterms]...[And] so many issues impacting young people are getting really strong public view," Baldwin tells "[When I was starting out] so many people were sayinga 'young people don't vote.' " Well, I couldn't get elected to office if young people didn't vote."

Excerpts from recent Wisconsin editorials

Illinois is worried that elaborate new barriers to stop Asian carp from invading Lake Michigan will bog down cargo shipping in its busy canals. The health of the Great Lakes is far more important to all of the Midwest and Canada than the parochial economic interests of shipping companies in greater Chicago.

Facing anti-Washington winds, Senate Democrats point to home

Feeling no relief from anti-incumbent Republican primaries, Democratic senators in GOP-leaning states are working to convince voters they're free of Washington's stigma. The Democrats seeking re-election this fall in states Republican Donald Trump carried - the battlefront in the fight for Senate control -are portraying themselves as independent actors and known entities in hopes of inoculating themselves against Republican accusations that they are lockstep obstructionists to Trump's agenda.

Sen. Tammy Baldwin talks about late mother’s opioid addiction

Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin, who is running for re-election this year in Wisconsin, opened up Tuesday about her mother's mental illness and prescription drug addiction, in a moment of candor Baldwin hoped would empower others with similar experiences to come forward. "This epidemic hits close to home for me and for so many others," Baldwin said, sitting across the table from a Milwaukee woman who also told her story of her father's struggles with addiction.

US Sen. Baldwin talks about late mother’s opioid addiction

Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, left, tells for the first time publicly the story of her mother's mental illness and addiction to prescription narcotics during a conversation with Morgan Thomas, of Milwaukee, as she runs for re-election, on Tuesday, May 1, 2018, in Milwaukee. Thomas's father struggles with addiction and Baldwin had never previously told the story of her mother's problems which led to her being raised by her grandparents.

Democrats see Wisconsin as proving ground for party revival

Margo Miller thanked her hosts, covered herself in a blue plastic poncho and headed back into the driving sleet Saturday morning, with more doors to knock on in this rural subdivision but with another new volunteer's name on her clipboard.

Republican Governors Association books $5M for Walker ads

The Republican Governors Association said Monday it has booked $5.1 million in television ad buys for the fall in Wisconsin as Gov. Scott Walker warned on conservative talk radio that winning re-election will be more difficult than when he overcame a recall effort in 2012. News of the large ad buy comes after the Democratic Governors Association said last month it was spending $20 million in Wisconsin and three other battleground states that have Republican governors - Michigan, Nevada and Ohio.

POLITICSWisconsina s Cage-Match Supreme Court ElectionA November tune-up. Ed Kilgore

Center-left candidate Rebecca Dallet and conservative Michael Screnock will face off next week in a technically nonpartisan election for a Wisconsin Supreme Court seat. Scott Walker's fight with his state's judiciary over his efforts to avoid two state legislative special elections - which he has now abandoned - hasn't been the only Wisconsin news involving judges or elections.

Tammy Baldwin talks with police, others at roundtable on drugs in La Crosse

Just when police in the La Crosse area thought they had almost eliminated meth as a major drug problem, it has made a comeback. That's what La Crosse County chief deputy Jeff Wolf told Sen. Tammy Baldwin and others at a drug roundtable held in La Crosse on Monday.

Walker reaches to center in volatile Wisconsin

Not long ago, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was the voice of a conservative revolution in the heartland, a Republican at the vanguard and a possible future president. Today, he's the voice of concern, warning his party - at home and nationally - that change is coming again.

Baldwin searches for right path to keep key Senate seat Source: AP

Sen. Tammy Baldwin was back home in Wisconsin, talking about guns, health care and other issues before a politically minded luncheon crowd, when one of her Republican challengers rose to confront her. Why, state Sen. Leah Vukmir wondered, had Baldwin voted against the GOP tax overhaul that cut taxes for the middle class? Without a hint of irritation at the ambush, Baldwin quickly flipped the question, pointing out middle-class relief would be temporary and blaming the tax changes for a northeastern Wisconsin paper company laying off 600 workers.

Baldwin searches for right path to keep key Senate seat

In this Feb. 22, 2018 file photo, Republican Senate candidate Leah Vukmir, standing, asks a question of Democratic U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin during a luncheon on in Madison, Wis. Vukmir is one of two Republicans running in the primary for a chance to take on Baldwin in the fall.

Poll: Democratic incumbents trail in five Senate races

Last year at this time, many Republicans were optimistic about the opportunity to pick up enough Senate seats in 2018 to approach, or maybe even reach, a filibuster-proof majority - i.e. 60 seats. After all, ten seats held by Democrats in states carried by President Trump would be in play.